Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 978: The sword is not off the sheath, the benevolent is invincible

Although she never asked Qi Xiaomeng where she came from and what her identity was, but after a few days of getting along, Isabella could guess that she was an outsider. 【No Pop-up Novel Network】.

She always talks about Yue Zhong, but she has no special reaction to the name. Perhaps it is related to those who secretly contacted Ulster, but for Qi Xiaomeng, she is neither an enemy nor a friend.

Unconsciously, I came downstairs to a fighting club. This is where Isabella often came and went during her study at the Royal Naval Academy. But now that she can't find her opponent, she may not have been here for a long time.

"Want to go in and see?" Isabella generously invited in front of the door.

Qi Xiaomeng looked up, and even the war in the Asia Galaxy could not hide her eyes, not to mention the scene in a club: "I have no experience in fighting, and I am not good at using fists."

"Oh?" Isabella always thought that Qi Xiaomeng should be the kind of human and animal harmless girl, even if she has some incomprehensible abilities, it will not be used to harm anyone, but listening to what she said, Qi Xiao Meng is not a battle, "You are good at weapons? Melee weapons or shooting weapons."

Qi Xiaomeng showed a nervous expression and quickly waved his hand: "You shouldn't want to fight me, I won't fight."

"It's a fight, not a fight." Isabella didn't like Qi Xiaomeng's words.

Different words naturally represent different attitudes. Qi Xiaomeng is really not good at fighting. In her view, any form of armed confrontation between two people is a microcosm of the brutal genes in human civilization. This kind of thing will always bring Many sorrows, together, form a vast magnificence, which is called war through the long history of human history.

"Combat always has its disadvantages," Qi Xiaomeng insisted.

Isabella thought she was a little naive and shook her head. "Some problems are only solved by fighting. If someone asks you nothing, they will kill you. You will not have time to talk about your truth. You can live to the present. You probably don’t have the ability to protect yourself."

"I... can't remember it." Qi Xiaomeng smiled slightly, "only know that there will always be someone to protect my safety and protect my psychology. I don't want to hurt anyone, so will I actually fight? It doesn't matter."

Isabella didn't say anything anymore, and she didn't take Qi Xiaomeng with the fighting club. The other party was obviously more interested in humanities, arts and architectural design, but she always wanted to try Qi Xiaomeng's fighting power.

"That was before, what should you do if you are in danger now, although... although your temperament is difficult for others to kill you, there will always be such a person." Isabella Contemplating silently in his heart, "Even if you don't want to offend anyone, the natural identity is a sin in the eyes of others. Like those ship mothers, when Veneto they still sway the regime, other ship mothers who are loyal to the country will You will be suspicious. Now you are also an outsider. With Yue Zhong as a precedent, how can you do without the ability to protect yourself?"

The sunlight between the shaded forest roads became thinner and thinner, and the fragrance flowed in the middle like a quiet long river. There were few pedestrians on the streets outside, and there were fewer people deep in the forest park until the canopy was completely covered In the sky, Isabella, who was leading the way, stopped.

"I still want to try it."

Qi Xiaomeng knew Isabella what she wanted to do when she followed Isabella into the forest park, but Isabella was not malicious. She wanted to try her fighting ability but came from a caring angle.

Hearing Isabella saying this, Qi Xiaomeng can only sigh: "Why are you so stubborn."

"Most of the people walking on the martial arts are like this. What about your weapon? Take it out." Isabella's hands don't know when she had put on the black light gloves. She didn't wear her own armor, otherwise Not fighting but murdering.

The long axis of Qi Xiaomeng's history has long fallen somewhere in the era of Fantasy Township. Not only is there not a memory of Yue Zhong, but also the absolute force of countless historical accumulations.

Unwinding and drawing, the imprints of countless eras are countless kinds of immutable powerful forces. The energy they converge into an axis is how vast and magnificent, but this long axis is not beside him, Qi Xiaomeng can not use its power .

Isabella thought it was unrealistic to expect Qi Xiaomeng to attack if she didn't do it first. After not seeing the weapon appearing in the opponent's hand, she punched and punched.

The strength of her movement was so strong and the atmosphere, the grass and trees were dragged under the fist, and the blow of the punch had already set off a violent wind, blowing Qi Xiaomeng's gorgeous dress and hunting.

Isabella's offensive has always been unprecedented. In the face of Qi Xiaomeng, who seems to have no hands, he has no mercy. The intuition of the warrior tells her that the other party cannot be really that simple, so she has to do Is to confirm this.

Even if you never hurt anyone, and have compassion and love for everything in the world, there will be people who want to hurt you after all, let me see how far you can counterattack.

Qi Xiaomeng's black eyes looked at Isabella's fist that shone with black light. She was close to her. Her fingers were gently buckled up in a half-grip form, and she lifted up unconsciously, hiding it in her body. The paintings rise like floating sculptures. They are painted as a sword in the sky. The endless blades are hidden in the simple scabbard, only the sheath but not the sheath. The sharpness of that point will shine. Glory in the world.

The brave is afraid, the wise is confused, and it is not satisfactory until the extreme. If you have no fear in your, then the brave is fearless, the wise is not confused, and the good people in the world have the least self-protection, but its The extreme is also the same as the two, with as many concessions as there are sharp edges, and it has its own final form.

That is called, the benevolent is invincible.

Isabella suddenly felt that her fist suddenly lost the target of the attack, and stayed dull under the light of the sword. After her eyes confirmed the reality, Qi Xiaomeng held the silver-like long sword half hidden in In the sheath, the section showing the front cold stopped steadily in front of his neck, easily allowing him to be somewhere else.

It was just a defeat by one move. Even when facing Yue Zhong, it was far from such a powerlessness. Qi Xiaomeng’s sword was as perfect as flawless in nature, then it was not a sword trick that people could use. Dismantling can't parry, and any attack appears dull and slow under its absolute degree.

"What's the trick?" Isabella stared tightly at Qi Xiaomeng's eyes.

Qi Xiaomeng put the sword into the sheath, and then the words and paintings that turned into fragments disappeared, and she shook her head blankly: "I don't know, so naturally."

Isabella didn't doubt that he was there, nodded and said, "If you have such a sword, then I can rest assured."

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