Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1441: Changes brought by the new commander

Xiao Meiyan's pace is always very heroic, but the slender high-heeled shoes step on the road with a layer of water curtain without splashing a splash of water. Umbrella holding is her habit. It is only half of the place and the other half is left out, as if there is a void figure walking side by side.

The others and Xiao Meiyan passed by as usual, and did not mean to say hello to each other, nor did she come to the espionage department of the general executive area without any delay.

The deputy assigned to her by the organization was a woman in white who also had long hair. She saw Xiao Meiyan's eyes could not be said to be rejected or welcomed. A tone of official business said: "Team Xiaomei is here, emergency assistance The intelligence team is all in place and the other party has already begun operations."

Xiao Meiyan is gathering the umbrella. The rain water stains remaining on the umbrella surface form a ripple and flow down the tip of the umbrella to the outside of the door. After leaning the black umbrella against the wall, she nodded to the other party and continued to move forward. Go.

The espionage department of the General Executive Area is under the jurisdiction of Chisao Yukiyo. They should also be the group of people who have the greatest awe for Chisao Yuyo. Emotions are in my heart.

Compared with those scientists with relatively low EQ, there are still many people who have seen the potential of Xiao Meiyan has been inexplicable to her for a long time, so she wants to win her first impression. Unfortunately, Xiao Meiyan’s own Emotional intelligence is not very high. She didn't know how to do this kind of opportunity to gather people's hearts. She just ordered all emergency team members to report and began to arrange tasks.

Xiao Meiyan, who had replaced her white research uniform, wore her arm when she was a magical girl. All the relevant information was sent to her before and after her eyes, and she quickly read it when she stopped. Then she frowned, because of the emergency. The information held by the team was not satisfactory.

After the time-out was lifted, Xiao Meiyan, who recorded the document in her mind, directly deleted it permanently. She clasped her arms around her waist and sat down, saying: "The local intelligence collection work is very poor. Does the organization have no staff?"

The white lieutenant woman explained: "The penetration into the world took less than a year, and there are other forces competing with us. The current intelligence system is already the limit we can achieve."

Xiao Meiyan blinked and continued to say in a calm tone: "The key is that the man killed a few talents who came over to make work difficult. This person called Perel has a big problem with his personality."

"... It is true." The woman in white did not know how Xiao Meiyan would know this kind of detail. She did not write the news in the intelligence log but intended to speak out herself, but now Xiao Meiyan guessed.

"From now on, enter the No. 6 emergency filing procedure. All intelligence work will no longer contact Perel and be directly responsible for the emergency team. Everyone must be approved by me before contacting them. They must not be contacted without permission. The emergency team is only responsible for telling her that she should know For Perel, he only needs to follow the instructions of the emergency team."

"The previous intelligence system was exposed to a certain extent as a piece of surface temptation to the enemy. They only needed to be able to mislead our opponents' actions at the right time. Those who had no contact with the local intelligence on the front line withdrew from the headquarters for half a year. Months, no contact with any relevant personnel during this period, half a month later to return to the front line to rebuild a new intelligence network."

Xiao Meiyan's somber voice paused for a moment and then said: "During the information gap, let Perel ask for more blessings. If he can survive this time, I will be sure to let him chase the escape group on the panplane. Complete your task under your eyes and return smoothly."

Her order was obviously to rebuild the local information system of the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment, and it can even be said to subvert the previous method of espionage. The members of the emergency team are somewhat difficult to accept this. If Perel is really in this period of time Was arrested, and Xiao Meiyan, who is the temporary person in charge, may have nothing to disappoint at the earliest, but if these people are willing to let Xiao Meiyan’s whimsical orders go, they will naturally be responsible.

Therefore, Xiao Meiyan was unanimously opposed by the emergency team. They found more than a dozen reasons to try to veto Xiao Meiyan's decision, but Xiao Meiyan's expression remained unchanged in her chair.

The office of the emergency team was quiet for a while, and Xiao Meiyan just continued to say, "I already know your opinions, and the original plan remains unchanged."

Everyone looked at Xiao Meiyan, their worried eyes stating that they needed an explanation.

Xiao Meiyan doesn’t like explanations beyond science and teaching, but if you don’t make it clear, these members of the emergency team who don’t have enough trust in yourself may not be honest. "I have experienced many encounters with Fan Hanshi. When you go to a place, you will always use thunder to eliminate all interference and then strongly attack the target. It is necessary to prepare for this situation in advance. However, because the organization always puts itself in a weak position on the ubiquitous plane, The dare not to carry out the slightly risky operation, and the technical weakness also makes the scope of the probe equipment that should cover the entire human active area of ​​the plane only 11/1000, in addition to such intelligence efficiency and scattered scale He was uprooted by Fan Hanshi and did not think about it."

"Even one or two surviving units have no The current situation is very unfavorable to us, and several orders to recall Perel were ignored by her, which led to this spy war. Before we are completely blind, I can only save my strength to maximize the facts. The first research group's information technology on magic energy and void is not complete, but this time I will conduct a small-scale trial. "

"We don't have any advantage. At least I am still familiar with this world. I used to escape the scatter of the cloth and successfully escaped Fan Hanshi's hunt. Now those chess pieces can still be used. The new intelligence system will be In an innovative application, you don’t care about the gains and losses. Perel can not escape the pursuit of Fan Hanshi and successfully complete the infiltration mission is not the core of action for us. It is because of this that the early generations will let me To be in charge of this operation."

Xiao Meiyan got up and said: "The pursuit team is not more targeted than the previous pan-plane military department. Here I hope everyone can change their previous spy warfare thinking from the overall pros and cons to local. The organization’s investment in this world is limited, and it is the emergency team’s current task to use limited resources to strive for greater technological achievements and confrontation experience."

"I have passed the task details to everyone's information board, and now I dissolve to complete my task before the rain stops."

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