Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1622: Merit to the void

"Just kidding, how strong the abyss fleet is this time is not yet known. Under the circumstances of the enemy's secrets, you want us to end the battle completely within a month, which is also too ridiculous." Also participated in this The Prince of Wales immediately raised her counter-arguments. The grudges between her and Veneto have been traced back to the last seven-galaxy war. If the seven-galaxies are integrated into the Federation of Heavy Flames, it is a general trend. Anyone who wants to block the wheel of history No matter how great the kingdom is, it will be crushed into powder, and the Prince of Wales will never be willing to fall under Veneto.

She was probably a military general who raised the most objections to Veneto. After being led by Yue Zhong to the supremacy, Veneto had already abandoned the past grievances and brought the rulers. Tolerance and kindness She can ignore any hatred brought by the past wars, but the Prince of Wales obviously does not have such a deep consciousness, even if her motherland cannot raise the sword of rebellion against Veneto, but once Veneto commits She will also be mercilessly ironic when she makes mistakes.

These words sound very harsh, but when the Prince of Wales does not understand what he knows, Veneto generously chooses to forgive.

The Admiral said that one force and one voice would have high administrative efficiency, but no matter how wise the ruler would make mistakes, she should tolerate some different voices and reflect on it when she was involved in the basis of her rule. If no one has the courage to question his decision, it means that his rule has reached its peak, although there is no room for further greatness.

"Li Peiyun showed that their activity is cyclical according to the data of the void lifeforms from the panplane. We have controlled the intelligence of the abyssal fleet in the last war. This time, we have not reached the peak state of its cycle, even if it is launched. The offensive is also a temptation for us. The combat plan formulated by the Admiral’s Staff also recommends quick battles and quick decisions, and does not give the abyssal fleet the opportunity to penetrate the federal hinterland. I just made more time requirements on this basis." Long lashes and crimson eyes glanced at the Prince of Wales, "To ensure the battle goes smoothly, this time I will personally participate in the frontal battlefield, even if there is any risk, I will go first face."

The Prince of Wales would never stop here, and when she wanted to say something more, Hood, who attended the meeting together, reached out and stopped her.

"My Excellency President, what is the purpose of this request, and why are we eager to prove the merits to the general plane?" Hood's personality is softer, and the angle of view is also deeper and calmer, and Veneto is not at all Joking about the life of the heavy flame federation has been the ship's mother, there is no very important purpose she should take a steady strategy.

"There is no need to tell you for the time being, and I need to confirm further." Veneto waved his hand. "Now report on the status of each fleet and strategic resource reserves, and tell me which step can be done on the premise of ending the war in one month."

The meeting in front of the palace of the Grand Presidential Palace was not too fancy, and there was no temptation to exchange between the same ship mothers. The heads of the other important departments were quite afraid of the authority of Veneto, and he dare not spare his heart.

To end the war within the time limit given by Veneto, everyone’s work is very heavy, including this meeting can not take up too much time, only two hours passed before the hall meeting started at 8 local time It was over, doubting Veneto's order, but after the mission decided by the front hall meeting, the Prince of Wales still had to do his best to do it.

It's still an hour to let Veneto look flat. If she can't occupy this position, other people will replace it. If she is not qualified to enter or leave the presidential palace, the current e-star domain will only decline further.

Before leaving, Veneto left Missouri and told her to let Saratoga come to meet him in the garden.

Saratoga, who was quite powerful, was originally capable of occupying a place in the top of the fleet, but her personality was not stable enough to serve as a high-level officer, but it might be broken. When she appointed the fifth fleet commander and deputy, her sister was listed Lexington proposed that the Fifth Fleet does not have a deputy commander. Although Saratoga and Utopia are also the same as Andrea Doria as the top of the Fifth Fleet, only Andrea Doria has official positions.

Hearing Veneto’s call to Saratoga, Missouri looked a little surprised but quickly smirked away. She was the commander of the Third Fleet responsible for maintaining the planet, fighting piracy and investigating anomalies. Her qualifications and abilities were not inferior to her. Sister Iowa should have been in her position, but Iowa voluntarily surrendered and applied to serve in the first fleet to protect the bright Galaxy, because this sister's mind is much more delicate than her, and she is regarded as a star domain It’s more appropriate to have a representative next to Veneto.

Now Iowa vaguely guessed Veneto's intentions but didn't talk about it, but instead wondered with curiosity what to say about her meeting with Saratoga this time.

In the colorful and endless garden of the Presidential Palace, Veneto sat in the pavilion and brewed his own coffee. Saratoga was reported back to Andromeda with Andrea Doria, so she didn’t wait long. Time is up.

Saratoga, who has no chance to enter or exit the Great Flame Federal Presidential Palace, is very curious about this garden~ This is different from the dynamic and generous atmosphere of the ship's mother ecosystem in a star domain, and it is also different from e star The garden planted by the dead unicorn in the field is so peaceful and fragrant. The garden of the Presidential Palace gives the strongest feeling of bright clusters, and the noble and gorgeous atmosphere covers the entire space.

Saratoga couldn’t change her naughty nature, Lexington transferred William Potter, who often messed with her, to the Fourth Fleet in order to make her accept her temper, but Saratoga didn’t. It's so easy to correct evil, and now it's time to develop utopia into a troublemaker.

So she did not feel much restrained when she came to the big presidential palace where Veneto lived alone. While the maid in front of the road was not paying attention, she secretly picked a lot of bright red **** flowers and hid them in the ship.

She didn't converge until she saw Veneto's little figure, but she didn't have much respect and just sat across from Veneto and said, "What's the matter with me?"

Veneto squeezed his coffee cup slightly, and looked down at Saratoga with his light-folded eyelids. After a little hesitation, he slowly lowered the coffee cup and said, "The Tom in the third logistics area of ​​the panplane What do you think of Mr. Xun?"

Saratoga blinked and asked blankly: "Which Thomson do I know this person?"

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