Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1062: The final war-exit

The alarm of the abyssal fleet's attack spread throughout the Guadalupe naval base, from the dormitory to the maintenance workshop, from the ground to the distant Xinghai, whether it is still resting, still maintaining, daze, still patrolling Under the summons of the same horn, they encouraged each other to fly to the sea of ​​stars and walk to their place to greet their destiny for 72 hours.

Seventy-two hours later, the coalition's third fleet will arrive at this battlefield. If the human coalition can persevere at that moment without defeat, they will win the first stage of the victory and be able to move to the decisive stage with a certain advantage.

But the Abyssal Fleet may not have given them the opportunity so easily. Life and death are only on the stage, and everything must be fought for by themselves.

The sky-cracking carrier-based aircraft filled the dark universe with azure ocean currents and turbulent seas of fire, and the stars were eclipsed by their collision, as if the invisible pillars supporting the dimension universe were also scarred by the continuous explosion and the screaming engine sound. Trembling.

The "fish" leaping in the light and dark transition took advantage of the staggered main ship guns to sneak into the stars and the sea. They are the most deadly threats to the abyss special warships. The attacks again and again smashed the abyssal fleet to try to reduce losses. The ambition to annihilate the human coalition forces forced them to repeat the cycle of attack and retreat after losing their formation cover. Now that the abyssal fleet has launched the general attack with all their strength, then they will definitely not retreat. This is the day of the fate of the human coalition. However, it is also a glorious moment for the "fish school" to create unprecedented results.

Every little girl in a refreshing diving suit is trying to hide her whereabouts. Standing behind them is the heavy patrol supported by strong firepower such as Wichita. Their naval guns are no more fierce than in the battle lineup, but still Ling Ling Is tearing the anti-submarine array of the abyssal fleet, one after another sinking the opposing small warship mother, while providing a perfect cover for the "fish school" offensive.

The challenge faced by the human coalition is always the abyssal fleet, the special ship mothers who are spreading at the forefront of the battle line, and the abyss, such as Yamato, etc., which have evolved from the human ship mothers. Durability, armor, and firepower are impossible for the human coalition of the Guadalupe Naval Base to compete against. In the seventy-two hours of fate, all they can do is protect themselves and delay the attack of the abyssal fleet. For this reason, every warship from the battleship to the frigate is ready to sacrifice for the reorganization of the front for others at a critical moment.

The Liberation Fleet, the United Fleet, the A-Star Parker Starfield Fleet, and the Asia Allied Forces, no matter where they come from, no matter what the past, and how much they hate each other, at this moment they only shine on the strategic star map The red light that symbolizes the abyssal fleet, how to win this war is the only question in their minds.

To this end, Quincy and Aoba may be shooting side by side against enemy ships, and may be seen that the joint fleet battleship ship that was once sunk by the enterprise replaced South Dakota’s position as the faithful guardian beside her, at this moment. Whatever is impossible can happen, but the only impossible thing is fear.

As a ship, it is not going back. They are the last line of defense to support the future of humanity. Everyone has full consciousness.

In the first six hours, although the line of defense of the human coalition was suppressed and retreated, there were also the ship's mother who accompanied him day and night to explode with themselves, but their willingness to fight was still high, and the pain and grief turned into equal amounts of anger and hatred. Between ecstasy and artillery fire.

This battle seems to have collapsed, and the sun, moon, and stars have escaped. The asteroid as a human fortification or bunker is also being shattered into interstellar dust, accompanied by splashing alloy wreckage. Spreading in every time and space, the cruelty of the war is more tragic.

In the first twelve hours, the human coalition finally inevitably fell into a disadvantage in aviation warfare, even though they owned Liaoning, Jiangxi, enterprises, Saratoga, Lexington, Essex, Canglong, Feilong, Tiancheng, Yunlong, etc. can be called legendary ship mothers, but the advantage of the number of abyssal fleets can suppress them in an all-round way. The higher battle loss ratio of carrier-based aircraft allows them to use less and less combat power. Without the carrier-based aircraft, the ship mother can’t even use the battleship where the main gun was destroyed. They can’t even protect their companions from too much damage.

After the battle reached the eighteenth hour, the air battle became weaker and weaker, which affected the battle line. The abyssal fleet relied on the advantage of air control to continuously advance the battle line. The casualties of the human coalition forces were also after their close range. Growing rapidly.

In the twenty-fourth hour, only one third of the time from the point of fate, the human coalition was on the verge of collapse in the arduous battle.

Liao () Ning no longer has many carrier-based aircraft to control. She glanced at the enterprise not far away and understood the same meaning from her eyes.

They seem to overestimate their abilities, and they seem to be at their limit for a third of the time. In the face of the aggressive attack of the aggressive abyssal fleet, they have already done their best.

If the battle was directed by Chester William, would it be much better? Even though he has embarked on this road of the ship's mother era, the pains during the UU reading have always troubled everyone. Liao () Ning is a pioneer on this road, but she is The position is not the battlefield of the Europa Galaxy. The experience that can be accumulated will not be too much. Afterwards, the full-scale battle with the Abyssal Fleet in the Asiatic Galaxy is also hosted by Chester William. In a large-scale battle, she wants to compete. The traditional Admiral has a long way to go.

If it goes on like this, the human coalition of the Guadalupe Naval Base cannot support the arrival of Veneto's fleet. They cannot even support the rescue of the third fleet, and they will be completely wiped out under the unreasonable comprehensive crush of the abyssal fleet. .

The proud Liao Ning finally admitted to her shortcomings. She thought of asking Chester William for help, but without waiting for her to speak, a communication came from Lexington: "This is Chester William. I hope to be able to temporarily take over the command authority of the battlefield. In this war, we cannot lose anyway."

Liao () Ning handed over the command authority almost without thinking. Afterwards, she seemed to be completely relieved. After all, she was under such a pressure and her ability was lacking. After all, it was too difficult.

Chester William walked out of the locked room, and the flames of war were burning fiercely in the sky above him. By this time he had to stand up to turn the tide, and no one was more qualified than him.

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