Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1540: Conscience of Magical Girl

"Ming Ying, hold on!" Ba Mami felt that the magic of Ming Sing gradually became weaker, and she began to no longer try to solve the puzzles in Warcraft Enchantment and prepared to take a violent breakthrough to reach the core area of ​​the enchantment.

Although this will make her magic power consumed or even unable to overcome this tricky Warcraft, but now she has been unable to care so much for the safety of Ming Ying's life.

"...When did Warcraft become so cunning." In addition to the two magical girls in the Warcraft Enchantment, it is undoubtedly that the people who are most concerned about their ability to successfully defeat Warcraft are the seven seas and eight thousand generations.

Even though she was hiding in an abandoned container, she discovered the critical situation in the enchantment through the magical shared vision developed by Bami.

She has been very clear from the standpoint of bystanders. This Warcraft is undoubtedly using the weaknesses of the character of Qianben Mingying and Bamamei to separate them for calculation. Now, Mingying has completely fallen into the trap. , And Bama, who is about to forcibly break through, is likely to be lost in the battle to rescue Ming Ying because of the excessive consumption of magic power.

From Yue Zhong’s opponent’s standpoint, she should have let this situation happen. As long as Ming Ying died, her guardian Peng Ju will inevitably turn against Yue Zhong. The old man has put all the enthusiasm for life on this daughter who is not a daughter but is better than a daughter. In the magic girl, because Yue Zhong made this happen and caused Warcraft to kill Ming Ying, he would not need other reasons.

If Bamamei is dead, it will do more harm than good for the Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations, because if this seemingly disagreeable school sister sees Yue Zhong at a disadvantage, she will be soft-hearted and will definitely stand on his side. Lumuda is also a huge problem. She can even affect Lumuyuanxiang and Miki Sayaka, and let her and others' hard plans finally come to naught.

In the face of such huge benefits, it is acceptable for Warcraft to exist for a period of time, and the probability of Yue Zhong losing two strong aids will be greatly reduced.

But... why can't you make up your mind?

Seven seas and eight thousand generations silently looked at the top of the dwarf container, and when Mami Bama first came back, she sent a magic message to tell her that Hideo Ozawa had been desperately investigating his whereabouts to prepare for revenge. This news means that Asami followed the other party to the city of Shenbin, and his original intention was also to protect himself at risk.

Even though the Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations had considered this possibility long ago, when the news of Bami was heard, her long-closed heart still throbbed.

Ba Mami certainly didn’t think too much when doing this, because she wanted to protect herself, so she did it naturally, because she is a common sister of everyone, and always protects every one who needs protection regardless of the cost and the conditions. Sisters.

Her age should be younger than herself. Her power is much weaker than the most powerful magical girls. But why can it make people feel like they can rely on it?

Even if she once punished herself because she calculated Yue Zhong’s things, she never complained about Bamamei, just like the younger sister would win the lesson after the fight between the younger brother and younger sister, but whoever needed her help At that time, she will definitely stand up with responsibility, even if her strength is not strong enough, even if she helps, she can only take herself in, but that kind of feeling always makes people feel warm and suspicious.

They also encountered misfortune. The magical girls who made their wishes and survived on the verge of death appeared to have different choices from each other. The more mature and knowledgeable seven seas and eight thousand generations chose to close themselves because of fear, but they are much younger than her. Although her belief was on the verge of collapse at the beginning, she still retains a warm and gentle treatment of every friend, including herself who can only hide in the dark.

The Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations did not want to learn Ba Mami. After so many years, she also witnessed many deaths, which made her fearful of the harm she would face when she opened her heart, but this did not prevent her from feeling that gentle power.

"It's a fool, but why should I hesitate for a fool?" Perhaps the beauty of mankind is the same. Even in the dark, will I yearn for the tenderness of the sun in my heart?

"The same fate forced us to gather together. When the haze of the past has dissipated and the fear of the future is still on the road, I swear with my soul to share the same fate with all the magical girls here, as I will watch each other, I wait We will help each other with life, and we will be the only miserable people in the world, we will also be the last people in the world, and we will all swear this life will not be abandoned..."

The secret base of the magical girl in Takihara has rarely been visited now, but when everyone gathered together, a little girl named Wen Qing, who had a secondary disease, wrote a common pledge to drink all the people after drinking big Pulled together to initiate this oath.

I remember that Xiao Meiyan had not rebelled yet~ She did her best to study the survival of the magical girl. Although everyone experienced a difficult choice but the magical girls who stood together in the end were all pregnant. Striving for the best tomorrow with the best fantasy.

Later, Xiao Meiyan left, and the little girl who wrote this joint pledge also died in battle. The rest of you were scattered around the world. It is difficult to gather together again. Everyone did not say that they are actually sticking to their hearts. With this oath.

Guarding human happiness or creating a better world? Their most sincere feelings are poured into the secret base of Takihara. Those big and distant ideals are the best expectations, but what they can do at the moment is to keep this vow and also keep themselves. Conscience.

Many things can be done with endurance, like forgetting Yue Zhong’s affection for the magical girl. For the sake of an illusory possibility, he will be placed under house arrest or even killed. The life of other magical girls can be used in exchange for her success. I can't do it after all.

Perhaps he has retained this weak conscience and is unwilling to really become an inhuman existence.

"Mami, don't waste your magic indiscriminately. According to my calculations, the material protection of the magical girl of Ming Ying is very strong. She can still support it for a while. I will help you solve the puzzles in the Warcraft Enchantment." Mami’s enchantment puzzle is as simple as elementary school mathematics in front of the learned seven seas and eight thousand generations. Although she has not fought for herself in these years, she is trying to find ways to trouble Yue Zhong, but she has never let go of her enrichment.

Warcraft has indeed grown, but the conspiracy and tricks transformed from the background of the dark apostle are not enough to see in the seven seas and eight thousand generations.

"Okay." Ba Mami replied very simply. At this time, she believed the seven seas and eight thousand generations without any other consideration.

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