Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1137: Flashing gym

Ever since she knew the true identity of the Warcraft hidden in the downtown area of ​​Takibara, Bami has always had a feeling of irritability and uneasiness. She was afraid that the newly built Takibara would repeat the situation of being ruined and countless creatures died. The embarrassment, the desolation of prosperity turned into wasteland, that is an unacceptable pain for a magical girl who takes the responsibility of protecting human beings as her own responsibility.

"Is it really okay?" The golden figure leaping between the forest buildings with the traction of the ribbon is carrying this kind of anxiety, not daring to miss any clues. While searching for the whereabouts of the dark body, she wants to find more There may be other dangers in this city.

The search route calculated by Yue Zhong revolves around the municipal buildings in the central area of ​​Takibara, and is locked in a strange way to every area where a dark body may appear.

Different from the general choice of the way Warcraft attacks humans, its own dark body can perceive the psychological changes of every Aboriginal seeing Taki, and conducts impromptu attacks according to the growth of its negative emotions.

According to the investigation method commanded by Yue Zhong, Ba Mami and Ming Ying found that there were some traces of artificially changing the environment in each place where the Warcraft attack occurred. Using this as a clue to trace back to the time of the attack, you can determine the original mutual The people who didn't intersect were brought together because of these changes, and the number of people who were eventually attacked far exceeded that of other Warcraft.

Therefore, the location of the attack chosen by the dark body cannot be predicted in advance. The only thing that can be known is that the negative emotions in the hearts of the people who have experienced the attack will not fade so fast, and the police have no reason to control them closely, as they move. The desperation generated by such emotions will spread, and the probability of being attacked in the area where they live will also double, that is, the key area for Yue Zhong’s three-day action tonight.

"After the investigation in Area C is completed, there are no signs of its activity. Yue Zhong, you said that Hideo Luze has told him about the raccoon village. Are you not afraid that it will avoid us to find Xiaoqing tonight? "After completing the investigation of one area, Ba Mami stood on the billboard with flashing neon lights to meet the high-altitude whizzing wind and contacted Yue Zhong through the communicator.

"If it knows where Xiaoqing is, it will definitely go, but Hideo Ozawa can't tell him such an important thing, Hideo Ozawa does not have this courage."

Yue Zhong was at the top of an iron tower at this time, looking down at the endless cars and crowds under his feet. He also found nothing: "Sister Xue, you must be very worried that it will cause huge damage like the last time you saw Takihara." ."

"Well, are you sure you don't want to do it?" Bama asked quickly.

"Honestly no, although we are all the same person, but as you think, the difference in experience will lead to differences in thinking. I intend to limit the battlefield to a few people, if it can detect me. There is a high probability that the change will compete with me in this respect." The wind in the high sky rolled up Yue Zhong's sleeves and hunted, and his voice was not clear enough when it reached Bama: "As long as it can still Retaining the present reason, in fact, the biggest pursuit is the same, I hope it can choose a milder way, who in the past and now I am more qualified to protect Xiaoyan? This is even a dark body Must confirm."

Ba Mami said for a moment, "I understand what you mean, are you playing games?"

"It's also a game of life and death, let's see who can win, but we will not easily lose, and now we still maintain a tacit understanding, if it really loses, then it is the most dangerous time."

At the end of this communication, Ba Mami couldn't help thinking, if Xiao Meiyan could come back here, even if only a moment, then the fight between these two guys is meaningless.

But on the other hand, if Xiao Meiyan is here, it may be the most difficult choice in her life. No matter which Yue Zhong, she may not have the heart to watch him disappear completely.

Do you want two together? Thinking of the ashamed and evil expression of Mami here, he could not help but snicker twice.

The contact with Yue Zhong is not a whimsy but a regular normal communication, to prevent someone from being attacked by the dark body, and others do not know anything. Next, Bami began to try to get in touch with Ming Ying.

It took a long time for the information to be connected. When Bama Mi thought that there was something wrong with Ming Ying, the other party finally connected the phone.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Ming Ying's voice was weak, just like the feeling that someone who had been busy for three days and three nights just fell asleep and was woken up.

"Did you forget your routine contact?" At the beginning, Mami felt that Sakura had lazily ran to where she went to sleep. But she thought that although she usually opposed her, she would never be in such a critical time. Pick the pick, "What happened to you?"

Ning Ying was reminded by Bami, so he stood up from the ground after shaking, only to find that he fell asleep unconsciously on the roof of a bungalow.

Her position is definitely not as high as that of Ba Mami and Yue Zhong, and the magic girl is not afraid of the general cold, but Ming Ying can't help but shudder. I don’t know, I seem to Suddenly fell asleep, but nothing hit me? "Ming Ying is a little helpless. If the other party can really let themselves fall asleep without knowing it, it may be a simple matter to kill themselves.

Ba Mami was also trembling in his heart, and quickly said, "Where are you now, are there any abnormalities around?"

Ming Ying ran to the guardrail on the top of the building. This was the only place where she still remembered. In the building opposite the bungalow, the 9th to 12th floor was a brightly lit gym. The men and women in it are still using a variety of fitness equipment to exercise. Except for the external diodes that constantly change colors and text, there is nothing abnormal in other places.

The sensor lights on the corridor next to it lighted up. Several people carried a large pocket from bottom to top, while the corridor on the other side was the opposite. Several people carried large pockets from top to bottom, and it was dark everywhere they went. . But Ming Ying just stared at it for a few seconds, and a sense of fatigue struck again. Ming Ying, who had already been mentally prepared, quickly bit her tongue and stimulated the brain with pain: "This gym is weird! Mine The coordinates are..."

A trembling shriek came suddenly from the communicator in Bama's hand. She hurriedly shouted Ming Ying's name, but she got no response.

Without hesitation, Ba Mami immediately contacted Yue Zhong to explain the situation.

"Don't worry about learning sister, its means has just begun, and Ming Ying can still support for a while."

Yue Zhong's calm voice gave Bama Mei some confidence, but she still worriedly said: "But we don't know the location of Ming Ying now, she couldn't judge according to the course of action after sleeping for a while."

"I know where, I will arrive in about ten minutes, and the position has been transmitted to you." Yue Zhong answered with a chest.

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