Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1485: Departure from Junior High School

"In the hundreds of millions of people and decades of time, the limit of a person's will can only be correction, not control. I can't do this step, nor can my master, so don't think about going Do it. After solving Tu Fu, I find that you are much more inflated than before. I think you should rotate around your will when you are in charge of everything in the world. If you are just a mortal king, you can’t say that it’s wrong, but you It will be a history-changer, sometimes condensing the resentment and hostility in the heart, and letting the world change irreversibly as your ideas change."

Li Xiaobei’s imaginary image seemed to be contemplating. After a while, he said, “Just say so. I’m afraid that you silly boy will be unhappy. As for the law of longevity you want, it’s simple, but anything. It is the most reliable in exchange for my own efforts. You and I know each other for a while. I don’t want to control you by controlling other people, so the last thing left in the iron box is the imperial technique that I calculated for you. It does not require you to spend a lot of time to practice, but transforms everything you do every day into a way to adapt to the heavenly ways of this world. Hold it and feel and appreciate it."

After saying this, Li Xiaobei's figure disappeared slowly in front of the little emperor and Shaojun, and finally merged into the iron box, leaving a golden classic.

The little emperor took the book in his hand in a complex mood, and then looked at the iron box representing the last trace of Li Xiaobei completely dissolved into aerosol and dispersed into the air without seeing dust.

She really left, although she left some words to admonish herself, but that was not what the little emperor really wanted.

"I'm back to Dongyuanzhou, you and I have this opportunity, and I don't want to let Li Xiaobei's efforts go to waste, if you have anything, you can come to me." Shaojun doesn't like the flashy and hustle and bustle of this world, this time Because of Li Xiaobei's return, he returned to the mainland. After going through many things, he will also retreat with Li Xiaobei's departure.

He has already owed nothing to the royal family of the current dynasty, but now has a new cause and effect to make a commitment again, otherwise he does not have enough force to suppress the situation, when others find that Li Xiaobei has left, the little emperor may not be able to resist Get a constant counterattack.

Bai Yujing's scenery is still as beautiful as it is. The little emperor who returned to the palace by car alone did not have the intention to appreciate it. The changes in these few days and the ups and downs in his state of mind are far more intense than in the previous 16 years. He was no longer alone when he was proud of the rivers and mountains, and there are still many unfinished careers waiting for him.

Li Xiaobei, who took Lianhua away, went to a brand new and unknown world, but the little emperor's world they used as the starting point for her was more or less left with some feelings for her. In the future, she will meet some similar people. It will inevitably come to mind when dealing with things.

But in the future, there are still a lot of grandness and hardening waiting, and Li Xiaobei is far from stopping his footsteps.

A burst of illusory light dissipated, and a completely mechanized city appeared in front of the hazy Lianhua. The dragon and the spaceship danced in the sky. There were many strange species on the street in addition to humanoid creatures, all wisdom Life seems to be at peace in this world.

Before I was too surprised, Lianhua suddenly found a very serious problem. In a fully mechanized world, there is no trace of air to breathe. Her state has not reached the point where she has given up her breath to become a world, and she quickly suffocated. The face couldn't utter any sound.

Li Xiaobei's face was a little bit rejoicing, and even made her forget that she was still carrying a small follower, because in the process of shuttle plane, the plane shuttle of the same system received sporadic information, which clearly indicated Xiao Meiyan Where she is, from the fragmented information, she is fighting an invisible war with people.

This is the first time that Li Xiaobei has received information from Xiao Meiyan rather than from other populations, which means that the distance between them is no longer out of reach.

After she came back to see Lianhua's suffocating reaction, she took out a mask and took it on her face: "I didn't notice you. The civilization in this place is more advanced than I thought. We still Run quickly so as not to be caught for research."

Lianhua took a deep breath into the mask and rolled her eyes. Before she complained, Li Xiaobe dragged her into a stream of light and walked away.

"The world beyond heaven is really amazing..."

Lianhua's glance at this novel world gave birth to infinite emotion, just like Yue Zhong who first arrived in the spare tire league, full of curiosity and fear of everything.

The first different world he experienced was also a prison cage that he wouldn’t be able to leave after he got old. In this place without Xiaoyan’s figure and breath, he supported the person he has always been holding on. The small schoolbag picked up the portable schoolbag, ushered in the footsteps of the Chinese New Year and the petals floating in the sky opened the course of the new school and the new semester.

On the first day of Xiaomeiqing’s junior high school, Yue Zhong couldn’t rest assured that she went alone, so she persuaded her to deliver it, but Xiaomeiqing didn’t want to appear in front of the school in her limousine, so the two went to the bus station on foot .

"Hister-in-law, hurry up, you'll be late if you can't catch this bus!" Xiao Meiqing carried her schoolbag in one hand and took a bite of bread. The holiday life changed her biological clock a little bit, and it has always been very good. Xiao Meiqing had overslept on the first day of school.

Yue Zhong, who also overslept, was now urged to run on the sidewalk by his little sister-in-law, for fear that the girl in school uniform in front of her who ran fast and fell easily fell to the ground, so he also slowed down to follow Xiao Meiqing Behind She hurried herself if she couldn't run fast.

The skirt of the spring school uniform fluttered like a passionate flower, and Yue Zhong ran with a smile while running. He liked to see Xiao Meiqing's lively appearance, which reminded him of the other school he had accidentally met when he was in school when he was young. girl.

A quick glance was the throbbing of his first love, and he had never seen it again since that day, but when he looked back, the playful smile remained somewhere in Yue Zhong's memory.

She is far less beautiful than Homura, but it can make people feel no distance, so she can't help but want to be close, just like Xiao Meiqing now.

They caught up with the bus anyway. There were three students wearing the junior high school uniform like Xiao Meiqing on the bus. Today is also the day when they enter the new school and start junior high school life.

The shy boy glanced at Xiao Meiqing, fearing that she would quickly turn her eyes to pretend to look down and check the schoolbag. Another bold boy tried to approach him, but when he saw the fierce Yue Zhong, he shrank back. After going back, the last girl took the initiative to walk to Xiao Meiqing and chat with her.

Xiaoqing has always been very popular with people, and even if you read junior high school, it will not change.

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