Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1051: The final war-lost

San Francisco’s defense line was unintentionally declared lost, and after the retreat, the human coalition moved into the vast Pakfi Sea, relying on the naval base there to continue to fight against the abyss invasion.

However, encountering the grudges of the former ship mothers, it is difficult for every coalition ship mother to face the abyss special ship temporarily, not because of the desperate power they possess, but because they are from the void After being born and substituting into the material world to find similar and long-sleeping souls, the sorrow and empathy between the same kind of people will make it difficult for the ship's mother who is determined to be as steel to be brave to face.

Those distant souls undoubtedly accepted the will of the abyss to help it destroy this world that used or even enslaved them. Perhaps there is not only grievances, but also the brilliance and kindness of humanity, but the abyss special warship is selective These elements are eliminated, and all that remains is the same warfare and hatred as the Abyss Bismarck.

This is all of the abyssal type ship mother, born in the fate of the void, into the soul of material, half of the greed engulfed by the original consciousness from the separation of the mother, and half of the hatred generated by the ship’s nap in the material world in despair Resentment, this mixed consciousness will obviously not be a stable structure. The abyss special ship maiden can be said to have been reborn in the dark side of the legendary ship maiden, or it can be said to be more and more mature independent of the abyss admiral individual.

The real difficulty for the human coalition is their former, and the former legendary warships are like a portrayal of their future destiny. If it were not for the presence of two outsiders, Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan, it was not Veneto The birth of this soul figure who raised the banner of rebellious human rule may be their future ending.

Like copying and pasting, there will be no changes from the past to the present. The beginning and end have already been written, and the process cannot be changed any more.

Let them fight against the abyssal special warship with extremely negative emotions, as if they are helping the murderer who controls their own destiny to suffocate their future. Even if the awakening of the warship girl allows them to persevere in fighting, their minds are affected. How can they exert their strongest fighting power?

Among the human coalition forces, the ship mother of the A-star navy is undoubtedly the most confused existence. They do not have nothing like the joint fleet but can really determine their own destiny. They are not like the subsequent arrival of Liao (Ning) and others. Clear direction and draw a clear line with the old world.

The ship goddesses seem to be more firm in their path after passing through the previous confusion, but the ship goddesses of A Star Territory have to guard their admirers. As long as the Admiral still exists, they will not be able to draw with the current A star territory. Qing relationship.

I once thought that the Admiral could save them, so the ship maidens of A Starland thought that they would not repeat those tragic fate, but after really looking at the ending of human control of the ship maiden, many ship maidens were shaken, similar The silent sorrow and the natural intuition of women tell them that Chester William is not their savior, and only Veneto and herself, who are also shipowners, can redeem themselves.

The human coalition retreated to the Naval Base of Guadalupe, and after several battles to return to the homeland of the A Star Territory, they were all returned by the abyssal fleet occupying it, and the area of ​​the coalition’s activities has been increasingly suppressed by the abyssal fleet. Small, it seems that the Abyssal Admiral made up his mind to wipe out all human coalition forces on the left front before going to Veneto for the duel.

This is an easy conclusion. Although the special abyss warship is powerful, it is not strong enough to be incomprehensible. Veneto’s strength is an incomprehensible level. The abyssal fleet with battlefield initiative will naturally Give priority to eliminating threats but relatively weak enemies.

The ship maidens of A Starland did not perform well after participating in several battles. They seemed to have been taken away from their bones by the enthusiasm of the battle. The soul that was boiled by the battle of life and death also cooled down. An army somehow War is undoubtedly the deadliest.

Chester William handed over the command to this classical beauty with tall black hair and ponytails after the arrival of Liao Ning (Liaoning). Liao (Ningning), which created an era in the C star field, has basically grown up to today. A qualified battlefield commander, only two generations younger than her, Jiang () West and Lake (South), also became excellent aircraft carrier mothers.

The planner and commander who launched the attack on the A Starland are Liao () Ning. Her arrival basically made Chester William disappear. The young man who dreamed of ascending the admiral's fixed point also fell into a deep In a state of confusion.

Liao (Ning) once again returned without success. Under the circumstances of A-Zone navy’s poor warfare, the left wing completely lost the possibility of penetrating the defense line of the abyssal fleet, so it is impossible for Liao () Ning to initiate a large-scale decisive battle. Yes, all she can do is to drag the Abyssal Admiral and Abyss Special Ship Lady here in a phased continuous offensive, waiting for news of another battlefield victory.

After returning home, Liao (Ning) routinely went to the temporary headquarters to arrange the next stage of the offensive, but today she inevitably saw a person when she came here.

She once admired Karting.

I have fought side by side in the C Star Zone before, and both sides have tacitly put aside the former mustard, but Liao () Ning knows that the admiral from this politician has never given up, so he has never relaxed. Be alert to him.

Karting knew who was coming when he heard the command gate open, and continued to watch the picture on the strategic star map without looking back: "The situation is very bad. The small-scale abyssal fleet has begun to cut me off. Military supply lines, the huge coalition forces will remain here and will soon be short of supplies."

"We can't go, otherwise we won't be able to catch up with the final decisive battle." Of course Liao () Ning knows the danger, but where can the human coalition retreat, Hawaii Star District or South America? Without their support, Veneto can only face the Abyssal Fleet in full form with the Royal Navy.

"Chester William is still too affectionate. It was the same advantage as her ship's mother in the past, but now..." Karting has a way to solve the problems encountered by the A Star Navy now, but it needs to be done. If he wants to convince Liao () don’t expect her to believe in herself, but as long as she wants to win the war.

"How much do you know about Ulster?" Liao () Ning did not answer, but talked about another topic instead.

Karting is unknown, so she turns around and reaches out to signal her to continue.

"Although he exists at the apex of Admiral, Ulster never wanted those. As the greatest Admiral of this era, it may even be the last glory of the Admiral. He just wanted to be with Hood. Life continues, but I still can't get my wish." Liao () Ning said, "You have been accompanied by Yixian, whether rich or poor, great or humble, presumably she will never leave you, and already has what others dream of. Why not cherish things?"

"Veneto said that as long as you don't pick things up, she can not kill you." Liao () Ning's words became colder, and the long ponytail flicked up with his head high, "This is because she thought of her The Admiral and Xiao Meiyan gather together and feel compassion. Do you want to die, or do you want to bring a girl who loves you wholeheartedly to death?".


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