Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1181: Checkerboard

On Sunday, Yue Zhong stayed at home and did not go anywhere. After dinner tonight, he had to go back to Raccoon Village. Things that need to be taken away, such as Xiao Meiqing's piano and comic books, need to be prepared.

Xiao Meiqing, who already knew what kind of grief and pain her mother was suffering from, still did not come to Yue Zhong, but just said hello to him by phone and continued to be with Mrs. Xiao Mei. The daily life of Mrs. Xiao Mei was boring, but Xiao Mei Qing was not impatient at all.

Compared with the bear children I met before, fortunately Xiao Meiqing is such a well-behaved and quiet character. Even though she was young, she had not experienced anything, and she did not have enough knowledge to make a deeper point of view with Yue Zhong like Veneto. Communicate, but this alone is good enough, otherwise Yue Zhong doesn’t know that he should have more headaches.

At lunch, I told her that Lumuda would also come in the afternoon. Xiaomei Qing, who likes this big brother, was a lot of fun at once. The older brothers and sisters who appeared in the family all thought she was younger, but her peers were also because Her aura of Xiaomei's family is too dazzling to play with her, and only this Daye brother really knows her identity and is willing to play with her.

"Why are you so happy that your brother-in-law can't play with you?" Yue Zhong said pretended unhappy.

Xiao Meiqing was not afraid after she put down her chopsticks. She cleverly saw that Yue Zhong was intentional, so she answered seriously: "Because her brother-in-law is an adult."

"Ah, I was dismissed." Yue Ying's aggrieved Gu Ying pityed himself, and Xiao Meiqing could not tell the difference between true and false. He walked carefully to him but didn't know what to say. Rubbed on Yue Zhong's chest.

"Don't be too happy, little girl, your brother Daye came but asked me to let your tutor give him a formal elite education, but not much time to play with you." Yue Zhong pinched Xiao Meiqing's face badly Laughed.

Xiao Meiqing was a little disappointed when she heard the words, but quickly said like comforting herself: "There is always a break between classes. If it is not possible, I will accompany Brother Daye to class."

"No, don't you not like taking these classes?" Yue Zhong insisted.

"Of course it's boring to go to class alone, but I learned very interesting in school."


Mrs. Xiao Mei, who was amused by this big and small conversation, smiled and smiled. As long as she didn’t think about Xiao Meiyan’s affairs, she was already very content now. The eldest son-in-law and her second daughter didn’t despise themselves. The old man is uninteresting. He is willing to be with her every day when he is on vacation. The daughter who used to be autistic and introverted has become more and more cheerful. That is her greatest happiness now.

Interest is the best teacher for children. Since Xiao Meiqing bears this surname after all, he has to take some responsibility. Is this what Yue Zhong came up with?

In the afternoon, Yue Zhong watched Xiao Meiqing and Mrs. Xiao Mei playing checkers under the canopy shaded by the sun. This simple game Yue Zhong was disdain to play before, but it seemed fun to be with his beloved After the game rules and routines were calculated by him, he used two tricks here to teach two hands, and in the end it became him alone. Even Mrs. Xiaomei was a little unhappy, and he shut up. Watch two rooks peck at each other.

Time passed unconsciously, and soon when Lumuda also visited, the already half-unemployed tutors got ready to prepare for the class after Yue Zhong’s instructions, waiting for him today. He may not be able to go back in the middle of the night.

Lumuda didn't have any rudeness because he was ignored for the last time. After seeing Mrs. Xiaomei, she saw the checkers placed, and saw Yue Zhong standing on the side with her hands down, and she guessed that something happened. What matter, he confidently challenged Yue Zhong.

"Brother Yue Zhong, do you want me to play with you two?"

"How boring checkers are, you should be able to play Go." Yue Zhong had already prepared the arrogance of killing this kid. He took the chess board from the deacon next to him and placed the white chess piece in his hand. He looked at Lumu Tatsuya provocatively.

Lu Muda was ready to promise immediately after being so irritated, but he thought about whether he was still under the control of Yue Zhong. He wanted to get rid of this feeling that every move was counted, but he saw Xiao Meiqing's expectation. After giving eyes, he gave up.

This guy is still so annoying...but he has to admit that if he wants to really control a person, he can't even escape his calculations.

Sitting down on his knees like an ancient chess player and facing Yue Zhong below, Lu Muda also touched a chess piece made of black gemstones, secretly lamenting Xiaomei's wealth.


Lu Muda also took a deep breath, excluding all misunderstandings from his mind. He was eager to defeat Yue Zhong once, but the stronger this obsession was, the less likely he was to win. He could only tell himself in his heart : "Calm down Reason is first on the chessboard."

The cold spring that just fell last night was brought by the gusts of wind, and the two people playing under the tree had not moved, just like the two generals who were waiting for the fight, and there was a chance to blow between the brows and the wind. The raised hair clipped the sunlight outside the shade of the trees, like the reflection of the yellow sand field.

"This is a great momentum." Yue Zhong praised him with a salty taste.

Lumu Da also sandwiched Kuroko with three fingers: "Heroko is respected, but the next is disrespectful."

The chess pieces landed on the chessboard and made a clear sound. The opening moment seemed to be alive with nineteen horizontal lines and three hundred sixty-one.

Xiao Meiqing has never seen such a heavy momentum when two people play chess. Although the fight has not yet begun, the murder hidden in the wind forest and trees has already emerged.

Not only did she show a surprised and nervous look, but even Mrs. Xiaomei was also surprised. She was not surprised that Yue Zhong had such a vigor. The key is that this young man was obviously from an ordinary family, and was able to In the confrontation with Yue Zhong, the wind will not fall for the time being.

After the start of Go, there should be no sound, but when the eleventh son fell, Yue Zhong said very politely: "Your chess is very sharp, but the chess is not as radical as imagined?"

Since the other party broke the silence first, Lu Muda responded: "The sharp edge is the vitality of our young people, but your words were good yesterday. Just like this chess board, you must get your own, but others get it. It must also be given to others, and the way of being human cannot deprive others of their freedom and power, and blindly pursue a murderous place. I am afraid they will lose miserably."

After Yue Zhong confronted for more than a dozen times in silence, only slowly said: "It seems that you are better than I thought, but these are not enough."

"So what else do I need?"

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