Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1437: Hell gatekeeper

There are many uncertain risks in doing this, but the liberation of the ship's mother should be all-round. You cannot be a person who imprisoned them again, otherwise it will be contrary to your original intention.

The newly visited mission is no longer assigned by the Panplane Headquarters, but Veneto herself has contacted some Plane World representatives who are willing to cooperate with the Chongyan Federation in depth. She wants to send the ship ladies to travel in batches. , The final result is entirely dependent on fate, and the other party also wants some people to go to the Seventh Galaxy to understand this first-line world of combat against the void, if they can just catch up with the new war, they can bring back precious War experience builds the armed forces of your own world.

Half a month later, Xiaomei Yan of Lab 2 received a single message from Papasis that she had successfully obtained Veneto's trust and entered the research department to start work, but there was no mention of Papasi The speculation in Si's heart and the fact that Veneto saw through her identity, instead talked about Papasis's recent knowledge.

It is obvious that Veneto hopes that the ship's mother will have more contact with the outside world. Xiao Meiyan, who is busy, is also very concerned about this, but for her, Veneto's approach is too uncertain. Sex, if it is decided by oneself, certainly will not agree, at least will not let all ship mothers have the right to leave the seven galaxy.

Co Veneto has grown up and no longer needs anyone to point her finger at her decision. She has her own ideas and perseverance. Xiao Meiyan knew this from the moment Xiao Meiyan picked her up in the Xinghai.

What she wants to do Xiao Meiyan has no power and ability to intervene, so she can only let go of this matter and analyze the development of Chongyan Federation today.

Xiao Meiyan's character is doomed to her inability to master a huge force and lead it to develop steadily. Even if she gathers all the apostles who believe in herself, as long as her willful action will cause immeasurable consequences, so Xiao Meiyan's position on himself is very clear. He controls at most a cutting-edge team with a scale of less than 10,000 people.

As for Yue Zhong's personality, he also has great flaws. He will be a very charming leader in wartime but he will not be a guide for peaceful development.

Veneto is much better than she and Yue Zhong at this point, so they will devote all their efforts to Veneto and hope she can build a strong foundation as their most reliable ally.

The thriving development of the Heavy Flame Federation can be seen clearly even by Papadis alone, which gives some comfort to Xiao Meiyan who is too busy to care about other things.

While gratified by the development of the Seven Stars, Xiao Meiyan's Void Eye project had problems, not because of a bottleneck in research, but because she found that she had not found Fan Hanshi for a long time.

Not only did he seem to disappear, but even the pursuit and escape group under his control had no action. It is not a good thing for Yi Xiaomeiyan to understand this kind of calm. He received his own provocation but did nothing, only thought of other ways to deal with himself.

As Xiao Meiyan was worried, Fan Hanshi left non-stop to a special place after he left Siberia, trying to find a breakthrough for the offensive against the Valkyrie Rangers.

This is a place called hell, and many worlds with supernatural abilities have such a place as a place for the souls of the dead to return, but it is different because it belongs to the pan-plane organization and is a completed The realm of planes.

In the plane without supernatural abilities, all life is completely wiped out in the world after reaching the end, and the traces of their existence are eventually buried in the ground with the passage of time.

The rules of the deceased in the panplane are stricter than those of the living. They cannot cross the barriers of the plane, either disappear into their own world or reincarnate in accordance with the reciprocal rules of the world. The technology of the general plane is the result of the living, and no deceased can make any contribution after death, so the progress of scientific research on the other side of the life is far behind.

But the panplane finally broke this barrier under the leadership of a genius. He transformed a plane into a complete **** with excellent talents and talents and connected all the worlds of the panplane. Those who did not have a home for the dead The human souls that have passed away from the plane are all directed to this point, and the population controlled by the pan-plane organization has doubled. They finally have the ability to let the dead continue to work.

The people who opened up the plane **** have a familiar name. Satan, Lucifer, King of Ten Thousand Ghosts, and Lucifero are also his names. Yue Zhong heard the security officer talk about this when he arrived at the headquarters of the spare tire major league. The name that made the deceased labor, at the time, scared him that he no longer dared to contribute a month's soul to Lucifer.

Fan Hanshi went to the plane of **** at this time to seek his help. After he knew who his opponent was, he also knew that the other party's only weakness was that he was not good at the field of the dead.

If he can get the support of Lucifer, Fan Hanshi will be much smoother in the next action. No matter how he grows, Xiao Meiyan can't completely make up for his shortcomings.

With this kind of thought, Fan Hanshi prepared all the members of the chasing group but did not initiate the action. Everything will wait until he returns from the **** plane before launching the offensive, but things are not as smooth as he imagined, just entered the **** plane. Then he encountered a big trouble.

The gatekeeper of Hell has a deep prejudice to him. Even if all the memories have disappeared, the trace of remnant knowledge that he carried during his life made the gatekeeper not to see Fan Hanshi.

Fan Hanshi entered the moment slapped for convenience, and the breath of destruction that wiped out all the soul consciousness made Fan Hanshi feel a huge threat. He represents the solemnity of the pan-plane code. The other party also represents the rules of reincarnation.

The gatekeepers of **** are not the grandpas of the gatekeepers. She is not a pretty girl with short brown hair. The little girl Li Xiaobei heard in Fantasy Township almost slap the four seasons Yingji to the person who is afraid of death. .

During the crisis, countless code chapters in Fan Hanshi's construction form a thick barrier. Fortunately, the plane of **** also belongs to the jurisdiction of the general plane. Even if the dead here have their own rules to follow, the effectiveness of the plane code is greatly reduced. However, Fan Hanshi did not suddenly die in front of the plane of hell.

"What do you do?" Fan Hanshi didn't know who the other party was, and scolded with a hint of anger, but when he saw the other person's face, he also understood why.

He will always remember this face. As a girl, she is not pretty but neutral. Her thin body and deep violent atmosphere are extremely rare. Everyone's emotionlessness is just a cold and scary smile. Coupled with the hatred of herself from the soul, there is only one person in the world, she will be unexpected in the plane of **** but also reasonable.

"Miyagi Saki."

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