Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1021: Avant-garde

The joint fleet cannot take Zhu Zhongxue's true glory, because the arrangement before Zhu Zhongxue's death has begun to show its effect. The negative effects of all previous operations of the joint fleet are attributed to his deceased admiral.

Such a shameless behavior is a common thing in J Starland, and the public will not believe that this will be the idea of ​​those ship empresses. Now that the snow is dead, that is the criminal who has concluded the coffin, and the return of the ship empresses will be struck. Under the banner of the new era, the defamation of the red change forces cannot deny the blame for Zhu Zhongxue, because this is also a matter of their vigorous propaganda, but they never thought that Zhu Zhongxue would die so simply. Not only can it not be overthrown, but also the ship ladies who cooperate with the joint fleet continue to cover up.

So the joint fleet can return by force, but they can’t go back with Takeuchi in any case, or even let others know that Takeuchi’s body is still in their hands, he should sink and float in the endless sea of ​​stars, that’s the one Sinner's due destination.

"Sister Longmen, how to deal with the body of the Admiral? It is uneasy to give it to C Starfield or bury it in Vladivostok. Thinking about the worst, it may become a person with ulterior motives to deal with our pawns. "This question was raised by the secretary ship Dadian appointed by Nagato. The white-haired girl meant to ask Liaoning to arrange for someone to secretly take Zhu Zhongxue's body to his hometown for burial.

After thinking for a long time, Nagato rejected this proposal, and the United Fleet was about to reach the cusp of the storm. At this time, no handle could be left. The other aspects of the J-Star after the red transformation were nothing special, but they were very strict in internal review. Repatriation and burial by Liaoning may not be able to escape their inspection.

"I will ask Veneto to help send the Admiral's body to the Roman Star for the time being, where it is temporarily safe." Nagato waved a strong decision, "There can't be a funeral for the Admiral here, countless eyes are staring For us, the return of Blowing Snow must be kept strictly confidential. She only returned when we launched the battle of restoration to J Starland, understand?"

  Odian held the black framed glasses and pushed the long black hair that fell to the ear to the back of her ear. A ray of light appeared in her eyes: "It's time for counterattack?"

"We still have to wait for a news from Mu Luo. If we can be sure, we will immediately counterattack J Xingyu and recapture everything." Nagato Shen said, "Let J Xingyu resurrect in our hands is the ultimate wish of the Governor, no matter what happens. Things and costs must be completed."

"Then the attitude of the A-star navy must be considered?" Dadian often serves as a secretary ship. The thinking angle has always been very comprehensive. She is very clear that the biggest obstacle for J-star to regain J-star is not S-star or red change government. Instead, heavy troops are deployed in the A-star navy in the theater.

Nagato has considered the interests for a long time, and now tells Dadian that she is also one of the decision-makers: "Our army is currently in a state of post-war rest, and the A-Star Navy will not be too strict on our supervision once the attack is launched. It will end with a thunder, and the Liberation Fleet of Liaoning will buy us time."

   "What kind of news do we have to wait for Mutsu to determine the action plan, do we make the deployment first?"

"Wait for her... to find trust." Nagato suddenly remembered something, adding to Dadian, "You need to play a person when necessary. I think everyone in the seven galaxies should be afraid of this existence, even They are suspicious and they dare not act rashly in front of her."

  Odian has heard more than once that he looks like her, but can he really imitate her temperament? And Nagato wants to do what he wants.

   In the end, she did not ask. After all, she was just a secretary ship. The really important decision was not made by a light cruiser ship mother. Naruto would naturally tell herself if she felt that it was necessary.

   At this moment, Mu Xiao, who got the trust of private contact information from Xiao, is sending out the special information that the joint fleet once marked to the horn again and again. She sent it through Xiao's path. As long as she can receive it, she will answer it.

However, the trust at this time was accompanied by the Suhrbato performing a defense handover mission at the border of Au and Po star domains. She was under the overall command network, and really responding to the communication of Mutsu will only put her own small The secret was revealed. Although Sukhbaatar was a natural middle-aged and sick-headed fool, the Soviet Union was not easy to cope with. The trust has always been afraid of the drunken white-haired demon all day long.

A small fleet drove from the far side of the border. This is the first time the Royal Navy has carried out military operations without the knowledge of the Queen of Star E. Naturally, it will not send too large a fleet, but this time it is also the Royal Navy. In the true sense of military cooperation with the heavy flame fleet, they also sent a weighty but little attention to other ships.

"The Royal Navy battleship avant-garde, requesting a defense line handover with the heavy flames Federation non-Sukhbaatar fleet, this is the authority of the Admiral." The avant-garde is a replacement for the lion-class battleship that was once stopped. Now the lion-class battleship is installed on a large scale. Instead, she became a transparent figure in the fleet ~ ~ but Ulster seems to trust her very much, so this time the task is left to her to complete.

The other party’s flagship is a ship lady with traditional blonde hair in the E-star field. She is wearing a blue-rimmed gold shawl and black boots. Her waist is only tied with a golden belt. Her back is covered by the ship’s outfit. Generally bold and avant-garde, just a cloth with an arrow flag in front of him, from naked underarms to white skin of thighs, and half-stained double peaks from neck to chest.

   The avant-garde face has male fortitude, but the fiery figure shows the feminine femininity everywhere.

"Verification is correct, this defense zone will be handed over to you later." Although Sukhbaatar is the flagship, she is more like a mascot when she is not fighting, and it is Kirov who is responsible for negotiating with the avant-garde. Like Dadian, he entered the fleet decision-making team as a light cruiser.

The avant-garde came to undertake more tasks. The Royal Navy sent her to try to establish a basis for cooperation with the Federation of Heavy Flames. Although this time I could not see the Soviet Union or even Veneto, it could not just be a simple handover: "Colonel Kirov, I still have some things to understand."

   According to the Soviet Union, Kirov did not intend to entangle too much with the avant-garde, but the other party had already circumvented herself. In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, she could only stop and say, "What's wrong with the avant-garde?"

   "The Admiral wants to know Marshal Veneto's current trends. He doesn't want Veneto to take the same risk as Yue Zhong." The avant-garde brought Ulster's warning to him, and he naturally wanted to have direct contact with Veneto.

   Kirov thought but shook his head helplessly: "It's too late."

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