Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 960: Expect

South Dakota's bombardment hit a local destroyer and easily destroyed it. At the same time, an inexplicably cold chill chilled in my heart. It seemed that there was a similar feeling just now that I was guiding myself over. It is already fighting the enterprise again. Huo Ranwen

Her heart regained hope for the future. This chill was easily covered by her fiery dreams. She should not only be the shadow behind the enterprise, but also stand with her at least.

South Dakota’s attack slightly prevented the advancement of the abyssal fleet, but as more abyss frigates entered the battlefield, Liaoning faced increasing pressure. When the carrier-based aircraft contracted to a certain range, she could not use the wide space to pull To prevent the other carrier's aircraft from approaching, fortunately, South Dakota exerted its own strength, quickly annihilating the approaching leaky fish with powerful anti-aircraft firepower, the two battled and retreated, and did not give the abyssal fleet the opportunity to contain the encirclement.

The rescue fleet led by Liaoning arrived at the battlefield very quickly after full-speed voyage. This carrier-based aircraft was not inferior to the control of the enterprise and the company's ship mother immediately reversed the unfavorable situation immediately after entering the battlefield. The frigate air defense of the Abyssal Fleet itself had many flaws. The enterprise They were not suppressed because the number gap was too large. With the help of Liaoning and York City and the Hornet, the advantage of quantity was no longer on the side of the abyssal fleet.

"South Dakota, don't you run around this time?" Washington is not the kind of ship mother willing to guard beside the aircraft carrier. She feels that the destroyers and light cruisers have already done a good job, so they have reached the front of the formation. The powerful artillery and precise fire control skills killed the frigate of the Abyssal Fleet. There was a sense of relief in the eyes of South Dakota, but in South Dakota's eyes it always felt that it was a kind of irony.

"I will defeat you!" South Dakota shouted, clenching his fists.

Washington, who had sailed ahead, turned back and smiled coldly: "Come on."

After that, Washington's naval gun once again locked an abyss destroyer, and it was no surprise that it fired into a firework.

South Dakota looked at the enterprise. The enterprise did not need her to guard herself when the offensive and defensive reversal, and nodded toward South Dakota: "Go and prove yourself."

"Washington, wait and see. I must destroy more abyssal warships than you!" South Dakota rushed out after getting permission.

The abyss fleet that failed to seize the opportunity to destroy the enterprise and South Dakota has missed the fighter. When Liaoning led the fleet to appear on the battlefield, they were already preparing to evacuate.

In fact, although the plan to attack the enterprise and South Dakota was drafted temporarily, it was not a baseless Hu Lai. After drawing out the power that can be adjusted in the joint suppression fleet, the comparison of the combat power of the two sides should have been able to take advantage of the enterprise and the After the internal conflict in South Dakota, the fishermen took advantage of them to kill them, but the company stopped when it was preparing to destroy the power source of South Dakota. A South Dakota that could not move and still needed the care of the company was completely different from a South Dakota that could provide air cover and attack the frigate. Concept, this is the root cause of their planned flaws.

The war creativity and uncertainty that the human warship is full of are the most lacking things in the abyssal fleet. At that moment, the enterprise can flash the light and feel that the ambush of the abyssal fleet is the most true portrayal, so the abyssal admiral will only find ways Eroded the powerful human warship mother to own.

When Liaoning came to the company, the fleet had completed its suppression of the abyssal fleet, the air combat air superiority had been achieved, and the opponent’s battle line was not their opponents in Missouri, Washington and South Dakota. The victory was a foregone conclusion. I'm in a mood to discuss other things.

The company looked at South Dakota, who was full of fighting spirit and wanted to compete with Washington. He smiled and said: "What a young girl."

"I have finished more than your time in service, so I am also a young man?" Liaoning said expressionlessly.

"You are different, you are a genius." The company smiled and complimented the latter, "What do you plan to do next, I tried to search for the whereabouts of the joint fleet, but did not find any traces. The abyssal fleet controls the area to the universe. The restraint of the flow of information is too strong, shall we let this abyssal fleet follow them to see if we can find the whereabouts of the joint fleet."

Liaoning shook his head and said: "Since the abyssal fleet does not want us to find the joint fleet, this fleet will not expose any traces even if they are all annihilated. Since we launched the rescue operation, the tactics of the abyssal fleet have been no longer as rigid as they used to be. In addition to flexible tactical application, changes in submarine ambushes, misguided and clearly defined offensive plans, plus just inducing South Dakota to leave may also be a tactic, so we should pay enough attention to avoid Saratoga’s The crisis is repeating You are right, then please order the commander." The company smiled and saluted.

Although the enterprise is very cynical, Liaoning has no doubt that she will violate her orders, and after solving the unstable factors of South Dakota, she has full command of the rescue fleet.

"Washington, South Dakota and York City continue to pursue the fleeing abyss fleet, whether they want to use this remnant to lead us or lead them into an ambush. The rest of the main fleet will continue to search according to the newly adjusted search direction. This place You can already smell the **** flames of war. As long as you can find the trace of the battle between the United Fleet and the Abyssal Fleet, you can basically determine their current location." Liaoning said firmly, "I have a hunch, they are in This area is only blocked by the abyss fleet to block our information channels, so I can’t feel it. After going back, we need to sum up the experience of this expedition. ."

The company did not have much confidence in this, and hesitated and said: "Xiao Meiyan has gone to the bright galaxy, and now there is no news, can we develop the corresponding technology as soon as possible without her?"

"Surely, she and Yue Zhong are the kind of smart people who will arrange everything to take care of their own affairs. Even if Xiao Meiyan is gone, her scientific research team is still there. Even though Li Peiyun launched the rebellion, Suppression, but I must have learned some of the essence of Xiaomei Yanmorong Technology." Liaoning said, "but he was held by Veneto. We want to regain the lost ground as soon as possible, and Veneto Cooperation is inevitable, and your advisor may be in a delicate position."

"After all, Yue Zhong is still there."

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