Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1297: Resort Daily II

"Sister Mami, what's the matter with you?" Xiao Meiqing asked nervously whether Ba Mami and Yue Zhong were troublesome.

Ba Mami thought that the white man who invited him to a date after drinking a little wine last night was so angry and funny. In the past, this kind of thing was daily between Yue Zhong and Lu Mu Da, but he deliberately teased Yue Zhong for a while. Later, he came back with revenge. For a while, Ba Mami was not very comfortable with this way of getting along, so she didn't give Yue Zhong a good look just now.

But calm down and think about it, she suddenly found it interesting.

"It's all right. Something happened after you fell asleep last night." Bama said generously, "I won't hold him accountable for Xiao Qing's face."

Xiao Meiqing breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, I'm still worried that Sister Mami and her husband have quarreled."

Today's weather is not very good. There is light snow floating in the sky. After falling to the ground, it added that the snow layer was melted by the sun yesterday. Undoubtedly, the difficulty of hunting in such weather has increased a lot. When Yue Zhong saw Lumuda and Kyousuke Uejo, the two were already fully armed.

Lu Mengda, who had sniper shooting experience, is also holding a sniper shotgun and is checking the status of the gun, while Uejo Kyosuke, who is responsible for observation and safety, holds a double-barreled shotgun. Yue Zhong does not wear any guns, but is in the weapon. The management office picked a compound bow.

Seeing Lu Mengda is looking at himself, Yue Zhong didn't even think about what he observed last night: "Don't look at it, things like bows and arrows can't be learned in a day or two, you can use them honestly gun."

"I'm looking at your other things, is it enough to bring a set of arrows?" Lu Muda has also seen Yue Zhong's magical marksmanship, but he has not seen him use bows and arrows. "Other telescopes, bionic whistle , Do not bring the odor eliminating agent?"

"You know quite a lot, did the coach teach you just now?" Yue Zhong smiled. "I used to hunt for fun, but I really need food to sustain my life. Those things you said were not in that era. Exists, even this compound bow in my hand is a super weapon."

Lu Muda also whispered: "Some use is better than no use, there is no need to be so old-fashioned."

"Boy, I play with you to remember your youth. If your sister insisted on asking me to come, I might as well accompany Xiaoqing to ski."

"My sister doesn't think so much..."

The routine fight between the two made Kyosuke Uejo unable to intervene, but he watched the excitement happily, and after they finished speaking, they walked towards the forest farm.

Saying that they disdain to use those things is actually because Yue Zhong has never used them. He doesn't know much about modern hunting, so he asked on the road: "What did the coach teach you?"

Lumuda also deliberately refused to answer. Fortunately, the previous article was willing to mediate from it: "The coach taught us how to identify the traces of animal activities. At the same time, he also said that the signs of animal activities in snowy weather will not be retained for too long. The grass and trees are withered, so when the view is wide, you should pay more attention to concealing your whereabouts so as not to be discovered by prey. Once you find the prey, you will touch it from the lee...

Listening to the introduction of Kyousuke Uejo, the three slowly entered the depths of the forest farm. The development of the times has driven all-round progress. Yue Zhong’s previous hunting relied on skill and experience, but after the systematic finishing of modern hunting skills It also helped him a lot.

"What do you do to stop?" Lumuda also went a little further with Kyosuke Uejo, and found Yue Zhong to stay in place for a long time. Kyosuke Uejo looked back curiously and asked.

"It's useless to say so much. You pay more attention to the situation on the ground." Yue Zhong sighed slightly.

The two replied a little embarrassedly, but there were no animal footprints around Yue Zhong. Did he smell the smell?

"What did you find?" Yosuke Kyousuke asked curiously.

Yue Zhong squatted on the ground to pick up the newly fallen snow, and looked at the strips of black paint: "This is the feces of the rabbit. After I was buried in the snow, I walked and smelled it."

Kyosuke Uejo and Lu Muda also looked at each other, Yue Zhong, this guy really depends on the news.

"What's the use?"

Yue Zhong stood up and squinted across the woods in front of him. There seemed to be no signs of biological activity in the silver world that was so calm that only the sound of wind and snow fell, but a little bit of clues could not escape his eyes with his pupils raised.

"The rabbit is there, less than 400 meters away, and the wind is down. There is a cave around it that should be its nest." Yue Zhong pointed out a location and let Lu Muda also pick up the telescope to observe.

Lumuda also looked at the withered bushes for a long time and found nothing abnormal. I was thinking about whether Yue Zhong saw Yue Zhong bending his bow and arrow when he flicked him, and the white silver wings made a beauty in the sky. The arc that fell on the white snow bloomed a dark blood flower.

"It's going to run, I have to reach out." Yue Zhong explained, "Remember that the rabbit is white, it's hard to be found in the snow, it's the only chance to find it when it moves."

When the three men came to the place where the arrow fell, they found the rabbit who died directly through the spine with an arrow.

Yue Zhong’s archery is undoubtedly top-notch, and Lumuda must also admit this. If he is not restricted today, he basically has nothing to do with Kyosuke Uejo, but he also wants to give Uejo Kyosuke two shots to see. What.

After picking up the body of the rabbit, he skillfully tied it to his waist, and then got up and said to two people who felt useless: "Play with yourself, I just remind you two sentences when it matters, just use your hand. Things let me see what works."

Kyousuke Uejo, who feels that letting Yue Zhong hunt with their two novices but doesn't let him shoot: "We will concentrate on finding more Yue Zhong does not have to deliberately take care of."

Yue Zhong does not care to raise his eyebrows. There are few dangerous animals in New Zealand. In addition, there is no danger in privately operated forest farms. It is just that hunting wild animals without resistance makes him really uninterested, but continues. It’s just a waste of time to tell Kyosuke Uejo that it’s just a waste of time.

The journey of hunting continued, and Lumu Da, who aimed to hunt to a large animal, and Kyosuke Uejo really did not rely on Yue Zhong as much as possible, but he couldn't help but always pick their wrong preaching .

"Bionic whistle can attract some animals, but it is not a panacea. Your guns are no less than bows and arrows. The animals around you must be scared away. Searching nearby will not have any results."

"The skulls of animals are much harder than humans. Unless they are shot from a weak place such as the eyes and penetrate the brain, they are not so easy to die. It is better to shoot their spine and important internal organs than to fight for that luck. Different animal physiology Is the structure clear?"

"If I can catch a prey before the end of today, I will teach you how to use bows and arrows..."

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