Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1086: verdict

The headquarters of the Earth Source Panplanet Joint Organization at the central node of the material plane group is not an ordinary planet. It is an independent celestial body formed by the stretching and stretching of the gaps of countless planes. All the plane universes officially included in the jurisdiction Can clearly observe its existence in the center of the universe, and without being blocked by the plane wall, it has a hub channel that directly leads to the headquarters of the panplane. The panplane can firmly control the core area through this control and rely on The perfect political system and strict judicial procedures have become a huge organizational group formed by human beings. 【】

The universal plane can be accepted by the most human beings because it always conforms to the interests of most people and the policy of pursuing goals. To some extent, it can be said to be the most ideal development form in the hundreds of millions of civilizations derived from human beings, even if It cannot be called the most perfect form, but its ability to stand out from the many trans-plane forces is enough to explain its advanced nature.

If its legal system is not perfect enough or even cumbersome, according to any other standard of human civilization, a person like Yue Zhong would have died long after being caught, and Qi Xiaomeng could not seize the only opportunity to give him To defend.

From the return of the seven galaxies to today, Qi Xiaomeng has used the huge influence of the observer group to set off a rational integration of law and law. At the beginning, each department in the panplane only thought that it was a naive girl who chose a destiny. The path that will lead to no end, and then surprisingly found that those forces that were struggling by the pan-plane organization can not be surrendered, and in the end, the interstellar giants, cosmic wills, supernatural beings, etc. that are only invited by means of recruiting are the same He issued his own voice. These ordinary days are not good for each other, and even invited to the special presence in the deep sea of ​​Xinghai. They even unified their will. Standing behind this little girl named Qi Xiaomeng, she waved her flag and shouted for her.

When did they start to care so much about the legal construction of mankind, or did they justify the law as a restricted zone?

The general plane has never lacked the spirit of exploration, the courage to pursue a more effective system, the curiosity and exploration of new things and the people with a common ambition constitute a huge faction. The predecessor before Qi Xiaomeng has It failed, but when there were new warriors willing to make this step, these factions quickly chose to stand on Qi Xiaomeng's side.

Yue Zhong, an ordinary criminal case, was fortunate to have become the focus of pan-horizontal attention. A department of the Legal Supervision Tribunal could easily handle the matter well. After aroused extensive attention, the ruling office had sufficient control. Evidence can no longer simply convict it, because the attack launched from Qi Xiaomeng itself was directed against the chain of evidence.

The Spare Tire Major League was inevitably pushed to the cusp of the storm, because the first step in Qi Xiaomeng’s offensive was to find irresponsible targets from the lower civilizations and threaten them, by spreading the net widely Opportunistic harvesting acts for their own benefit. Ninety-nine percent of the targets chosen by them die in an unknown world, but there are always some lucky people who can succeed by virtue of their not strong luck.

Yue Zhong was fortunate and unfortunate among these people. At the end of his journey in the first world, he gained the trust of the magical girls, but he also lost his life, and he could not return to the spare tire league for a while. And interests, so they were pulled back from the kingdom of death to continue to perform.

Continuous efforts, and then fell to the finish line, and finally rely on the tenacious fighting spirit and Xiao Meiyan's sudden emergence of the army became a member of the pan-plane wanted list.

Judging from what he did, the number of people who died directly or indirectly due to Yue Zhong was incalculable, and he blatantly confronted Xiao Meiyan's "disgrace" as a pan-plane law court, and gave several non-plane plane rulers. The world of the region had an irreversible impact, and the evidence was enough to send him to death.

However, Qi Xiaomeng blamed the roots of his actions on the marginal ball-style plundering of the spare tire major league. Yue Zhong, as an ordinary human being, had no motivation and original intention to harm the world at the beginning. A series of struggles under the control of the energy sector, the Raiders League, the Legal Supervision Court, etc. are all to protect the loved ones and live. This is the most instinctive reaction of human beings. Yue Zhong has no second place to protect and protect himself. There is a choice of paths, and this is the reason for his excuse.

Because the problems in the entire system have led to personal sins, any other human society may choose to sacrifice the interests of the latter to maintain the overall stability. However, here is the general plane, which internally dominates the entire material plane group. The higher civilized world, against the invasion of the void life on thousands of void battlefields, they are almost invincible in the world. The extra energy is used to improve the quality of human life and the construction of the living environment. The small person naturally aroused the sympathy of many people, and the voice and enthusiasm for reason and law became stronger and stronger.

The last time Qi Xiaomeng came out of the legal court, the people waiting outside were already as magnificent as the mountains and seas. Qi Xiaomeng quickly announced the final verdict of Yue Zhong from the ruling office: “The final verdict of the ruling office was Yue Zhong’s deprivation. The plane traverses power and cannot use the time ability for life. As the compensation ruling, the agreement agreed to let him choose a plane as the future life area until he grows old."

Yue Zhong was not sentenced to death or other methods of imprisonment, but the verdict against him still caused uproar from the crowd. For these high-civilized citizens who have long regarded cross-plane tourism as a commonplace, they deprived them of crossing the plane. Power is tantamount to life imprisonment in a narrow world. Many people thought that such a person deserved to be acquitted, but the final decision of the Judge Court had a huge gap with their expectations.

Qi Xiaomeng is also dissatisfied with this result However, her path has just begun, and the cornerstone of successfully judging the judiciary's judgment is already the limit that can be achieved at present.

There was no complete success, but Qi Xiaomeng was not discouraged. After all, Yue Zhong kept inextricably linked with Xiao Meiyan, and Xiao Meiyan joined the forces that were hostile to the panplane. Nian was able to agree with him to live, and I might continue to monitor him in the future, but to be alive, this is already the best result.

"I think this time the Judiciary's judgment is unfair, but since it represents the will of the entire panplane, I am willing to respect this judgment, but then I will proceed to the defects of the entire panplane code. Organize and write in the most precious and hot emotions that humans have had since their birth. We should not live under the rule of a cold code, I will fight for my whole life!"

Qi Xiaomeng's words once again attracted a wave of applause from the mountains and tsunami. From today, her wonderful life has just begun, but for Yue Zhong, it seems that it has reached the end.

"Yue Zhong, I can only do this for the time being, but Xiao Meiyan's guilt can't be eluted by me. That's a challenge to the foundation of the entire panplane rule...sorry.".


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