Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1006: Everyone's weakness

   The white mist is surrounded by flowers, but there is only a scent of flowers and white stone tea table. The topic of Ulster makes the atmosphere here suddenly heavy, they are all those who know the ending. ??

   "Did you know?" Yue Zhong looked at Ulster with a little surprise. He could say the name of the action accurately, and he probably knew more than he thought.

Ulster sneered: "After all, I am the Admiral of eStar, and not Chester? William, the boy who was controlled by the Parliament and restrained. Even if the Queen was recalled to house arrest, she did not dare to really move me. Some things I can’t hide it if I want to hide it. Since you can infer, why can’t I?”

   "Do you think he knows?" Since Ulster mentioned Chester? William, Yue Zhong then asked.

Ulster shook his head and said: "Not necessarily, he does not have the pressure like me, and the foundation is shallow and stays in the ASEAN galaxy for a long time. Even if there is really something wrong in the a star field, he can only be aware of the hindsight. "

   "Perhaps." Yue Zhong was not sure, but only said with uncertainty.

The conversation between the two was cloud and misty, but Hood, who was listening, grasped the key information. The top executives of e-star and a-star seemed to be planning a very radical action, and they avoided the navy admiral and the ship girl. , The target of the action cannot be their enemy, then they can only be themselves.

   Actually, his admiral has not lost his confidence against foreign enemies. What he has lost is the expectations he once had. The e-star domain is no longer on his side. How can the broken interior resist the rising foreign enemies?

The ship’s military gendarme with the mech as its core has not yet been formed, but it was subjected to Xiaomeiyan’s strong interference without a spur. However, the conservative old forces did not give up the attempt to regain control of the ship’s mother. The Admiral and the outsider are now, they deserve to be the best group of people in this world, but...

The Admiral will compromise, not disappointment after losing his expectation. He must find someone who can break this situation, because he cannot see himself and other companions of the Royal Navy being abandoned and calculated by his own country. Yue Zhong, who has the issue of the ship's military police, is the best choice.

   is because of himself, from the beginning to the end is because of himself, just said such a decisive thing just now, he must be sad?

Ulster didn’t know what Hood was thinking. He and Yue Zhong didn’t have much time. Using the court to force Yue Zhong to appear in front of him, he didn’t want to waste time with him. Unable to form, he will not accept the harsh conditions of Yue Zhong: "I must come back and say your bottom line."

"Twenty years, twenty years of cosmic time, eighty years in another world, you can come back after eighty years." Yue Zhong felt that there was a danger that he was constantly condensing between the fog and the fog Ulster has too much nonsense.

   This is Ulster’s unavoidable weakness. The Judicial Tribunal and him are only a mutual utilization relationship, and they will not pity his helplessness. After using it, he will only abandon it. He must independently change this insurmountable future.

   "The deal, how are you going to do it?" Ulster said.

Yue Zhong looked at the deepest part of the thick fog and looked at the direction when he came: "VV can surely guess this thing. To mobilize all its ship mothers to act together, there must be a sufficient reason. The only possibility is to communicate with the abyss. The final decisive battle stage of the main force of the fleet prepares the Royal Navy’s ship mother to prepare for the VV, and you should also leave after completing all of this."

   "What about you?" Ulster originally thought that Yue Zhong would come here with complete confidence to get away. Now it seems that he did not plan accordingly, and his response to the crossroads operation is no longer in his plan.

Speaking of this issue, Yue Zhong looked at Ulster with a bad look: "I have my own affairs to deal with. Do you really think the court is so easy to fight? You have your unavoidable weaknesses, why am I not? ? Now I'm going to face the biggest weakness in my own life, you don't have to add chaos, otherwise VV won't let you go."

   Ulster nodded in satisfaction, he could finally pull back a city on Yue Zhong: "That's good, walk slowly, don't send."

   Yue Zhong drank the drink in one bite, hit a long hiccup and then got into the dense fog.

   This outsider left, and did not seem so confident on the surface. He walked hurriedly or even a little embarrassed. Perhaps he was not well afterwards, and the challenges he faced would only be greater than Ulster.

   "Hood, wouldn't you be sympathetic to him?" Ulster looked at the sad and strange expression on Hood's face.

Hood nodded, knowing why: "His words and deeds describe his unhealthy background. It's similar to what you used to be. It's just an ordinary person, but if you can have today's achievements, you must have experienced many. Things, there must be a lot of sadness in such a person, right?"

"It's not as good as you think. It seems that he has let me go. In fact, it may not be really planned in my heart. Action at the crossroads is the ultimate turning point in this world. Chester and I may not be able to be in full body in the game. And retreat." Ulster's gaze was blocked by dense fog and could not be seen too far, but it must be ruined on the invisible London All this was caused by Yue Zhong He is always the most terrible enemy of eStar. Hood will sympathize because she is a gentle and kind girl, but Ulster will not have any sympathy for him.

   "I understand that I just want to listen to this story, but if I can survive, I can hear more stories." Hood was full of anticipation.

Perhaps the pride of eStar has fallen, but the glory of the Royal Navy has not faded. Respect for opponents is also its own glory. Hood is the best representative of this glory, even if it faces the betrayal of a loyal country and the queen. Still calm, even facing the opponent who once wanted to put her and her admiral to death is free and easy enough, she never loses her attitude, gentle and elegant like a model in the textbook.

She will surely guard this glorious Royal Navy together and walk to the end of her life. After 80 years of waiting, it may have been separated by heaven and man. At that time, Ulster may have entered a stable middle age, but it was already in Many lives have been exhausted in the war, and Hood, who has served for many years, has been extended for a certain period of time after she gathered the ships, but she may not be able to wait until that time.

"Admiral, be prepared for this long trip. When you come back, the grand world of e-starry will not fall sharply under our care." Hood has begun to prepare to pack luggage for Ulster, it seems I have a strong confidence in the action at the crossroads, so I can only think about it. When Ulster leaves this time, no one can take care of his things: "In the future, you must take care of yourself, and no one will urge you to sleep, no Someone will urge you to take a bath, and no one will cover you with a quilt..." 8

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