Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1265: Windsurfing coast

After an unpleasant dinner or midnight snack, it was already 10:30 local time, and Madoka, who was still full of energy, did not want to waste every day, and asked Han Meimei humbly with the entries in the travel guide.

"Auckland is called the capital of sails. Should there be many sail boats on the west coast?"

However, Han Meimei didn't seem to see the expectation in Lumu Yuanxiang's eyes: "It is winter now, the weather is so cold, no normal people will find it uncomfortable to surf on a sailboat, and the sailboats on the sea are basically dragged into the dock for storage, There is nothing empty on the coast, I think you still have to rest early and plan tomorrow."

"That's right." Lumu Yuanxiang nodded in disappointment, but I'm afraid she couldn't sleep anymore when she went to sleep now, so she pulled Ba Mami and Lumu Da: "Sister, brother, let's go shopping. , Yue Zhong... Did you take Xiaoqing to rest?"

Xiao Meiqing, who has long been at bedtime, is still very energetic. After all, she looks at the current time at 7:30 in j country, and she has been sleeping for a long time on the plane, so she looked at Yue Zhong happily and hoped him Can agree to play for a while.

"Although it is from Dongjiu District to East Twelfth District, if you don't want to yawn tomorrow, you will go to bed and adjust your work and rest." Yue Zhong pretended not to see Xiao Meiqing's eyes, but even Lumu Yuanxiang they wanted to go shopping. Did not agree with the proposal.

"That's right, there is almost a month to play. Xiaoyuan, don't worry about this evening." Bama Mei, who didn't help Yue Zhong along the way, finally agreed with Yue Zhong's statement.

Yue Zhong and Bama Mei disagreed, and Lumu Yuanxiang had to accept the idea of ​​going to the hotel to rest.

Get out of the hotel and get on a three-row large off-road vehicle from Han Meimei. This red behemoth that is two meters wide and about four meters wide is also a high-end off-road vehicle produced by the Xiaomei Consortium. The cars around the parking lot appear to be small In a lap, Han Meimei almost couldn't see the road on the domineering side leakage giant seat, and she didn't know why her petite little girl drove this car.

"Hurry to get on the bus, the hotel has booked it for you. Of course I only invite you to pay for it today. I will pay my own salary afterwards. My salary is not much." Han Meimei is a magical girl who uses firearms to fight. Among the magical girls The combat budget can be regarded as a local tyrant, but it is incomparable to Yue Zhong, who holds the financial power of Xiaomei's family. Therefore, he did not plan to pretend to be a big money in front of the real local tyrant but spoke directly.

"I'm very worried that you will hit a tree in a car, or let me come." Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiqing are more careful than before. After all, Han Meimei's body shape does not match the size of this off-road vehicle. .

Han Meimei pressed the horn hard, and the harsh dripping sound filled the entire parking lot, which was also mixed with her dissatisfied shouting: "Long word, hurry up."

Facts have proved that Jianglong still can't fight the head snake. Yue important is that if you don't take the car driven by Han Meimei, you won't find where to go and find a car for a while. Hotel.

On the roads along the way, you can see beaches and dim lights. Not all sailboats have been towed away. Some of them are stopped on the shore and swayed with the cold wind at night. It is not that the lighthouses on the coast occasionally illuminate the beach with lights, and it is difficult for people traveling on the road to discover their existence.

Seeing these deer eyes is incredibly stubborn, and I also understand that there is actually a big gap between the real tourism and the publicity on the Internet. All the way, I kept my chin thinking about how to modify my next travel plan. I felt right at the door of the hotel.

After seeing the car, Yue Zhong laughed at the hotel’s sign. This was also one of Xiaomei’s five-star hotel chains, but it is now under the organization and management of the Magic Girl, which is operating in a conventional business operation. They also spend money to live in.

Han Meimei drew out three house cards from his pocket and took it to Yue Zhong's hands: "Xiaoyuan lives with Xiaoqing, Yuezhong and Daye, and Mami and me live."

This arrangement does not seem very reasonable. Xiao Meiqing is still young, and she lived with Yue Zhong when she came out. If the little girl went out, Yue Zhong would often be too scared to sleep.

"Now that you have arranged it, Xiaoqing will stay with Xiaoyuan's sister for one night. Tomorrow I will ask the waiter to see if there is any suite available." Yue Zhong reassured Xiao Meiqing's head.

"Got it, brother-in-law." Xiao Meiqing didn't want Yue Zhong to be away from her at night, but Han Meimei's kindness could not refuse her. If she said too much, she might be angry.

Han Meimei's arrangement naturally had her reasons. When Xiaoyuan took Xiao Meiqing to bed in the room, she appeared with Ba Mami in the rooms of Yue Zhong and Lu Muda.

Lu Muda, who turned on the TV and was ready to learn a foreign language for a while, also looked at the two magical girls who came in at the door and looked a little surprised, but they understood it after a while. They came to New Zealand with Sayaka’s commission. Hide him.

"The irrelevant people go to bed quickly, otherwise your sister will spank you." Han Meimei was ready to blast Lumuda It seems that he did not intend to let him join him.

Lu Muda is really helpless. He consciously has grown up and has experienced many things with Yue Zhong. Even if he can’t stand alone, it’s still okay to listen, but this Mei Mei sister obviously He treats him as a child like Xiao Meiqing. If Yue Zhong talks to him like this, he will definitely go back, but he is also very self-cultivated towards others.

"It doesn't matter if this kid listens." Yue Zhong said as he watched Lu Muda stand up, but grinning and didn't want to leave, he said with a smile.

Since Yue Zhong had no opinion, Han Meimei was too lazy to be that bad guy. He walked to the window and opened the window. The cold wind at night fluttered into the room, and Lu Muda, who had taken off his coat, shivered immediately.

"What are you doing?" Yue Zhong asked strangely.

"Did you see the small island opposite?" Han Meimei, as a magical girl fighting with firearms, often used her gray eagle as a remote support role in team operations, so the night vision is still terrible, even if it is far away. The islands that are kilometers away can also be seen clearly.

Yue Zhong walked behind her and pressed her skyward braid, her gaze jumped over Han Meimei's head, and she also crossed the light of the lighthouse on the coast and scattered sails to look into the distance.

"What's there?" Yue Zhong's eyesight was good, but he only saw an island that was calm and infiltrating under the darkness of night.

"Something very serious happened some time ago. Even though the information control and blockade of the tuned momentum is conducted at the headquarters, it is well known in Auckland." Han Meimei's eyes are rare and solemn killings, "Yes A magical girl was counted, and those scumbags treated her cruelly and killed her. I failed to rescue them in time. Now I have found out that the secret base of the scumbags is on the island."

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