Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1092: Late friend

Officials from country J seem to have been scared, and without leaving a scene, they hurried away with their entourage, thinking that they would not give up easily, but Yue Zhong suddenly appeared to disrupt their plans, and was unable to figure out Yue Zhong. Before the detailed analysis, not only the government of country j, but also other governments are unlikely to make the idea of ​​the aerospace center for the time being.

The magical girls in this world are a united whole. They tried their best to finally let the magical girls give up tracking down the news of the death of the owner of Xiaomei's family. The appearance of Yue Zhong made this kind of tacit understanding and balance broken.

The government temporarily backed down. Yue Zhong looked up and no one chose to stand up at this time, but a voice of doubt came from the crowd: "Mr. Yue Zhong, although you are the son-in-law of Xiao Mei’s family, you are qualified to replace Xiao. Meiyan’s position as the owner of Xiaomei’s family, but this is always determined by legal procedures!”

The seemingly well-intentioned reminders actually contain misfortunes. Eighteen percent of large enterprise groups in the world have a cooperative relationship with the Xiaomei Consortium, and without exception, they are on the passive side of the cooperation. They do not want to see Yue Zhong use absolute force. To maintain the prosperity of Xiaomei's family, but encouraged him to take legal channels to solve the problem.

He has been away for so long, and it is absolutely not enough to understand the power of the Xiaomei Consortium. Once the legal process is opened for arbitration of various cooperative projects, the original unequal contracts will soon be forcibly canceled due to suspected monopoly, coercion and other reasons. After that, there are countless ways for major companies with rich commercial experience to deal with Yue Zhong, letting him unconsciously hand over the interests of the Xiaomei Consortium.

Yue Zhong knew that the troubles he faced were more than just the accidental death of Xiaoyan’s father. In the seven or eight years after he and Xiaomeiyan left, too many things have happened in this world. The complicated situation is by no means It can be solved simply, especially if the Legal Supervision Tribunal has played a role in helping it.

In the past, he didn’t mind having a big picture with these people using the world as a chessboard. However, today is different from the past. He is under the close supervision of the court of justice. Fan Hanshi always stares at himself and waits for himself to cause trouble, many means. It is no longer usable under such restrictions.

But this is not the main reason why he wants to back down. When he looked at Qi Xiaomeng's figure in the legal court, he thought a lot. Today's first meeting with Xiaoyan's sister made him determined.

Xiaoyan's sister is naturally her own sister. Being a brother will not let her fall into the whirlpool of conspiracy. That may be the reason behind the footsteps of Mei Xiaoyan. Such loneliness in this world has been enough. Keep up with Xiaoyan when she catches up with the best, let her sister grow up carefree in the best years.

Yue Zhong has announced the end of the funeral, but these people have not dispersed, and it seems that they have to stay here for a long time without getting the answers they want. Yue Zhong could have ignored them, but if these people did not leave, they themselves Mother-in-law and Xiaoqing might not be able to sleep. It is entirely possible to imagine how much terror they have brought to the mother and daughter who are helpless and helpless during this time.

Thinking of this, Yue Zhong could not help but have the urge to kill, but in the end he still restrained his emotions, not because he was afraid of the court, but because he didn’t want to change when he was tried by the court, he secretly confided to Qi Xiao Meng's promise.

From now on, he doesn’t want to give Xiaomeng any more trouble. If possible, Yue Zhong wants to try to be a not-so-bad person, play with other people’s hearts, and control the fate of others. Doing this will always continue to be dictated by fate. The most invincible in the world is never a conspiracy, but a dauntless kindness like Xiaomeng and a fraternity like Madoka.

Not to mention the moment they came out, the magical girls must have noticed themselves. The abilities of these people are strange. After forming a group under the leadership of Sayaka, the energy generated has increased geometrically. It can be said that if They are willing to control the world like the ship's mother group led by Veneto, but their leader is a passionate girl with only justice and justice in her mind.

There must be someone staring at himself, and that person must be familiar with himself.

"Mami, haven't you been willing to come out and say hello after seeing you for so long?" Yue Zhong shouted toward the sunniest place. "This time I won't use yours, I just want to talk to you."

Yue Zhong’s words once again caused a commotion in the crowd. The magical girl who should have drawn the line with Xiaomei’s family suddenly appeared in this place. It is undoubtedly very sensitive. This may also represent a change in their attitude?

When it comes to this, Ba Mami can't think of it. If she hides again, maybe Yue Zhong will say something.

The golden double ponytails shone under the sun, and the elegant young girl in Western dress held an umbrella. When it rained, it was an umbrella, and it became a parasol in the sunny day, and her face was not so good. The refraction barrier came out, and for a long time, her ribbon transformation became more fascinating. She was obviously standing in the most conspicuous place, but whether it was wind and rain or sunshine, no one except Yue Zhong found her.

"Why don't you call me? You haven't changed your bad personality after so many years." Ba Mami walked between her parasols and walked in front of Yue Zhong, under the same shadow, although she was complaining, But the joy hidden in his eyes was almost full, and finally he couldn't hold back a sweet smile.

A friend who thought he would never meet again suddenly is a blessing for Bama who is eager for friendship, if Yue Zhong's character is not so bad, it will be better Too.

"I really don't want to use you, there is something I want to discuss with you." Yue Zhong smiled at the old friend with a cheeky face, "As a temporary agent of the Xiaomei Consortium, I want to hand over the entire Xiaomei Consortium to the magical girl The organization operates, as long as you give enough dividends on time to feed my family, Xiaomei's family is willing to quit all the battles, I wonder what you intend?"

Like the first time he met Yue Zhong, Bama Mei bit his thin lips and squeezed his cheek without shyness, and found that it was not a human skin mask. He said in disbelief: "Is this your sincere word?"

"When did I lie to you." Yue Zhong selectively forgot what happened during the fierce battle in the mall building.

"But I still have a hard time believing that the words you flinched can actually come out of your mouth." Ba Mami was still surprised. "Do you know, I got the news that you are here, but do a good fight with you again?" Ready for a fight."

Yue Zhong said with a smile: "It's getting older, and it's left to you, the magical girls who don't get old."

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