Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1263: Irritable bun card

See Takihara is an extremely special city, and the brand about Xiaomei's family is almost everywhere in this city.

After connecting to Xiaomeiqing at home, the car did not drive out of the manor, but instead, the exclusive passage on the other side went directly to Jian Takihara Airport.

There is a take-off and landing runway and control tower belonging to Xiaomei’s private jet at the airport. Previously, the owner of Xiaomei’s family often used it to negotiate business around the world, but no one has used it for a long time since he died at this airport. Too.

The last time Yue Zhong was going to go to country C, it should have played a corresponding role, but at that time he had not figured out the situation inside Xiaomei’s house, so he chose to travel in an ordinary way, and the result also proved that his caution was It is very necessary that Xiaomei's home after thorough investigation has found a few traitors in the private airport team, and it is no problem to use it now.

In the extended limousine, except for the driver, five other people were in the back seat. Yue Zhong and Lu Muda also sat at the end, listening to Lu Mu Yuan Xiang and Bama Mei in front to discuss New Zealand. What to do, even Xiao Meiqing would inevitably say a few words when discussing the warm spot.

The two big men couldn't get in the way. It seems that they are in the two worlds with the girls in terms of tourism. They can only think of going around to see the scenery. By the way, they can appreciate the following local customs and customs, and buy it if they are interested. Souvenirs are enough.

Apparently they plan to put it on the girl and it seems too rough. Bamamei is occasionally summoned by Sayaka to the headquarters to fight against the powerful witch that appears elsewhere, but has not left the country J and is suppressed by the busy work. After the long-lost vitality was released by Lumu Yuanxiang, it was not Yue Zhong who could bear it.

She started planning for a trip to New Zealand more than ten days ago, and surveyed all the delicious and fun things there. The travel plan was filled with ten A4 papers. Now listen to her Talking about his plan in an orderly way, Yue Zhong felt that the originally ample travel time was arranged in full.

Lumu Yuanxiang has lived and worked in a big city like Tokyo. After birth, he has never left Takihara, and only once had a trip to the capital of country C. Xiao Meiqing was full of curiosity. , She wanted to eat the food that Lumu Yuanxiang said, to see the snow-white mountain in the midsummer and perfect, accompanied by the gradual recovery in the cold winter time, seeing the wild barren mountains full of green sprouts...

"Xiaoqing, don't go blind with Xiaoyuan. Do it like her. You're afraid you are rushing to the schedule every day. How could you really relax." Yue Zhongshi was worried that Xiaoyuan, who broke out after the suppression, dominated this summer vacation. The itinerary of the tour, with the scented eyes of Lumuyuan said, "Xiaoyuan, you are busy with your work and dizzy, and going out to play is naturally what you want to do."

"Huh, you don't understand when you say that, don't know when you fall on the ground, and you don't know where to go." Lumu Yuanxiang stretched his arms around his brother's shoulder and said, "Dar do you say it!"

Lu Muda also agreed with Yue Zhong in his heart, but he only nodded in disbelief when he was afraid of the authority of his sister: "Sister is right."

"Hey, your two sisters united to run against me, right. Sister, you come to judge, who is going to travel like a hurry." Yue Zhong lost to Lumu's brother and rushed to find reinforcements.

Ba Mami blinked and said jokingly, "I think Madoka makes sense."

Unexpectedly, Bamamei's rebellious Yue Zhong froze and asked subconsciously, "How about Xiaoqing?"

"Ah, I don't know." Xiao Meiqing put the ostrich on her head with both hands...

Yue Zhong, a betrayal, leaned on the car window with a worried face, looking at the distant scenery full of sigh, he was targeted, and it was not a wise thing to call Xiaoyuan with Xiaoyuan, even if Xiao Meiyan was in I'm afraid I won't help him here.

The manor is not too far from the airport, but it is basically a straight road, and there are no other vehicles driving. The driver's speed is so fast that he feels like seeing Takihara.

After more than 20 minutes, the car stopped directly next to the runway. Private jets are convenient at this point. There is less complicated procedure to take off with the luggage and take off. Of course, Yue Zhong and Lu Muda The two strong laborers, the driver was originally intended to help, but was backed by Bamamei's malicious support.

After being busy for a long time, Yue Zhong pretended to be unhappy and sat on the plane seat, tilted his head and went to sleep, worried that Xiao Meiqing, who was really angry, sat next to him with a tangled face, holding Yue Zhong's hand and pouting his mouth. not talking.

"The journey is a little far away, and I will have the spirit to play when I sleep." Yue Zhong squinted at Xiao Meiqing's expression without any surprise, and opened his eyes and said a few words to help her fasten her seat belt.

"I know my brother-in-law." The little girl smiled in an instant cloudy and sunny, and closed her eyes obediently against the seat.

After receiving the tower signal, Xiaomei's private jet said that the route was The starting point and destination were in good weather conditions and could take off. The huge passenger plane was carrying a huge engine roar on the runway. Accelerating forward, as the speed reached the critical point, the machine head was raised, and it rushed obliquely towards the clouds.

The usual passenger plane arrives from Country J to New Zealand and requires a halfway transfer. If you fly directly, the fuel is definitely not enough. However, Xiaomei’s private jet is specially customized by the owner of Xiaomei’s life. Four auxiliary fuel tanks are added to ensure that it will leap half the earth. There is no problem, the new aircraft engine and cabin decompression device will greatly increase the flight speed, but the flight time is still up to eight hours.

At the beginning, Lumu Yuanxiang was also excited to discuss with Ba Mami whether she would go for a stroll on the west coast after landing in Auckland or to the sky tower to see this surviving independent southern hemisphere island country, but even if she had more words to say, two hours later Gradually, there was no sound, and his head drooped out a gentle breath on Bama's shoulder.

"I finally fell asleep, it seems that I was suppressed for too long." Yue Zhong failed to fall asleep along the way, and he didn't open his eyes until Lumu Yuanxiang's voice calmed down.

Xiao Meiqing around him also fell asleep, and Lumuda has been suffering from the holiday bombing of Lumuyuanxiang since his sister took a leave, so it doesn't matter that she fell asleep, and the only thing that was awake was Bamamei.

"You're not happy yet, wouldn't she be caused by you like this?" Bama Mei squinted and smiled, "You really can't figure it out, especially to throw her into Hideo Hideo's company. Every day she was so busy that she stepped off the ground, that is, Madoka could bear it. If I were to change to me, I would have resigned long ago."

"Replace her job after returning, otherwise she wouldn't dare to bring Xiaoyuan out to play together." Yue Zhong hesitated.

Ba Mami said nonchalantly: "Let's talk more."

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