Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 982: Cross-satellite combat plan

The strategic direction has been determined, and the next step is to plan the details. This time the Soviet Union will not participate in the battle as the left-behind warship. When she is really awake, she will also plan the attack and defense of Au Xingyu after Veneto leaves. Plan, but other I starship ship maidens are still waiting for Veneto's mission. 【No Pop-up Novel Network】

Veneto held her hands in her red high-heeled shoes with a cold and proud look. As a ship mother, she did not need traditional information terminal deployment tasks. In a military meeting without ordinary human participation, she could fully conduct detailed operations through the combat command network. The strategic plan: "This battle is not only a comprehensive attack on the Po star field, our army will also directly attack the S star field Caucasus star zone across several star fields, so the defense deployment along the way and the refugee relocation must be carried out at the same time. The expeditionary fleet will also bring in the newly enlisted warships, and you, as your predecessors, should set an example."

"Except that Andrea Doria will follow me all the way to the Caucasus Starfield and converge with the Goben fleet, you will each be responsible for a defensive mission in a region. Our aircraft carrier ships are all recruits who lack combat experience, this time It is not only a severe test for their experience, but this time they can pass the test to become a qualified ship mother."

When holding a meeting, Veneto was not allowed to do anything irrelevant, such as smoking, drinking, and drinking coffee, but after speaking for a while, she moved involuntarily. Thinking that there is no coffee to moisturize her throat, she could only squeeze. With his bright lips, he continued: "Cut off operations is not only a matter of defending a good position. When the cut-in operation is completed, it will immediately launch a clearing operation to clear the abyss warships in the large encirclement circle, unless an opportunity to fight the abyss fleet is sought. Terminate the plan."

"This operation has certain risks, and it must be completed before the main attack of the abyssal fleet. I don't want to see any failures that cause the operation to fail. The specific defensive task is arranged below, Litorio."

"Here!" The girl with brown hair and brown hair quickly stood up and responded.

"The first-level offensive goal will be to take over Warsaw as the end point. You will lead the fleet to defend based on this. While facing the abyssal fleet, the Soviet Union will be surrounded by the formation of the G star field, and only the half-boundary area will be used to carry out conventional defensive operations. Veneto glanced at Litorio, nodded and said, "Odin will defend with you, but her status as a non-combat battle sequence should not be commanded too much for the time being. Although the ship's mother is young, she is also decent, Take control of yourself."

Litorio said a military salute: "Lead a life."

"Po Starfield is the frontline support, and the fleet I equipped for Litorio is also the most powerful. The next step is the extension of coordinated defense and offensive, Rome, Empire!" The starfield defense fleet commander appointed by Veneto They are all sisters of the same model before. After all, the previous I Starfield battleships had only eight ships in the end, and their four Veneto-class battleship ships were the leaders.

Rome and the Empire also stood up at the same time waiting for Veneto's order.

"Rome is responsible for the Luke-Napoca star half-boundary defense. The main focus is on supporting Litorio and the joint attack direction. The empire stationed Bucharest star provides our army’s front-point support across the Black Star Sea. The responsibility of the Ro star field is handed over. Here you are," Veneto said, raising his eyebrows.

"Reassure sister." Two sisters of the same class used to like to call Veneto the head of the elder sister like Andrea Doria, but when the Soviet Union appeared, they changed their name to sister, and it seemed that it was shorter than the Soviet Union. It looked like.

The Black Star Sea is a dangerous area densely covered by black holes and supernovae. It is located in the middle of the Ro, S and T stars. There is no human civilization, and it has always been regarded as a forbidden area, but Veneto is obviously It is to cross this star sea and reach the Caucasus star area as fast as possible.

"Cayo Duirio."

Andrea Doria’s over-developed and weak sister didn’t expect to have a chance to be named. After a moment of stunnedness, she learned to stand up like other warships: "I, I am here."

"During the battle across the Black Star Sea, you and Taranto and Zara formed a fleet to return to the B Star Zone halfway. When our army successfully reached the Caucasus Star Zone, it immediately cooperated with other fleets and T Star Zone troops to clear the enemies in the encirclement." Veneto urged, "Our army's advancement will definitely lead to a large number of enemy forces chasing along the way, and the abyssal fleet will not still be cut off by our army, so while undertaking the defensive task, their main force will inevitably follow our army. The direction of the attack is spread out. When the counterattack battle of the Caucasus Star Zone starts, the enemies in the encircling circle will inevitably gather in large numbers with the border of the T Star Zone. This preset raid must hit it hard. Can you guarantee the completion of the mission?"

Cayo Duirio, who always felt that he would be serious about soy sauce with his sister, was not prepared to stand alone. When he heard Veneto's appointment, he panicked and turned his helpless eyes. Andrea Doria asked for help.

As a result, without the support of her sister, Andrea Doria glared fiercely. Andrea Doria organized the devil-like training of the ship ladies during the reconstruction of Veneto. Among them, the requirements for her sister are also the most stringent. Now that it is time to test her results, even Veneto is willing to believe that Cayo Duirio can take on this task. She naturally fully supports it. Demolition?

" I know." The timid like a bunny, Cayo Duirio, who would be startled even by the stare of his sister, dare to oppose Veneto's arrangement , Only daringly agreed.

Veneto naturally understands that there is a certain risk in handing this important task to Cayo Duirio. If Giulio Caesar is still in the fleet, she will definitely entrust this task to her instead of this timid Girl, as for the other newcomers in the Flame Alliance that have not yet grown up, they don’t need to consider at all. There is no real main ship in the fleet of the Afrikaans and Antalikos. If there is no one to choose from, So decided.

"I don't need you to cut the melons and vegetables with the fleet and generally solve the abyssal fleet in the encirclement circle, but hold them as far as possible, and let the friendly forces attacking in other directions shrink the encirclement circle to compress their activities to a certain range. "Veneto reassured, "Now that the warship is dead, there is no chance to come again, so everyone protects themselves."

The topic was a little heavy, and all ship mothers bowed their heads in awe. Veneto stood up and patted the table to encourage: "The arrival of the Soviet Union must have made you feel stressed, but ship mothers like her are in the seven galaxies. There are many more, if every one of them makes you more unnecessary, there will be a possibility that I will be aerial in the future, and I Starland will also lose its dominant position. I don’t think you are willing to see that scene. Appears, so go ahead and use this battle to prove your worth."

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