Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 955: Is it hard to say sorry

"You said nothing!" Do not want to be denied this identity, let alone be looked down on by everyone, South Dakota did not restrain his emotions in the solemn mourning ceremony shouted. ranwenranen

She has obviously passed such rigorous training and elimination before she became a great battleship dam. Even if she has no brilliant record, no one can deny that Washington is just a battleship dam. Why should she replace the admiral to make a decision? ?

Washington was a ship mother who was very strict with herself and others, so she didn’t know how to take care of others’ feelings, so even if she rescued South Dakota twice, she still made the other person very disgusted with her. Because of South Dakota’s performance, Make Washington disapprove of her more and more.

"I will report the matter here to the Admiral, and I will also give advice on the disposal. You can also appeal to the Admiral. I naturally have no power to stop you." Washington placed white flowers in Anthony and Bray In front of En's tombstone, he flicked his hands and left.

Missouri, who has just arrived, can't help but look at the scene with the company. The contradiction between the two men is already on the bright side. If it can't be reconciled, it will be a factor of instability in the fleet. Previously, South Dakota only unilaterally hated Washington. However, Washington certainly hates South Dakota now. If we want to rule out the contradiction of the risk position, it may be the only option to retire one of the ships.

If you choose one of the two, you know how to choose. South Dakota can’t compare with Washington in terms of strength and fighting will. Even if the advisor doesn’t let her retire, she may not have a first-line battle sequence in the future. Important area.

No one would be willing to partner with a ship-mother who might abandon her comrades to survive alone, and no one would expect her. This is a stronger blow to mentality than retirement.

Everyone looks strange in South Dakota's eyes. Even Liaoning, who is a bystander, chooses to stand on the side of Washington, and has no sympathy for South Dakota.

Feeling that she was being watched by countless pairs of indifferent eyes, South Dakota had never felt lonely like now. She lived in a noble family before becoming a ship maiden. It was a Liga galaxy that originally lived in North America, and later with Europa The colonists from the galaxy reached a compromise and continue to the present ancient family. Her skin color is not only sunbathing, but also has the family’s genetics in it. As the most beloved little daughter in the family, as long as she wants Everything is basically satisfied, and since then she has developed her spoiled and sloppy personality.

She became a ship maiden because of a very vulgar reason. She didn’t want to marry the marriage partner arranged by her family, so she ran away from home and became a ship maiden. How could a star domain indulge the ship maiden, the ship maiden training base at that time It is also a place where Xu Jin is not allowed to leave. Even if the South Dakota family has the greatest wealth, it cannot affect the navy as the country’s most important weapon.

The failure to compete with Lexington for the Admiral was South Dakota’s first blow, and what she could not accept was that the Admiral directly proposed to Lexington regardless of his love, and the latter did not take the initiative at all. In the first blow, South Dakota hated Lexington and led Saratoga without anyone guiding him. He gave a cold face as long as there was a chance.

The second annoying person is Washington because she was hit by the combined fleet during the Parkfield Star Wars. However, fortunately, the hull did not produce a chain explosion, and the lost power source became the target of the combined fleet attack. Washington, who traveled together, took advantage of the opportunity she was attacked to reap the battleships of the United Fleet. The glorious record of the battle was built on South Dakota, so not only did South Dakota not appreciate Washington, but he was grudged about it.

Of course, she also has a flashing moment, that is, when she went out with the enterprise, she played a strong air defense ability, and tried her best to protect the safety of the enterprise so that she could fully exert her strong attack power. Although the war let the joint fleet get Victory, but it prevented the momentum of the other party's crazy attack, which laid the foundation for the victory of a star domain.

South Dakota has always been proud of her performance at the time. Her excellent air defense capabilities have also been affirmed by the Admiral. It is said to be as solid as an iron curtain. Only a battleship can be used to protect the aircraft carrier. This makes South Dakota’s performance. Ability is greatly questioned, so recognition of honor is not common.

South Dakota believes in companies but hates Washington. Both are teammates fighting side by side, and both chose the best plan in the war, but South Dakota is stubborn that the company is very strong, and Washington is just a bad guy who will grab the head. This is her wayward concept of right and wrong.

The company will send her to protect Saratoga, the basic judgment is based on her original protection of her excellent performance, but did not expect South Dakota to face torpedoes and carrier aircraft so unexpectedly different.

If there was no protection from South Dakota, the astral fleet that was at a disadvantage might be more seriously damaged. Even she would fall under the attack of the ship's mother, such as Xianghe, and there was no chance to write a legend.

So when everyone started to question South Dakota, the company went over and dragged her away from the crowd.

Seeing that no one else was around, South Dakota's red eyes were finally overflowing with tears. She sobbed and leaned in the arms of the enterprise and said: "Enterprise, I was really scared at that was not intentional To abandon Saratoga, if she is you, maybe give me some courage, but she is Saratoga, Lexington's sister!"

Knowing that she is a girl with a sense of dedication, the company does not blame her as much as others, but just softly comforted: "I will also explain to the Admiral from my point of view today, you don’t have to worry about Washington."

"Hmm..." South Dakota just felt a touch of warmth, and his tears flowed to the chest of the enterprise, but the words of the enterprise disappointed her.

"Apologies to Saratoga when she's ready. Washington is the one who saved you. You should also apologize to her. Everyone will forgive you."

South Dakota immediately pushed away the enterprise and wiped away his tears with a cruel voice: "I don't want, why do you even say that to the enterprise!"

"Is it difficult to obey, saying sorry?" The company saw that South Dakota was still so stubborn, he couldn't help sighing, "The rescue fleet can't be messed up now, don't you even want me to listen?"

"I know you guys hate me because I killed Brian and Anthony for my reasons, but let me apologize to the two guys Saratoga and Washington, I would rather die than want to!" South Dakota shook him heavily With tears in his head, he gritted his teeth and said, "They died because of me. I should have died. Then return this life to them!"

The company didn't expect South Dakota's reaction to be so intense. Before waiting for her to say anything, South Dakota started the ship-mounted engine alone and flew to Xinghai, while also cutting off all communications.

"Stop it for me!" The company is faster than South Dakota. If you catch up, you can easily catch it, so I immediately started the ship-mounted engine and flew to the deep space. At the same time, I sent the message to Liaoning and said directly without explaining the reason. I’m going to chase South Dakota, and you’ll hurry up after you get it right.”

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