Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1432: Return to 7 galaxy

"Really?" Odin could see that Sukhbaatar didn't seem to be lying to himself, and stopped the pursuit of her, "You can't take it easy, you go back and report the situation to the Soviet general." , I called the fleet to prepare for this."

Sukhbaatar quickly ran away. Although the two little girls were younger, they could still work hard after bearing the mission of being the ship's mother. In the event, they could be more prioritized, although Suharba It’s very pitiful to carelessly squeeze the dead cat.

The Soviet Union, which was reported by Suhrbaatar, did not neglect, and immediately commanded the First Fleet to guard the shining Star River to carry out military alert exercises to prevent the Abyss Fleet from having new tricks.

The light that flashed from the bright galaxy was actually just Papasis's Void Flight Vehicle. Just like the previous S Starfield observatory found other Void Vehicles, there was no threat to the Seven Galaxy itself. Therefore, the First Fleet seemed a bit blind to the division, but it must not be said that they were wrong.

The reaction of the First Fleet also impressed Papasis in a glance at that moment. This fleet is full of vigor and vitality, and it also carries the fierce breath and decisive will of the last war. The division, in the combat troops of the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment, is only comparable to the elite division that competes most intensely with the panplane.

Veneto chose to accept Yue Zhong’s guidance and accepted the integration of the ubiquitous plane. It’s time for the world to be vast and narrow in this material plane group. Her heavy flame federation has been exposed to the eyes of many forces. The unique The position of the plane node is destined to be important for its strategic importance. The protection and integration of the ubiquitous plane will certainly make the Flame Alliance lose some of its autonomy, but it can at least be free from the danger of mergers by other forces.

Just like Papasis saw the spirit of the First Fleet, he couldn't help but think of pulling this army into the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment, and its rulers are all female warships, and females. The Wushen Ranger Regiment has a very high fit, and it can be speculated that other forces may not have this idea.

Papasis, who returned to the Seventh Galaxy, came with some hatred. The most intriguing stroke she left here was actually the folding space technology that A star field shined in the war. After developing the folding space technology here, Papasis was still happy to be robbed of all the experimental data by a group of unidentified people. A foreign scientist without any combat power is facing this star-level persecution. There was no room for rebellion, and then it fell to the S Star Territory to take refuge, and was immediately found by the people on the void vehicle passing by and finally joined the Valkyrie Rangers.

She came with hatred and wanted to avenge the murderers who persecuted her in the past, but it is not possible to say whether those people are still alive today, so the greater meaning of Papasis to return is just to end her own heart.

It would be great if we could use Veneto’s power to find those people, if they were all dead, Papasis didn’t know what else he could do, and he would revenge his descendants or just honestly obey Xiao Meiyan's order to assist Veneto?

Papasis decided to go sunbathing on the sandy beach of the Sicilian Star of Ten Thousand Miles...

She is not a person with lofty ideals. Being able to live a good life and doing what she likes to do is enough to satisfy Papasis. She will revenge but not be blinded by hatred. She will yearn for the glory of success but Will shrink back in the face of great difficulties, she is just an ordinary girl, the only thing that is not ordinary is the gift of scientific research.

After appearing on the Sicilian star, Papasis hid her personal void vehicle in the folding space she was best at. She believed that no one could discover the secrets of herself as long as she didn't touch the top scientist of the panplane.

After walking into a store selling beach supplies with the credit points left over 20 years ago, Papasis was chased out of her. She found that her previous deposits were no longer usable. Year's movements are really quick. So quickly, the seven-galaxy electronic money is unified. It is no wonder that he used the money from the past to buy the goods of the past. He is regarded as a fool.

Papasis, who had no money to spend, was a little dumbfounded for a while. She did not have the conviction of robbing banks like Xiao Meiyan. She had always lived on a legitimate income. Text.

Fortunately, she did not have the language difficulties that Yue Zhong encountered. She had lived in each of the seven galaxies before, and she could communicate with anyone even without relying on the language modules implanted in her mind.

The Sicilian Star Beach Enjoyment Program went bankrupt, and Papasis had to rush for her meal and sleep problems. After hacking a public galaxy communicator, she used the previously known channels to find familiar scientific research institutions one by one and bring herself The technical test report was sent in the past, and soon received feedback from Rome.

"Miss Papasis, our department has received your folding space research report. Minister Li will personally come to Sicily to welcome your visit..."

Papasis laughed with pride. He left the technical strength for more than two decades but has grown by leaps and bounds. It is not a matter of minutes to draw the attention of scientists here in his best field.

Li Peiyun is a pure enthusiasm for technology will not be worse than anyone. When he saw a research report on the leapfrog development of folding space technology, he prepared the spacecraft relentlessly. Driving to the Sicilian star, Papasis stood enviously on the beach and watched others wearing beautiful swimsuits, and thought that he could only wear scientific research uniforms to stand aside and watch his heart.

Three hours later, the plain-looking Li Peiyun appeared with a group of bodyguards next to Papasis. The girl with big eyes was already hungry and dizzy on the ground.

"Miss Papasis? I'm Li Peiyun from the Research Department." Li Peiyun wanted to take him away immediately after seeing the other party, but his wife always told him not to do anything by his own temper recently. If he offended some people, the Li family's life will be more difficult, so when he faced an unidentified female scientist, he suppressed his impatience and showed politeness.

Li Peiyun subconsciously asked when the Li family would not need to look at the eyes of others to survive. The answer given by Yue Suling was to wait for the day when their daughter returned from school.

Papasis heard Li Peiyun's voice immediately jumped up and shouted: "You are finally here, my aircraft is broken, I can only force landing in this ghost place, and I'm starving to death without any credit..."

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