Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1537: Court hearing

"See Takihara City where magical girls are stationed, and you can safely wait for their rescue."

Yue Zhong’s constant speech made other people calm down a little, but there were still emotional people who came up with their own ideas: "Lord Prosecutor, did you bring this Warcraft? Do you want to use it to threaten us? When you say that you want to safeguard the justice of the judiciary and do such things, what qualifications do you have to stand on the prosecutor's seat!"

"The Dark Apostles and Warcraft have nothing to do with me. They only occur in the darkest places instead of what I can control. If I can really manipulate such a powerful force..." Yue Zhong looked coldly. A glance at the trial bench and the suspects in the trial area, "Do you still have a chance to sit here and argue with me?"

"Any benefits of Xiaomei's family, may I give you a point?"

Yue Zhong’s explanation was fully persuasive in the chaos. Everyone knows his relationship with Xiao Meiyan and the dark apostle is likely to exist under the protection of Xiao Meiyan. But it is also a well-known fact that Yue Zhong cannot use force to threaten this world. In other words, anyone in his position has the power to manipulate any life and death. No matter how arrogant Xiaomei’s family is, he can’t be sanctioned. This court trial is not necessary at all. Yue Zhong wants to retaliate who can do it with only one thought. The magical girl can indeed defeat Warcraft, but they can not guarantee the safety of everyone’s life, when faced with a premeditated attack No one is spared.

If it wasn't for the Warcraft brought by Yue Zhong, what did it mean to appear at this time? Is it also a dark mind that you and others want to offend the big guys?

After quietly planting the seeds of doubt in everyone's mind, Yue Zhong continued: "Warcraft was bred in the dark, despair and fear are their best nutrients, and I have no ability to protect the safety of everyone present. You can only overcome this fear yourself."

"It's easy to say!" Everyone felt that Yue Zhong was talking nonsense, how to face the attack of Warcraft has long been a well-known thing, how many people can really do it?

When the icy darkness approaches from the edge and begins to penetrate into your own skin and chill your soul, only people with great perseverance and courage can bear it, and they can be driven by interests and blatantly defend themselves. How can such a person possess this kind of psychological quality.

"If you can't do it, divert your attention. Now that everyone is here, let the court trial continue." Yue Zhong's proposal made many people think it was a way, but the smart lawyers did not. Seen in this light, they are well aware that the trial in this environment is definitely unfavorable.

"The court trial can no longer be continued. The chief referee I applied for adjournment of the court, and the safety of the present person is the top priority!" The lawyers hope to suspend the court trial, otherwise Yue Zhong may use the fear of everyone to forcibly determine The count of the suspect.

The person who can serve as the referee in this court will naturally not be a fool. He raised the mallet but could not find where the table is. When he was briefly confused, he heard Yue Zhong said: "It seems that the referee has decided to take a break It’s time for me to take a break."

After he finished speaking, he turned around to prepare to leave, but the sense of space itself was very weak in the Warcraft enchantment. Yue Zhong’s walk is likely to disappear completely in the sight of everyone. If he is not there, Warcraft may be There are no fears.

"Mr. Prosecutor and so on, our jurors feel that the trial is the best choice to continue the trial!" Neither the lawyers nor the referee decided to give in, but the jurors from all over the world were afraid that Yue Zhong would leave, so They made concessions.

"The trial in this environment is unfair!" The lawyers argued reasonably, "Mr. Yue Zhong can't leave, you must stay here!"

Yue Zhong smiled and revealed taunt and disdain: "I am a prosecutor, not a policeman, and I have no obligation to protect the safety of anyone. If you can catch Warcraft, I will prosecute it in accordance with the crimes it committed. of."

This sentence is obviously just a joke, but no one can laugh at the point of life and death. The relationship between the lawyers and the defendants is so deep that they dare to risk their lives, but others may not be able to do this step.

The jurors are all shaken. The lawyers have no power to declare adjournment. They can only count on the referee to stand up to the current pressure.

"Ah!" A scream suddenly reminded me that the distorted Warcraft enchantment devoured a journalist while they were arguing. The screams from the swallowing mean that it was not easy, but on the contrary The pain is in it.

The cold and icy cold approached everyone, and many people were sweating out of their heads. The jurors and journalists did not want to be the next victim. I am afraid that no one will bear the consequences of the recess in this fear. The Chief Referee can't afford this responsibility, and if the fear memory left to the jurors is too deep, even if the court trial is delayed until the World of Warcraft is eliminated, their position may not be on the defendant's side. .

"I declare...the court trial will continue, and the prosecutor will continue with the allegations just now." The referee who could not find the table said he was forced to put down his mallet.

Just as the lawyers were worried and Yue Zhong expected, the trial of Warcraft's Boundary was undoubtedly tilted towards Yue Zhong. The lawyers could risk their lives to defend the defendants, but they could not stop the spread of fear in their hearts. After the chaos, the logic will naturally have loopholes, which is undoubtedly fatal at the high-level court scene.

As long as it is a court hearing, it has legal effect. No matter what environment it is conducted in, see the Takihara Ad Hoc Tribunal once the ruling is made, a result is determined, and the lawyers can choose to review the appeal like the Supreme Tribunal, but it cannot change the established In fact, at that step Yue Zhong naturally had his own way to deal with it.

Bama Mi, who came back from Shenhama City, awakened because she felt the magic of the huge Warcraft in Takihara. After jumping out of the bus, she deeply twisted her brows and watched the Warcraft that enveloped the referee and a large area. The rich experience told Bami, it is not so easy to deal with.

"Why haven't you noticed before, how did Ming Ying allow such a powerful Warcraft to grow to the point where it is today...or is this done by Yue Zhong?"

"No, Yue Zhong does not need to do this kind of thing." Bama Mei subconsciously told her the answer, since she knew Yue Zhong, since she decided to use judicial means to solve it, she would not let her judicial justice be affected by Warcraft In this way, Yue Zhong’s personality is what way to achieve what purpose, just like he will not find a sounding reason to convince himself when he wants to calculate a person.

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