Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1445: Possibility of defeating the enemy

Whether Perel can survive the 15-day deadline set by Xiao Meiyan is a question, and what time should the emergency team of the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment complete the rescue of Perel is another question .

Xiao Meiyan hasn't explained anything about it since this time. Seeing her style as if she had hatred against Perel, she deliberately put her to death.

The recalled intelligence personnel did not take any action. The Dark Apostle also reported to Xiao Meiyan day after day without repeated progress. On this basis, Fan Hanshi’s support team also did not participate in the capture of Perey. In the action of Seoul, he also commanded the front line remotely like Xiao Meiyan. The only advantage is that Fan Hanshi can understand the details of each day's pursuit, and Xiao Meiyan can only judge Perel from the one-sided biological characteristics. Is dead or alive.

If the reserve team is involved in the hunt earlier, Perel must be caught at the moment, but Fan Hanshi cannot determine whether Xiao Meiyan can use her back to rescue Perel before then, so he has been on standby. .

At the expense of Perel’s personal security, Xiao Meiyan’s advantage will be exchanged in fifteen days, but Fan Hanshi is not anxious to watch this situation change. In his view, Perel is already a turtle in the urn, the Valkyrie Ranger The regiment wants to rescue her in a heavy siege. A heavyweight must come forward. That person is most likely Xiao Meiyan. If she appears in person, Fan Hanshi will also arrive in an instant, bringing two already guilty prisoners. If it is brought to justice, it can at least be executed on the spot.

Obviously, Fan Hanshi's thinking is still the same as that of the inspector. The deep-rooted thinking will not adapt immediately because of the change of identity. How can Xiao Meiyan now appear in front of him to give him a chance.

On the thirteenth day, Perel, who had not given up his hope of survival, took a breath and sent out his life characteristics. This news made the members of the emergency team feel excited, but it also made the people who pursued the group more urgent. They Beginning to cross the bottom line of not destroying the ecological environment of other planes and scanning high-radiation places where Perel can only hide, Fan Hanshi, who should have prevented them from doing so, chose tacit approval.

The strong radiation scan through the earth's crust not only changed the geological irreversible change of the area to the restricted area of ​​carbon-based life, but also made Perel's physical condition greatly deteriorated. Her ability to temporarily hide her whereabouts is to detect biological characteristics Shielding, but the traces left by the deterioration of the body are difficult to hide.

In order to continue to live and wait for a very unlikely possibility, Perel, who was vicious and not sloppy to others, began to cut the corrupt parts of his body to attract the attention of the pursuit group, but he endured the huge pain and continued to escape. .

On the fourteenth day, Perel, who was "thin" by a quarter, changed from a demon beauties to monsters with scars all over her body. She began to show a feeling of despair in her heart, which is still seen today. Without any rescue, she hopes to attract the attention of other forces and show her value, but everyone is still weighing the gains and losses.

The silicon-based lifeforms that could have been easily killed have already begun to threaten her, and Perel’s actions have become abnormal

The slowness of her, while avoiding the instinct of the killing of the silicon-based life body, she must also pay attention to the members of the pursuit group who are already close by. She seems to have seen the end of her life...

"Team Xiaomei, Perel lost contact again, and finally received the life characteristics that she was a candle in the wind. We have fully mastered the law of action and technical strength of the pursuit group, and this time we are spreading the information again. There will be no problems with the net." Anyway, Perel is a member of the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment, even though her surly and vicious character makes some people have a bad impression of her, but watching her so exhausted After suffering and suffering, Xiao Meiyan's deputy finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"She has realized her value even if she sacrificed, not to mention I am sure she will not die or be arrested. Fifteen days is the ultimate limit of my calculation, unless Fan Hanshi uses the reserve team." Xiao Meiyan's voice is still so I don’t have any feelings of coldness. Today, she actually has a tense emotion in her heart. This is a positive game between herself and her rivals. She is imitating Yue Zhong’s previous style and acting on her own lovers. For more understanding.

Once upon a time, Fan Hanshi was the peak they could hardly look up to. In the face of his strong pursuit, even though he had great ability and patience, he could only continue to escape without seeing hope. There was an encounter with water droplets and stones, now she vaguely found that feeling.

Fan Hanshi, who represents the Pan-Plane Law Court, stands on a very high level, even now she is not able to shake it, but Xiao Meiyan can already use the other party’s weaknesses, he has a strong power Trapped between the dimensions of the code, the pan-plane system, where the hierarchical order is easily insurmountable, would be his biggest limitation. Veneto has already let Fan Hanshi eat soft nails to prove that the other party will never be invincible.

If Xiao Meiyan can know that Fan Hanshi is still blocked by the palace of Hell once, he will be more convinced of this, but even if he doesn’t know, it’s okay, as long as he and Yue Zhong, who have a free soul, can wait, even if Fan Hanshi has some changes. He also decided not to grow fast without himself and Yue Zhong.

To defeat an opponent is not to destroy it completely, nor to subvert its background because of his deep background. Xiao Meiyan begins to understand that he only needs to defeat Fan Hanshi, if he is no longer qualified to chase For myself, the road ahead is likely to be a sea and a broad Yue Zhong has not mentioned this possibility before, I am afraid he doesn't quite understand it himself. However, he survived on the court of the Judiciary and counted on Fan Hanshi's victory in the next retreat, and he couldn't retreat in the past. He must also understand that all he has to do is be patient until a certain day in the future, if he can Breaking out of the game is breaking the cocoon into a butterfly. "

So Xiao Meiyan didn't even care about Perel's life and death, she was a person who had nothing to do with herself, and she didn't loyal to the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment and regarded its interests as the highest.

All you have to do is thoroughly see the opponent, and the possibility of defeating him completely.

The fifteenth day was finally here. There was no news from Perel, but the members of the pursuit team were still on the planet. The reserve team was still standing by and affecting the surrounding cities. After receiving the news of the dark apostle Xiao Meiyan is not entirely sure whether Perel is dead or arrested. Will the current situation be a trap left by Fan Hanshi, but he has already made a decision on the emergency team side, no matter whether her life or death should be The actions initiated are still to be continued.

The emergency team looked at the information board for the last second of the fifteen-day countdown, and Xiao Meiyan, who was still analyzing the information, looked up calmly like the most accurate timekeeper: "Action."

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