Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1390: Court hearing (3)

"The prosecutor, please pay attention to your actions." The sound of Yue Zhong's smashing the table not only scared the defendant and the defense lawyer, but also the others in the quiet court, the referee had to remind him.

Yue Zhong smiled apologetically and said: "I was a little excited for the first time in court, and I will pay attention next time."

Others are not clear about the situation and may believe it to be true, but Ba Mami knew that Yue Zhong must have done it on purpose. He did so rather than frighten people. It was a prank. Anyway, no matter how serious he is, there might be a cold or two. It's no surprise to do such a thing as a joke.

Ba Mami, who was sitting in the auditorium, took advantage of Yue Zhong’s gaze and turned him over to let him talk, and don’t mess around at this time.

Yue Zhong shrugged quietly and walked in front of Sato Kazuhiko again: "On June 14, last year, the defendant was dismissed after he was found to have stolen auto repair shop parts, and after three months of detention, he was released and introduced by a friend. Entering the work of the Shenbin slaughterhouse, he seems to be very talented in this area, and soon changed from a handy apprentice to a formal butcher, so your skill in using knives is also learned there and skilled, right."

Kazuhiko Sato looked at Yue Zhong with a panic look at Haruo Kojima, then nodded hesitantly and admitted. Kazuhiko Sato was not always a good-tempered person before this arrest. It is common to start fighting with people without saying a word. Even if he is caught in a detention center because of theft and fighting, he is not afraid. He is not afraid of the police. Prosecutor, but he was afraid of Yue Zhong.

Not only was Yue Zhong’s interrogation putting pressure on him, but also because he was afraid of the violence flowing out of the **** sea of ​​corpses on Yue Zhong’s body from the heart, even the wicked people had ranks, it was clear that Yue Zhong The most important thing is the existence of the top of the food chain in the wicked. The military career of the cold weapon that stutters the meat and cuts the man has given him this temperament. However, Sato and Yantian who dare to quietly murder the disobedient people in a civilized society exist on the one. Level of fear.

Otherwise, he would not dare to say it under Yue Zhong’s constant testimony, but he was so nervous and frightened that he could not speak.

"On November 7th, after you had a dispute with your colleague Ueno Zhang, you started to cut the other party into a serious injury, but the slaughterhouse crushed the incident afterwards, but it made you lose some money. You were lucky to escape the punishment of the law. Dismissed again. Dissatisfied with your job, you conducted some investigations on Ueno Zhang and found that he came out of the orphanage. No family members or relatives lived alone in Shenbin. No one will know even if they are missing, so you I couldn't help but move my murderous intention."

"Just after he was discharged from the hospital, you made all preparations and invited him to eat in the name of indemnity. After drunken him, he drove him to the wilderness and killed him. He abandoned the dead and fled..."

Kazuhiko Sato, who was pierced by the past, couldn’t help but start to tremble. Harushima Kojima knew that if he let Yue Zhong say it, he would probably be unable to bear it and confess, and he just interrupted without considering how much evidence Yue Zhong had: "The referee Long, this is just the prosecutor's speculation."

The chief referee had already seen all the evidence provided by Yue Zhong before, so he knew that Yue Zhong was not a groundless accusation against Sato and Yan Luozhi: "The prosecutor can elaborate on the case."

"Understood." Yue nodded and continued, "The injuries that occurred while working in the slaughterhouse. The magical girl Qi Hai 8000 has obtained testimony from witnesses at the time. The owner of the slaughter house also admitted that this incident occurred. But he was worried that it would affect the sales of the slaughterhouse, so he put pressure on the parties to be private. There is enough evidence for these things, and I have already submitted it to the judges and jury members."

"Now the key is to determine whether Kazuhiko Sato murdered Ueno Zhang. Ueno Zhang was discharged from the hospital on May 13 this year, and Kazuhiko Sato used a fake ID to go to the civil affairs department to investigate Ueno Zhang's family three months ago. In this regard, the testimony of the processing staff, his autograph and surveillance video at that time can be proved."

"Knowing that Ueno Zhang was alone, Sato Kazuhiko, who owed a large amount of debt due to compensation, was faced with a usury. At the same time, he had a quarrel with his father Sato Nakajima and ran away from home. Sato Kazuhiko not only hurried Looking for a new job to work and repay the money, instead of leaving Shenbin City in order to escape debt, instead of stealing a XX off-road vehicle a total of seven times to Changyu Mountain near Shenbin City in the month before Ueno Zhang was discharged from the hospital, The times recorded in the traffic monitoring are..."

"There are three surveillance videos where you can clearly see Kazuhiko Sato driving a car. According to what I have said, there is no other crowded place on the Changyu Mountain except for a resort hotel, and the resort staff have never seen Kazuhiko Sato. What was the stolen vehicle that he appeared in Changyu Mountain seven times in a row?" Yue Zhong looked at Sato Can the defendant and defense lawyer answer? "

Harushima Kojima's eyelids jumped, knowing that he was preparing for what Yue Zhong might ask after the court today, which was not beyond his expectation: "My client was because I couldn't find a job, and Those few times happened to be chased by usury, so I went to Changyu Mountain to hide and relax."

"It turned out that the magical girl Qihaibaqiandai found Ueno Zhang's body in Changyu Mountain. The death time was just the night after discharge from the hospital. The wound on his body was caused by the cleavage of a kitchen knife like Yukawa Hayakawa, according to the decay. A little hair was found in the hands of the post-corpse, which could be confirmed as Sato Kazuhiko's hair after DNA comparison, and the seventh departure to Changyu Mountain was also carried by Ueno Zhang at night."

Yue Zhong said in a deep voice: "All the evidence points to Sato Kazuhiko's murder of Ueno Zhang, do you have any opinion on the defense lawyer?"

Kojima Haruna involuntarily sweated coldly on his forehead. The evidence held by Yue Zhong was too comprehensive. He had no time to destroy or forge at all. It was not only to protect Sato and Hiko that Asami stayed in Jian Takihara. At the same time, with the help of Peng Ju’s power, he is also monitoring his every move. He has no chance to go to Shenbin City in person, but it is too unreliable to use money to buy people to do things. The most important Shenbin City Police Department The sergeant was transferred from his post.

"It seems that the defendant and the defense lawyer have no intention of refuting, but when the case comes to this step, a new problem arises again." Yue Zhong said with a sneer. "Sato and Yan have made full preparations when carrying out the two murders, and He was just a student who dropped out of school after graduating from junior high school. From there, he learned these anti-reconnaissance skills. After killing Ueno Zhang, he successfully fled to Jiantung, who was not found."

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