Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1083: Leaving

Hood handed over to the Prince of Wales all the work of going to the Roman Star to discuss the E-Star Territory and joining the Flame Alliance, and she herself returned to the E-Star Territory with the surviving navy of the Royal Navy.

Ulster should have left after the war, but she heard that Veneto seemed to have changed her mind. Chester William and Lexington went to the Roman Star together and heard that they would be awarded honorary admirals In the future, the virtual title will serve as a new job in strategy teaching.

Although this is not as dazzling as a real admiral, it is indeed the best ending. Hood believes that Ulster will not be worse than Chester William, so she also wants Ulster to stay.

But when she just returned to the E-Zone, she received news that Alster had been taken away by outsiders yesterday, and Veneto had no chance to leave him.

I lost the most important person in my life, and it was a matter of decades after I met again. Hood didn’t know if he could still live to that day, even though the ship’s mother’s reorganization of the ship’s equipment had already been solved. The problem, as the ship's mother who served during the first seven galaxy wars, has overdrawn too much life.

The bewildered Hood came to the Thames Avenue, and the first encounter of the black tea house had begun to operate as usual, but the person he met at that time was no longer there, and the white petals fluttered down the riverside walkway with flowers, farther away. There is a small flower boat floating in the center of the river.

It is also a coincidence that Hood and Ulster met for the first time, and also the place where Qi Xiaomeng and Yue Zhong met for the last time. Its position has been fixed forever, and it has not floated into the sea with the current for half a year.

Outsiders took away not only Ulster, but also officers who needed to be cleaned on Veneto’s list, as well as officials, scientists, and sociologists at all levels related to the Queen, who were in the seven galaxies. You can easily find a replacement in Zhong, but for a person who has just entered the space civilization, it is indeed a rare talent. Hood also heard one thing, that the admiral named Kardin lost his ship loyal to him. The queen mother also chose to leave, and all the outsiders who were busy collecting talents received them according to their orders.

If you are willing to go with Ulster, then you don’t have to wait so long, even between life and death?

"Are you okay in your life in the past, will you wake up and go to bed every day? Will you take care of your personal hygiene regularly? The food there is a habit of eating or not eating. After a time or two, you will love it Do other girls get married and have children?"

Hood walked to the river bank with a cup of black tea, but she was thinking about it in her mind. She was not a free-spirited girl. Her heart under the dignified and elegant appearance was actually very fragile. Alster was still nearby. At that time, although she would be uneasy because of the thought of being separated, she did not expect that the sense of loneliness after the real separation would be so strong.

The sun shone on Hood's delicate face, reflecting a hint of desolate beauty. A cup of black tea was quickly consumed. Hood walked over the Thames and stepped into the flower boat step by step in the calm flowing river.

About the story of Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan, she knew some from others, and heard that it came from Andrea Doria’s big mouth. The authenticity should be guaranteed, these two really changed the seven major The people in the galaxy are also together, but they have never given up on the day of looking for a reunion. Perhaps they should not be so depressed.

......Sure enough, I still think that the Royal Navy needs its own strength, but I can see the growth of the Prince of Wales, and the more energetic lions and other younger generations. The Royal Navy is not inseparable from her. Perseverance may also block the path of those better and more decisive juniors.

Hood walked to the side of the flower boat, but the ship seemed to be protected by special forces and could not be accessed. Hood could not use a gun to blast this barrier away, so he could only stand on the river and watch. There was more and more confusion in his eyes, until he began to forget to maintain the power of the ship, and his body sank into the river little by little.

When the cool river flooded Hood's head, the cold stimulation made her recover. Under the long river, she saw the unique pattern on the bottom of the flower boat, as if the traces sculpted a little bit by the long years, like a sleepy quilt. The awakened elf, the historical impact that Qi Xiaomeng launched here brought the historical atmosphere of E-star together, and Hu De glanced at Jinghong and saw countless pasts.

When Hood flew out of the water again, the flower boat disappeared like a mirage, but the history of the E-Star civilization was clearly left in Hood's mind.

There, every big person who has left a name, or a little person who hastily rushed away is so lively. It is really that they once existed, and E Star Domain has once been brilliant and brilliant. Who are they missing? Perhaps this piece of history cannot be left. As long as everyone still exists, then it has its meaning, whether it is good or bad, it is pushing the history forward.

"Thank you." Hood thanked the disappeared Hua Chuan. She knew that this was Qi Xiaomeng's intentional stay. Although she had never seen the rumored kind girl, she could foresee as an observer. I will come here one day, and leave a trace to point me in the direction, it is enough to thank her.

Hood doesn’t know what he can But Qi Xiaomeng tells her that as long as she is alive, she will eventually find a way to go, and the name of E Star will gradually disappear, but the people who grew up here However, the unique culture they inherited will continue to be passed down. As a member of E-Star, Hood can always find a career that suits him.

Whether it is to continue fighting for the future of humanity, or to do other jobs after retirement, those who are still alive need to reflect their value, and they have not really lost Ulster, if they are lucky enough in the future There will be a reunion one day, and he should not be allowed to see a depressed self, or a self that has not contributed to E Star Zone for decades.

Once depressed, it is terrible. At this moment, the clear mind will become dull, because the dissatisfaction in the heart will start to complain all day long, the psychology will start to grow old, and finally become an annoying malicious woman.

Hood returned to the black tea house and returned the teacup, and immediately went to the palace. Now she is still the flagship of the Royal Navy. The Prince of Wales went to Rome. The work here needs Hood to preside in order to carry out the work, at least in Before she found a new goal of struggle, the work in the Royal Navy could not be left behind. .


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