Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1177: Not in the old town waiting for you!

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Lu Shu looked at Isler ’s disbelief in their eyes and was a little unhappy: "Why, I do n’t think my translation is good. You translate it yourself. The Chinese language is profound and profound. Can you understand it?"

The black chiefs made it clear that they knew something was wrong with the translation, but they could not analyze the problem. After all, they did not know that they had confessed the wrong person, nor did they know that the real ninth day Luo was translating for them!

Isreal said to Lu Shu: "You ask him, can I interview him?"

Lu Shu thinks this is a bit inappropriate. After all, you have your own weapon of causality. All the big people in the practice circle you interviewed are dead. Although the young man is not himself, the other party is wearing the name of the ninth day Luo ...

By the campfire, there was silence in the camp, and everyone was stunned by what the "Ninth Tianluo" suddenly drove. The fastest update ┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛

But everyone thinks that this ninth day Luo does not seem to be as tooth-acheful as the legend, does this seem to be quite kind?

Suddenly someone whispered at this moment: "Isn't the ninth day Luo looks like a beautiful show, it's not pretty at all, it seems to be different from the legend?"

Lu Shu was black at the time. He looked for his voice and wanted to see who said it ...

Someone said, "That's all word of mouth. Who can say it accurately, we haven't seen the ninth day Luo."

Isreal looked forward to Lu Shu, but at this time, the mysterious young man suddenly interrupted everyone and said, "I just wanted to ask one thing."

The voice in the camp stopped slowly. Lu Shu translated faithfully this time, and at the next moment, the mysterious young man suddenly took out an ancient scroll to open and show everyone a picture inside.

Lv Shu was stunned. At this moment, he was very sure that this mysterious young man must be some powerful creature in the ruins.

He was glad that he still had his identity hidden until this moment, because he did not know that this mysterious youth was an enemy or a friend!

The painting was very simple, someone sketched it on rice paper with a brush ... corpse dog! Fuya! Turn the gourd!

Only these three, Lu Shu would not admit that he was too familiar with these three things.

The other people in the camp looked at each other. Since they had never seen Lu Shu, they certainly had not seen these three gods, so they did not understand what it meant for the mysterious young man to spread out this scroll.

The mysterious young man smiled and said: "Have you ever seen anyone who uses these three kinds of gods? If so, please tell me, I will send him a chance!"

Lu Shu translated: "Have you seen these things, if you have any, please tell me secretly ..."

As a result, everyone in the camp shook his head, saying that he had never seen him.

Body language knows no borders, and the mysterious youth has also seen the answer from the faces of everyone. He has been observing everyone ’s expressions and worried about Lu Shukeng. As a result, it seems that Lu Shu should be faithfully translated. And the puzzled expression, the logic is very smooth.

It's just that the mysterious youth has observed one person less, that is Lu Shu ...

If he had been staring at Lu Shu just now, he would find that Lu Shu's pupil contracted sharply just now!

Lu Shu casually asked: "Are you looking for the master of these three things?"

"Yes," the mysterious youth nodded with a smile.

"Is there anything to do with him? We can help if we see it," Lu Shu said.

The mysterious young man tilted his head and thought about it, and suddenly smiled: "Also, please tell him, I will wait for him in the old city outside the forbidden area."

With that said, the mysterious young man turned back and walked back into the darkness without hurting people or other purposes, just to find Lu Shu.

If Lu Shu had not been able to determine whether the ruin existed for himself before, he can be sure now.

Everyone in the camp was stunned, and others asked cautiously: "Now day Luo just left? Let's leave before the pit ?!"

Isler looked at the direction of the mysterious youth's departure with a sorrowful look. She felt like she was meeting with Ninth Tian Luo this time.

And Lu Shu fell silent. He wondered what the identity of this mysterious youth was, but where was the old city?

The other party probably knew exactly what would happen when the ruins were opened, so the other party changed the modern dress of the earth to find the person who must appear when the ruins are opened this time: Lu Shu.

Why is the other party sure that he will appear? Lu Shu felt that the mysterious young man was unfathomable. He didn't even dare to test the other party at random. Until now, he didn't even know the name of the other party!

Lu Shu felt that he should leave. He now needs to find a way to leave the forbidden area, then find the secrets of the remains, and get all the clues about this mysterious youth.

Perhaps all that the mysterious youth knows is the meaning of coming to this ruin.

Suddenly, the black leader asked, "What did he say to you that he hasn't translated yet?"

Lu Shu oh came back to God: "He said you must say the ninth day Luo's good words when you go out, praise him handsomely, say others are very good, very approachable and amiable."

Black leader: "..."

Isrel: "..."

Everyone in the camp was hungry for a day, and at this time, there was no time to tangle with the episode just now, and quickly went to divide the bear meat.

For Lu Shu, all the details in that scene are very important, but for these people, it is really just an episode.

At this time, Isreal did not move, and Lu Shu asked curiously: "Don't you adore him the most, why not follow him?"

Isreal shook her head: "The gap between me and him is too big, and his strength is so strong that even ordinary people like me can feel it."

Lu Shuxin said that it was so mysterious, whoever came out with a brown bear in the middle of the night, everyone would feel that he was very powerful ...

Lv Shu laughed: "The gap is too big to give up?"

Isrel sorted her mood and smiled at Lu Shu: "It's more reliable to be with you."

"It's not that you wait for a while," Lu Shu was not happy: "What do you mean, is there no difference between you and me?"

He Lu Xiaoshu, his ninth day Luo, can't stand this grievance!

It did n’t take a while ~ ~ The black leader suddenly came to Isreal with a piece of roasted bear meat. He smiled and said to Isreal: "You dusted your face so I did n’t I recognize you, but your companion has told me that you are Isreal, the famous female reporter. "

With that said, the black leader looked at Lu Shu disdainfully and was extremely provocative.

Lv Shu frowned. Did the two colleagues of Isrel sell his message in exchange for food? He had not forgotten the whispering scenes of the two cameramen and black leaders.


There is one more late

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