Spare Me, Great Lord!

Chapter 847: Old truth

Yun Yi's first question brought Li Xianyi back eighteen years ago. She asked who actually told the puppet master information to the Foundation.

This is an old case. It must be said that this matter was completely confidential on the puppet master ’s side, and they could not escape without secrecy, but the question is how the Foundation has kept their exits so accurately?

How do people in the two worlds know the news?

Li Xianyi looked at Yun Yi calmly: "I'm afraid I can't tell you this, I won't be honest with you about those old things until I haven't figured out your intention. Now the uproar seems to be caused by you, everything It ’s like you did. Now that you ’re speaking these words, how can I believe you? ”

There is no basis for trust between the two sides. After being hostile for so many years, it suddenly seemed to be reconciled. How is it possible?

Yun Yi shook his head: "I'm afraid you don't know yet. Many of the information the other party told you are wrong. We are not here to invade the earth, saying that the return may be more accurate, but we are not too malicious for humans. "

"Wrong?" Li Xianyi calmly said: "Then what is right, how can you prove it?"

"The first thing I want to say is that we are not from the land of exile," Yun Yi laughed. "One spirit is rich and abundant, and the territory is vast. Even the bottom class has a strong body, and the other is exhausted. Many powerful creatures have even gradually disappeared due to the exhaustion of aura. Where do you think it is the land of exile? The earth is. "

Both Li Xianyi and Carol were stunned. All they knew was the puppet master. They came from the land of exile, and wanted to reopen the passage to the earth for their king. It was like an alien invasion script. what.

How did the plot suddenly change suddenly now, they even learned from each other that the earth is the place of exile!

"Since the earth is a land of exile, why do you come?" Li Xian frowned.

"This matter has nothing to do with you, and we have no comment," Hu Zhihan said with a smile: "Too much knowledge, not good."

Although the smile is honest, but what he said is still domineering.

Yun Yi also smiled: "The things involved are not related to the earth first, so you don't have to worry, but I can tell you some other things that need to be kept secret."

When saying this, Yun Yi gave Carol a glance, and Carol was in deep contemplation. She always felt that Yun Yi was hiding something at the moment.

At this moment, Yun Yiyu was shocked: "The earth is now fragmented for a reason. Previously, its rule power was not as fragile as it is today. At that time, it would not cause any turbulence if it could knock down the mountains and fill the sea. "

Li Xian was stunned. Was there really such an era, then why can't Nie Ting just get promoted to Shenzang Realm now? These puppet masters knew too much of the ancient secrets, but the human heritage was almost broken.

"People have roots, so do the world, and the earth is fragile, because someone has taken the world tree out of the ground, and the world tree has nine roots under its roots, and it goes up to the sky, but when someone pulls the world tree up to the other world , Here began to fragment, "Yun Yi said.

Carol suddenly froze. This thing ... was actually related to her. If there is no wrong guess, the world tree in his palm now ... maybe the one that was taken away that year!

It turned out that Yun Yi's glance at her just told her that she must remain silent.

When Carol was about to fall before, not many people knew it was because the eternal splinter had shattered. Later, after obtaining the World Tree, she did not publicize why the world was reborn, so the outside world did not know that the World Tree was in her palm. In that world.

It's just ... Why did Lu Shu appear in the hands of World Tree before she was given to her?

When this matter was involved with Lu Shu, Carol planned to remain silent. Karol knew that the World Tree was in her hands, and she had more than once entered the world where the World Tree was kept to feel the power of the World Tree.

Every time when he saw the towering giant tree, Carol was convinced of the ancient myth: there were tens of thousands of races who could live on the tree and live with each other.

A leaf of the world tree is larger than Carol's whole person, that is a real fetish.

Moreover, Carol also believes that the world tree has been uprooted, because she has seen broken roots under the world tree, and it is still stained with old mud.

At this time, Li Xianyi was shocked and inexplicable. The truth of the world was like this, but what kind of powerful person can uproot the world tree? If this thing is true, it is too scary!

Suddenly Li Xian thought, Was it the thing that the other party said that Wang Qian came out, if the truth is so, then the other party's king really came to earth, who can stop him? !

"How do I believe that what you said is the truth? After all, this matter is too old!" Li Xianyi said.

However, Yun Yi looked at Carol with a smile, and Carol was silent for a moment: "It's true, but I can't say why I know."

Because of Lu Shu ’s relationship ... Li Xianyi trusted Carol, so when Carol confirmed it, he believed 70%.

Yun Yi calmed down and asked, "After we had a companion who stayed, did you confirm that he was dead?"

Li Xian frowned: "Ok, six of us have killed him together."

"Where is his body?" Yun Yi asked.

"It's gone," Li Xianyi shook his head. "Don't your people take his body away? We didn't see his body when we went back to find it, but it was a little strange, and there was no blood on the ground There are many strange places on the scene. "

"How many people know this matter?" Yun Yi asked ~ ~ plus me, a total of 8 people, "Li Xianyi believed Yun Yi a lot at this time, but also decided to say some secrets.

"Where are everyone now?"

Li Xianyi recalled: "Too long ago, they either had an accident or died of illness, and now I am the only one left."

"Are you ... really sure he is dead?" Yun Yi frowned. "Or are you sure that he was killed in reality, not in a dream?"

In the dream? ! Li Xianyi fell into contemplation.

Sometimes when people laugh at others, they ask if you live in a dream.

But Li Xianyi was very clear that Yun Yi did not mock him, but ... really confirmed with him!

"His name is Zemeng," Hu Zhi said. "The best thing is dreaming, even pulling sober people directly into dreams."

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