Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1320: Endgame to be continued

Xiao Meiqing went to school, and Yue Zhong was also quite worried that she greeted herself as usual. The coat's blocking effect was not good. Once she moved, it was easy for her to fall to the ground and be noticed by her.

Seeing from the window that she was slowly going to the school with her small school bag on her back, she met her classmates at the end of her line of sight.

He didn't know when Peng Ju would arrive. He only hoped that he was worried that Ming Ying hadn't gone far, but in order to prevent excessive blood loss, Yue Zhong still stood up and found the medical box to the bathroom. Back to the mirror for simple treatment.

The wounds left by the Warcraft attack on people are difficult to clean. Yue Zhong can only temporarily stop bleeding. The toxins and dead air that have been embedded in the body need to be cleaned up by professional means. Fortunately, before Xiao Meiyan leaves A perfect magic medical system has been established.

It is she who thinks of being a good person, and she is also a villain. The world has left more traces than anyone else.

After cleaning the wound, Yue Zhong opened the door and waited on the sofa in the living room. He heard a sound of brakes, and the familiar steps led several people in a hurry.

"Yue Zhong, are you okay?"

The physical pain is wonderful, like the pain of corroding flesh and bone marrow, and it is accompanied by soothing mental and physical itch. The two are alternately circulated and transmitted to the brain, making it impossible for people to gather their will to resist the pain, and it is difficult to be safe. Adapted.

After hearing Peng Ju's voice, Yue Zhong rolled his eyes strenuously. Does he look okay? Spread on the sofa to prevent blood from soaking through the fabric of the sofa. There are blood stains everywhere on the sofa: "Uncle Peng, are you seeing me die?"

"The doctor asked you." Peng Ju realized that he was talking nonsense, and quickly asked the accompanying doctor to treat Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong was honest and immobile, only one mouth was still moving and said: "Hurry up, just deal with the wound, and wait for him to recover slowly."

"Okay, I know you don’t want Xiaoqing to know, but you won’t be able to recover from this injury in a day. Consider your own body and then go to the hospital for observation. I will stay here to tell Xiaoqing in the afternoon. You are in a hurry to go out." Peng Ju interrupted Yue Zhong's words and said as a person coming over, "Don't think that you are young and able to survive now. The injuries you suffered when you were young are all debts that you have to repay when you are old. You think Did you die before me?"

Peng Ju’s sentence undoubtedly just mentioned Yue Zhong’s heart, he didn’t plan to die so early: “Don’t, you just tell her I’m sick again, and wait for Xiao Qing to pick her up to the hospital after school, this girl If you don’t see me in a few days, you can’t bear it.”

"If you know it, just do what you said." Peng Ju hesitated for a moment and said solemnly, "Thank you very much for this matter."

"Yes, Uncle Peng, you are too old. It's easy to get killed if you are going to fight."

The doctor temporarily stabilized Yue Zhong’s injury with a portable instrument and pushed it on a stretcher to send him to the ambulance to prepare for the hospital. The injury left by Warcraft must definitely receive a special treatment plan. Keep it for Yue Zhong.

Peng Ju stayed in Raccoon Village according to his words, because the gap between him and Yue Zhong made him rarely come here. He thought that a big man with a little girl living at home must be messy, but the environment in the house was It is much cleaner than Peng Ju thought.

"I didn't see you so diligently in the store before, stinky boy." After sending Ming Ying and Yue Zhong to the hospital, the stone hanging in Peng Ju's heart could finally land.

He still did not know exactly what happened, and could only guess that it must be related to Warcraft. However, in the past, Ming Ying would have told himself in advance to deal with Warcraft. He never said goodbye this time, which meant that she knew she had It may die, so I deliberately found something to quarrel with myself before leaving, and then pretended to run away from home.

But how could such a clumsy performance hide Peng Ju who knew her well, and this is why Peng Ju asked Yue Zhong for help, and through a seemingly happy ending, the gap between them was somewhat eliminated, hope Don't happen similar things again in the future...

Many of the magical girls who survived on the battlefield were as serious as Mingying. They were either extremely powerful in their own combat, or they chose to protect themselves after finding that something was wrong. As for the adventurous magical girls , Lumu Yuanxiang retrieved it and disappeared a lot.

On the island of the Atlantic, the wounded Mami and Sakura Kyoko are supporting each other and standing on the coast waiting for the emergence of rescue fighters. Their mutual dependence and body temperature are the only perceptions that they can feel that they are still alive. Helping each other, they may not be able to persevere in the moment when the time and space loop is broken.

"Don't fall asleep, you can't wake up when you fall asleep." Ba Mami patted Kyoko's face leaning on her Her long red hair has been burned The burnt yellow on one end looked particularly funny, but it was lucky enough to release the fireworks beyond its own control limit. If it was not for her to break out at a critical moment, it is unknown whether the two could stand still.

Xingzi, who has overdrawn the source, is far more serious than Bami. If she had always had the magic of sunshine, she would not be able to support the integrity of her soul only by her empty spiritual core.

"Very tired." Kyoko's head rubbed against Mami, and said dumbly: "If you don't want me to fall asleep, just talk to me more."

"What do you want to say?" Bama Mei narrowed her eyes and smiled faintly.

Kyoko thought about it and recalled: "This battle is really inexplicable. Some of it was like when you took me to deal with the witch for the first time. I still remember that witch is very powerful. Although you are my predecessor, it is actually the first. Become a magical girl for two months, and the two of us can't beat it together. Later, it also went so inexplicably, we supported each other to your home to use the spiritual core you saved before to purify before we survived. ..."

Once the conversation box in the past opened, it couldn't be closed. Fortunately, Kyoko temporarily forgot his physical fatigue after he had a conversation.

Yue Zhong said that once a person starts to like memories, it means that he is getting old. We magic girls, in fact, haven't been young girls for a long time.

Lumu Yuanxiang told Kasin that the result of her retrieval had survived the magic girl, and the auxiliary troops that had been unable to enter the main battlefield immediately began a rescue operation, and the battle with the dark apostle was eventually defeated by a double defeat. The results have come to an end temporarily, but this endgame has not yet reached the end, the battle between those who betrayed human justice and Kasin is yet to be continued. 8)

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