Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1397: The Return of the Car God

Yue Zhong hasn’t heard the news of Hideo Luzawa for a long time. His company in Takihara is still operating normally but there is not much profit. Yue Zhong sometimes suddenly thinks of killing Matt in the village The Speed ​​Party asked him about the news, but those people didn't know where Hideo Ozawa went, so Yue Zhong knew that he should go to the place where he should go, so he didn't ask any more.

But he came back today, and appeared at the banquet inside Xiaomei’s house. Even though Hideo Lusawa was hidden, even the people at the same table didn’t know who he was, a stranger appeared in the manor that should have caused Be wary, but Hideo Luzawa was brought to this table by the old housekeeper, so the others didn't say much.

From the moment the seven seas and eight thousand generations came in, Hidezawa felt instinctively that she might have influenced her plan, so she focused her attention on each other, and Yue Zhong, who stood in the center, saw Hidezawa, although he did not With that conspicuous green hair, one's behavior is always characteristic.

Yue Zhong looked at Hideo Luzawa holding the glass and stood up slowly toward the Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations, revealing a playful smile.

Lvze Xiufu may also know that he can’t hide Yue Zhong’s eyes anyway, so he has never deliberately concealed his whereabouts. When the seven seas and eight thousand generations were still watching Yue Zhong, he appeared quietly in the seven seas and eight generations. Beside.

"Beautiful lady, can I sit here?" Hideo Lusawa said aloud.

There was a trace of surprise in the eyes of the Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations, and then the peaceful eyes like Pinghu turned to look at Hideo Luze: "Please feel free."

Then she didn't mean to take care of Hideo Luze, no matter what purpose he used to talk to him, the seven seas and eight thousand generations who always kept a distance from others were not interested in knowing or ignoring them.

But Hideo Luze didn’t just sit by the seven seas and eight thousand generations. He continued tentatively: “I haven’t seen the lady before at the manor. I just saw that you came in with Bama Mi. It looks like you are also a magical girl. Now."

The seven seas and eight thousand generations do not speak, it seems that they have not heard it, but this does not let Hideo Luze stop here: "The magic girl is curious about the owner of Xiaomei’s house. I am not difficult to understand, but I always feel that you are carrying some purpose Come, maybe this is the same as my purpose here."

When Ba Mami asked just now, the Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations randomly found a reason to perfunctory. She did not have any accidents about this, but she was confessed by a stranger. The Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations were still very surprised.

But she still did not speak, silent like the backwater in the cold lake.

Nor did Hideo Lu Ze continue to say anything: "The owner of Xiaomei’s family today is holding a celebration feast to celebrate the success of the case. This is actually only a small thing for Xiaomei’s family, but he is very fanciful. I’m afraid it’s not just because it’s so simple to get justice for my friends, it’s more like a signal to let family members know what he will do next.”

"The death of the former owner of Xiaomei's family has not had any results so far. Not only the relevant departments of country J have been ignorant of this, it seems that the whole world has deliberately forgotten this matter, because if it is investigated, it will involve too much, and the impact may be No less than a major earthquake in the entire world, the death of the former head of the family seems to be a matter of course. The scope of the law exceeded is a tacit politics, so no one would want Xiaomei to continue to pursue this. Things." Hideo Luzawa said that he was thirsty for a long time, so he drank the red wine in the glass and licked his lips before continuing. "Except Xiaomei's family."

The Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations can no longer focus on Yue Zhong. Although Hideo Ozawa has been talking about the Xiaomei family on the surface, the secret is really his own intention. If he does not guess his intention, then There is absolutely no need to say so much to a strange magic girl.

Unless he is deliberately showing off his wisdom, just like the male peacock opening the screen to attract the opposite sex.

In his first impression of Hidezawa in the Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations, he does not look like such a person, but more like a smart businessman.

Businessmen are always profit-seeking, they will not do things that are not beneficial, and they will not manage things that do not threaten their interests.

Maybe his appearance threatened his interests...

"How should the owner of Xiaomei's family complete the common will of the whole family? For some unknown reasons, his performance since returning to here is diametrically opposed to the former Yue Zhong, as if he had become a law-abiding person. Good citizens, let alone the vengeance of murder and revenge. I haven’t even run through the red light. I have been a driver before, and I am very impressed."

"There seems to be only one way to accomplish revenge. Using judicial means to send those people to the trial table for other There will always be some invisible crime behind every successful big company. , And I was the one who was collecting these evidences for him." Soo Ozawa's words ended here, as if the map of Xianjiang was rolled out to the end revealing a cold blade.

The Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations slowly turned their heads, and their cold eyes were locked on Hideo Lusawa, and the magical burst of invisible pressure was pressing heavily on Hideo Lusawa, "Who are you?"

"Miss Qihai's appearance reminds me of the story told by the owner of Xiaomei's family. When he and Xiaomei's elder lady first met, the other party looked at him like he is now and asked him." Lvze Xiufu made a ridicule, but seeing that the seven seas and eight thousand generations did not react at all and knew that it would not be easier to irritate the other party than to let the other party talk to themselves. Yue Zhong will launch his own plan of revenge so he came to stop specially, because you are like those who deliberately forgot the death of the former head of the family, and do not want more turbulence in this world."

"Then you are here to stop me?" Seven seas and eight thousand generations raised their chin and said, "You don't have this ability."

Hideo Hideo frankly admits: "Indeed, no matter whether it is military or other strength, I am not qualified to compete with a magical girl. Miss Qihai is a famous detective in Asia. I want to find your weakness to threaten. The key thing is probably not what I want to do, but who can let the owner of Xiaomei's house listen to me and Miss Qihai."

The seven seas and eight thousand generations only thought that Hideo Luze was specially arranged by Yue Zhong or Bama Mei to test his attitude, but the meaning in his words seems to be far from that simple. He is not under the hands of anyone, everything he does is for The kind of person you intend.

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