Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1023: Outside the world

Trusting her thin body to stand up, she has been completely relaxed since receiving the sentence from the Soviet Union, but she did not expect that the Soviet Union would choose to forgive and accept her. Thinking deeper, this may also be a joint fleet. It's an endless game of courage and boldness.

   "Maybe." Trust nodded, "So you always knew."

  The Soviet Union was sober at this time. She reached out when she believed that she should most need to rely on, wanting to get the surrender of the legend of the destroyer completely, but now she seems to be affectionate.

The ship’s mother returned to the ship’s mother. This sentence was not easy at that time. Trust was the victim of being involved in the political struggle. At that time, J Star Domain failed after all, and the only ship’s mothers were assigned to the battlefields of the abyss. In a battle like the original i-star navy's death to blow up the star, there is no hope, no future, and no mercy. The trust in such an environment is lost even her original name. How can she still fight the s-star navy Have a sense of belonging?

The only thing that made her miss the past was the United Fleet, even though her admiral at the time had no temperature, but she still had many sisters and people who supported each other. She believed that she had expectations and fantasy, but now her dream was broken. Shattered.

   may have trusted to meet a new friend, the girl firefly who dreamed of becoming a magician, but now that the firefly is dead, he is always an unknown person, or don’t have friends.

   Therefore, with a word of relief and forgiveness from the Soviet Union, how could she easily open her already frozen heart?

   "Lieutenant General of the Soviet Union, I still have tasks to perform. If you do not intend to punish me, I will go to the avant-garde."

  The Soviet Union can't say anything. Her qualifications are far shallower than her trust, and her experience is even more inevitable. At this moment, her heart only sighs, but she cannot empathize.

"Come on for yourself, maybe in the future the people of the combined fleet will have the opportunity to explain to you clearly that you don't belong here after all." The Soviet Union looked at the thin figure in trust and said, "But this time it was a decisive battle, I don't know how much will die People, how many veterans in the battle that are looking forward to the future, and how many new people will move forward with dreams and beliefs, but your luck and strength should not die easily."

   "Everything is destined."

The game of the seven galaxies has reached the stage of the show today. All the people who should not exist have left or disappeared. The leftovers are handed over to the humans who belong to this world and belong to this era. Which undoubtedly played the role of the protagonist.

The scene that Yue Zhong wanted to achieve was finally realized. The ship ladies gained the freedom they longed for, and stepped forward step by step in the glory of the new era. When the first sound of j star domain came, the matter There is no room for manoeuvre. When Liaoning’s Liberation Fleet was blocked before the A Star Territory naughty attempt to interfere in the J Star Territory Civil War, it was also forcing the last powerful fleet of the Seven Galaxy to make a historical choice. , Or become part of the glory, or become the dust of history.

  Chester William is seeking a broader future and the dominant landscape. He has also faced the situation of coexistence in the same day. At that time, he did not have the courage to stand up, then this time he did not get angry.

  Facing the blockade of the Liberation Fleet and facing the corner of Lexington's clothes, he gave no order.

   He is like Alster. With the tenderness of the tender and perfect girl, they can't be alone. At this point, they lost to their men's defeat, Zhu Zhongxue.

The battle of the star field officially started, and no one can stop it. At its most intense moment, Veneto also broke through the heavy blockade of the abyssal fleet and reached Moscow Star, finding the answer to future war for all mankind. Their efforts are in The seven galaxies set off the most violent storm, as if to destroy the entire world and reshape it.

   Their affairs are destined to have a result. Whether everyone is good or bad, at least everyone has put all their efforts into this, but there are still some people in this world who have paid everything but can't see the future.

   It is a void that has no light, no stars, and even nothing. The meteor-like aircraft shuttles silently in it, and it naturally lacks the glory of the meteor.

   This place is far quieter than death. If there is death, at least it has been noisy.

Xiao Meiyan has never been so good to look at the existence of the material plane group from the outside. It is not a glorious existence in the void, but it is twisted into a group of poisonous snakes like terror and grim, one plane will be It is a piece of snake scales, hard and stubborn, deeply rooted in the void, just like humans are a tumor on an ecological planet. The so-called material plane group may also be a tumor that is difficult to remove in the wider void.

Does    come out of such a place? It seems that the so-called sin and darkness are nothing more than insignificant scratches on the scales. All light and upright or mean and shameless are actually no difference here.

   "What's wrong, haven't you seen it before?" A sound of high heels came from afar, and Xiao Meiyan woke up a little, only to find that the tea she was holding was already cool.

Chia early dynasty came over and talked to herself as usual, she didn’t really care about herself that much, but she was afraid that she would run away. No matter to the Pan Plane or the Valkyrie Rangers, Xiao Meiyan seemed more valuable than she thought. It's also important.

"In the past, when it was empty, we couldn't exist as a human body, so we couldn't use the naked eye to see what our hometown looks like." Xiao Meiyan held the teacup with two Drink the cold tea.

   The tea water moisturized some of her dry lips. This kind of feeling is real. It is not as weak and nervous as in the past, as if the thought will dissipate at all times.

"It's been a while, some of our projects about Morong Technology have been broken through with your help. I have to thank you for this." Chizen Zaojia is holding red wine, but it's **** red, even No alcohol at all.

  Xiao Meiyan raised her lips and sneered: "But there are some things you dare not let me touch, this is your attitude of gratitude?"

"It hasn't been that time, I won't let go so easily without squeezing out the use value of your genius." Chizen Hayao said, squinting with a smile instead of a smile, "but I'm not the one who will only give verbal thanks , Tell you one thing, Yue Zhong was arrested."

   "Huh?" Xiao Meiyan's slender eyebrows jumped. She couldn't be indifferent to Yue Zhong's affairs.

   "I thought he would be killed directly, but now I was just arrested. If you need me, I might be able to rescue him and reunite with you, so you should be able to work at ease."

  Xiao Meiyan turned her head, her deep purple eyes tightened, and her dark voice remained unchanged: "No."

"You are still so stubborn until now, and you are all the same. You will not obey the arrangement of others." The fingers that Chiu Zao had stretched out the bulkhead of the aircraft, gently in the void, the war of the seven galaxies. It was fully displayed in front of the two of them, "But do you think they can bring freedom to you and Yue Zhong based on them? Too small to look at the general plane." rw

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