Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1106: King Rao Ming

Yayoi Sakurai's class is relatively smooth today, and the teachers may have been notified by the school, so after entering the classroom, he began to inadvertently look for the location of Yayoko Sakurai.

Then when the class bell rang, the teacher tentatively asked Sakurai Yayoko: "Then I started class?"

Sakurai Yayoko calmly said: "Go ahead."

The students in the classroom are a bit ignorant. They still saw this kind of class for the first time. But even more ignorant than them is the teacher, not only ignorant, but also a little flustered.

The power and energy of Shenji are no longer ignored if they want to ignore it. Ordinary people still have an unknown fear of practitioners. As if practitioners will ignore life, the teacher is afraid that Sakurai Yayoko is unhappy. Shouting people to cut themselves off.

In this regard, Yayoi Sakurai was also helpless. She was not killing innocent people indiscriminately, but she would not bother to explain to the teacher.

Her status has been determined. No matter whether it is praise, suspicion, or even defamation, she can no longer try to explain anything like ordinary people in the past.

However, there was a problem with the classmates around them. They all guessed that Sakurai Yako was only coming to school because of Hiroki Kajiyama.

Some students whispered below: "Who have you seen Kajiyama Hiroki?"

"No, he usually wakes up very early and enters the classroom very early. I really didn't see it today," someone said.

The students are wondering, what is the case, Yako Sakurai came to school, but the result is that Kajiyama Hiroki is gone ...

At this time, Lu Shu was sitting in the back seat. He looked at Nakagawa Yaji: "How do you feel you are nervous?"

Nakagawa Yaji seems to be stimulated: "What am I nervous, the person who should be nervous is you!"

Lu Shu patiently comforted: "Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, it's okay. By the way, how long will we have?"

"Negative emotional value from Nakagawa Yaji, +666!"

I have to say that now Nakagawa Yaji is really nervous. The closer he gets to his destination, the more disturbed he feels in his heart. This kind of distraction is inexplicable.

Nakagawa Yazhi thought about it all of a sudden, and he suddenly realized that it was Lu Shu who was acting too easily ...

Suddenly, Noda Seiko said: "We are doing this for the tiger ..."

As a result of this sentence, the position of the slave's mark on the wrist was painful, and Noda Shengzi almost drove the car to the roadside store!

This is not that someone deliberately controlled the slave mark to cause pain, but Noda Shengzi had a thought of betraying the slave owner, and the slave mark automatically punished him.

Lv Shu looked at Noda Shengzi with surprise, but didn't say anything.

At this moment, the vehicle came to a remote place and stopped. Lv Shuxian is now a medium-sized city, but the words "closed" hang on the city gate.

This is definitely not a normal closing, after all, this morning has not yet closed, so ... the slave owner is hiding inside.

"Get off," Yagawa Nakagawa said coldly, and he stared at Lu Shu to prevent Lu Shu from doing anything unusual.

As a result, Lu Shu didn't plan to run at all, but pushed straight open the door and walked in. The door was not locked.

Just entering the door, the light inside is not bright. A middle-aged man sitting behind the counter is eating snacks ...

Lu Shu froze, and the middle-aged man also froze. Lu Shu asked for two seconds, "Is it delicious?"

"Negative emotion value from Li Junyi, +199 ..."

At this time Lu Shu was stunned because, first of all, he didn't expect the other party to appear as a snack. Secondly, he didn't expect that he still felt a little familiar with this Li Junyi! However, even with a snack in his hand, Lu Shu could not feel the lovely breath from the other party, only the fierceness.

Under what circumstances did you meet each other while you were in Lu Zhou? ! Lu Shu's memory has always been excellent, but he has seen too many people in Lu Zhou, and it may make a little impression to just glance at it, but he doesn't have to remember all of them.

The energy fluctuation of the other party is a level. According to the description of Yayoi Sakurai, the square face, the eyebrows are thick and messy, and the triangular eyes are indeed the ones that had dealt with Yayoi Sakurai.

The middle-aged man calmly put down the snacks in his hands and stood up: "Did they not tell you what to do?"

With that said, Li Junyi turned his attention to Yagawa Nakagawa and Sonko Noda, and Yaji Nakagawa quickly explained: "We told him that we are kidnapping!"

Li Junyi snorted: "Two wastes."

As soon as the words fell, Nakagawa Yaji and Noda Seiko fell to the ground in pain, and the mark of the slave was made!

Lu Shu turned around and wondered: "Where have I seen you? Have you been to Wangcheng or Nangeng City?"

At this time, Li Junyi was shocked: "What are you talking about, why do people in your ancestral home know these two places, have you ever been to Wangcheng and Nangeng?" ? "

Yaji Nakagawa endured the pain and shouted: "Master ~ ~ This kid is too arrogant, please sanction him!"

At this time, Nakagawa Yaji felt that his punishment was also due to Lu Shu, so he hoped that the slave owner would let Lu Shu enjoy the same pain as him.

In Yagawa Nakagawa's opinion, this slave owner's strength is as high as a level, pinching this Kazuhiro Hiroki is like playing!

Li Junyi looked at Lu Shu with a somber face, sneering, wanting to know why Lu Shu knew Wangcheng and Nangeng City. Nakagawa Yaji still endured the pain and cried, he felt that Lu Shu was dead, he looked at Li Junyi while struggling ...

However, at this time, Lu Shu suddenly changed back to her own appearance, and Li Junyi knelt on the ground with a thump at the time: "The king is forgiven!"

Yagawa Nakagawa: "???

Noda Seiko: "???

"Negative emotion value from Li Junyi, +999!"

"From Nakagawa Yaji ..."

"From ..."

Yagawa Nakagawa feels that he really can't understand the world today, even if a meat ticket is so calm, even the master, what are you doing? Master, get up ...

However, Li Junyi was lying on the ground and really didn't dare to move. If he can move now, he must first kill Nakagawa Yaji and Noda Seiko.

Say yes to kidnap an ordinary person. Say yes to confirm that there is no danger. How did you bring this back?

Why do you bring him back, do you bring it back to send Lao Tzu on the road ...

Li Junyi feels that he is really sitting at home, the disaster is coming from the sky, the two of you still abduct others, are you crazy? ?

Lu Shule said: "It seems that you really know me."


I ’ll wait a minute later, by the way, ask for monthly tickets

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