Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1162: Death interview

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Lv Shu is about to collapse, and in such a strange ruin, I have also encountered such a group of exotic cattle chasing myself for thunder ...

I'm afraid no one in the whole ruin can have such a bizarre encounter? ! Someone may not believe it!

And he found that the communication between the two parties should not be due to the glance of the eyes, but to the other party's cattle as if they have the ability to communicate with each other. Bookmark this site┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛

Lv Shu knew that Xiao Xiu had the ability to speak after he had reached Yipin, but those he had encountered before did not, such as Gu Lingfei and Duanmu Huangqi. At the beginning, Lu Shu asked the Yulong class to straighten them, and he was a product of life. Also can't speak.

It is for this reason that Lu Shu feels very strange when he hears Xiao Xiu's speech. What kind of species is this Xiao Xiu?

Now, although these cattle cannot speak, they have the ability to communicate with the mind. Are they special or what?

Isrel and others hid behind Lu Shu and shivered. At this time, Lu Shu looked at the bison herd, and the bison herd looked at Lu Shu. As a result, the two sides stood so quietly. After ten minutes, the bison saw Lu Shu. I didn't plan to bring them thunder anymore, so I flicked my tail and trot away ...

Hey, Lu Shu was a little surprised. He originally wanted to see if these cows would attack themselves because they couldn't eat thunder, but now it looks like the other party is quite docile? !

I don't know if Lu Xiaoyu's gift of imperial beast can bring it out? Lu Shu always feels that although these black bison do not seem to be offensive now, they can't take advantage of it if he really fails.

At the beginning, Lu Shu and Lu Xiaoyu discussed that the creatures that Lu Xiaoyu could drive before were only single digits. Later, he was promoted to the second grade and became double digits. Now the Grandmaster of the first grade and later does not know how much can be driven?

This ruin seems to be particularly suitable for Lu Xiaoyu.

Hearing the hoofs of the bisons leaving, Isleel dared to open their eyes and leaned out from behind Lu Shu: "They are gone? How did they go?"

Lu Shu thought about it and said, "Should I call them back ?!"

"Negative sentiment value from Israel. Moore, +666!"

"From ..."

Isriel's face changed: "You call them what they are doing."

"I'm sorry to hear your tone," Lu Shutai said.

"I just can't understand why they came over and why they left so easily, why didn't they attack us?" Isreal explained angrily.

Lv Shu smiled: "It's a good thing not to be attacked in the ruins. It doesn't make sense to find out after all, curiosity will kill people."

"I am a reporter, and of course I have to maintain a strong curiosity!" Isriel defended.

Suddenly, Lu Shu was interested: "It looks like you are really famous in North America. Who is the most famous person you interviewed?"

"Saints, have you heard of it?" Isreal proudly.

Lu Shu almost blurted out that I had beaten this person ... He nodded and nodded and continued to ask, "Who else?"

"I also went to Northern Europe to interview the bishop of the Faith Theory Department and Francisco!" Said Isreal.

Lv Shu froze for a while: "You are an interview with death ..."

The celebrities you have interviewed with are all dead? !

"Negative sentiment value from Israel. Moore, +666!"

"From ..."

Isreal was embarrassed for a long time: "How can we judge the battle in the spiritual world, even if they die, their name will still be left in the history of spiritual practice."

"Huh," Lu Shu said absently. The people interviewed were all folded into the hands of Tian Luo Di Wang. He suddenly asked: "Have you interviewed the people of Tian Luo Di Wang?"

"I want to interview, but they refused to interview!" Isriel said in an uneasy way: "In the whole practice world, Tian Luo Di Wang is the most mysterious. Last time I secretly photographed a Tian Luo Di Wang person, he actually took my memory card. Confiscated! Do n’t accept my interview! "

Lu Shu thinks this is a basic operation, and you must confiscate your memory card. You are a death interview. You are walking!

As a result, at this time, Isreal suddenly became interested: "I heard that the ninth day of also came to Huangshi National Park. He must be in the ruins now. If I can interview him, I will definitely be able to name Raise the world! "

Lu Shu's complexion suddenly became strange: "Do you know what Luo looks like on the ninth day?"

Isriel was frustrated again: "I haven't seen him. He is too mysterious. A powerful and mysterious man will make people yearn for you," said Isler. Lü Shu gave a glance here: "You have been in your life Nor can he be as powerful as him! "

"Well, you are right," Lu Shu said politely.

"However, no one was interviewed, and they can still communicate with their foreign affairs office. I also actively contacted the foreign affairs office of yesterday. I asked them why they chose to send Luolushu on the ninth day this time. "I'm very afraid of this Tianluo," said Isreal: "Some people even said that sending the ninth Tianluo to the ruins is a very unhumanistic thing!"

Lu Shu's eyes lit up: "How did Tianluodiwang reply?"

Isriel said: "He said, they can't stop ..."

Lv Shu couldn't laugh or cry, who said that, Hao Zhichao? You Mingyu? Zhong Yutang? !

The Foreign Affairs Office is now under the control of Yu Mingyu!

By noon, Isreal hadn't eaten for a day, and hadn't even drunk water, and all blisters came out of her feet. Isleael himself had the blisters broken and broken.

At this moment they suddenly saw a shadow on the far side of the left shaking, and it seemed that there was a group of people walking towards their side.

Isreal suddenly became excited. It was like drifting in the sea for more than twenty days and finally seeing the land!

It's just that Lu Shu has frowned. He is a grand master, and of course he can see the expressions of those people at a glance.

Maybe Isriel did not realize who they were from, but Lu Shu had seen that in the team of seven people, four of them were all women Behind him.

The three practitioners are all third-grade C grades, while the women are ordinary people, and only one is a fourth-grade practitioner.

Lu Shu has judged the situation of these women, but Lu Shu is not surprised at this phenomenon, he has seen it before.

But what made him wonder is why so many ordinary people have entered the ruins?

Isrel said that the scope of the ruins suddenly expanded, but Lu Shu didn't know how much the ruins had expanded!

Here, without the original social order, humans may also become beasts, which are more dangerous than those of bison.

At that time, people will feel that they are a bit indistinguishable, who is human and who is the beast.

At least none of the bison herds attacked humans.


Asking for monthly tickets ~ Asking for monthly tickets ~ In the future, when I cast a monthly ticket, I will encounter members who are all members!

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