Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1627: Image Design

"Sent by sentiment, you don't care, Gaga." Thomson was questioned as he didn't change his face, but just gave the matter a perfunctory pass.

Saratoga pouted, she is a straightforward girl, so she doesn’t like Thomson’s stance, and I don’t know why he has to stare at him. As the deputy of the third logistics office Although the director is not a high-ranking official but has a real power position, there will certainly be no shortage of beautiful girls like him. Is it because he splashed his red wine, and then he must have possession like the male master in those novels Can't do it yourself?

Saratoga thought it was nonsense, but it was a fact that he wanted to entangle himself.

"You go to rest first, and I will wait for you in Conference Room 4 in two hours." Saratoga ran away as if leaving a sentence.

She is going to complete a transformation, it is difficult to have a completely new feeling in front of the pan-plane delegation.

After running to Veneto’s suite in the Grand Presidential Palace, Saratoga unbuttoned her clothes while throwing her pink high-heeled shoes to the ground. The head maid came to her and said anxiously: "Quick someone to help me Make-up and finishing hair styles must come up with the noble, elegant and beautiful gesture."

The maidservant kept the perfect posture of service and replied: "Miss Saratoga, some manners need to show their own temperament, no matter how good the dress is, it can't force people to feel that way."

"I know I know, I will not imitate my sister, I am still very good at it, you can treat me as Lexington to dress like this. It's okay." Knowing that the other party implies that she is not dignified enough Saratoga also No matter, they directly proposed a plan to them.

Looking at Saratoga, who only took off her underwear in front of her, and then stood without any shyness in her face, the maidservant nodded and said, "That should be fine."

Under the arrangement of the maidservant, the presidential designer team, which was originally responsible for designing the image for Veneto, immediately began intensive work. Designing a perfect image is not an easy task. Toh’s words were okay, but suddenly the design was based on the image of Saratoga or Lexington, and the time of two hours was quite limited.

A group of maids came in and exchanged for another group of maids to leave, collecting all the body data of Saratoga, ranging from measurements to height and weight, to the size of each finger, and soon after detailed body modeling was completed, Saratoga began motion capture at the request of the maidservant.

"Miss Saratoga, please walk, run, squat, step in the manner of Miss Lexington..."

The maids installed a collector that covered her whole body on Saratoga, and collected all the energy data generated by her movements and movements into the digital model.

Where would you know that one of her requests would cause so much trouble Sarato stepped up to imitate her sister's posture, but her eyes were at a loss to let the maid dominate.

"Whether to be so meticulous, two hours is probably not enough." Saratoga felt that her body was not her own, and could not help complaining, "Are you the same with Veneto?"

"Miss Saratoga, first of all, call the great big president, please don’t call it by name. In addition, the maid and designer here will pay attention to the big president’s every move and physical condition every day, so the big president’s life and body We have to keep a complete and systematic record of data and words and deeds, but your request must be completed within two hours so we have to do this."

Saratoga is very uncomfortable with this way of life. She doesn’t know how Veneto is accustomed to the life that everyone pays attention to every move. Yue Zhong has created a relatively free new world for all ship mothers. But she imprisoned herself in the eyes of others, and seemed to have no privacy at all.

The purpose is only to maintain the perfect image of a supreme ruler, not to mention concessions in other areas.

Saratoga couldn’t imagine Veneto’s life without experiencing it all. She knew that she was only temporarily replacing her to manage the affairs of the Confederacy and dealt with Thomson and others soon to say goodbye to this kind of life. Even so, Saratoga felt a little impatient, but she had to keep herself confined to it, and she seemed to see no end in her day.

"Okay, okay, remember to make them hurry, and don't be too exaggerated. I'm going to meet with the pan-plane delegation." Saratoga felt a little wrong with Veneto, she took on other things herself. The warship does not need to bear the pressure, and now it is just to hope that she can contribute to the Flame Alliance instead of really needing to sacrifice her own happiness. Seeing her so hard work, she can do her current job well.

After the collection of Saratoga’s body data, the designers immediately started to design a suit suitable for the image of Lexington. Saratoga did not pretend to be her sister this time to prank, her natural beauty of blonde hair must be wrapped up Covered with maroon wigs.

The design is meticulous to the interval density of each stitch, and the time is too late for the tailor to sew, but the design and production of accessory accessories are temporarily cut with stored gemstones.

About an hour and a half later, Saratoga sneezes abruptly and finds that her naked body is cold. She begins to suspect that the designers of the Presidential Palace can do their own needs on time and according to their needs. The door was opened again, and the maids walked in with delicate lining, shoes, socks and hair accessories.

"Miss Saratoga is Soon the dress will be designed." The maidservant who has been busy controlling the whole world has assigned her new tasks.

Saratoga carelessly opened her hands and let the maid fiddle with her.

"Miss Saratoga's figure is very good, slim and detailed, the curve is perfect and not exaggerated, but no other modification is needed." The maid left her right hand with her left hand, and the index finger of her right hand pinched her chin with her thumb.

The slickness was judged by the body, and the other person also had the kind of look at the goods. This feeling finally made Saratoga feel a little embarrassed, and there was a blush on his face.

Before the two-hour time limit, Saratoga's clothes were finally designed. When the gorgeous long dress hung by the Nan wood hanger was pushed forward, Saratoga's eyes stared at it with stars rising from it. Can't move anymore.

There is no trace of haste in this temporarily-made clothes, as if it was a work of art created by a designer with a craftsman's spirit for a long time. It is not a person's body. It is revealed when it is there. Out of dignity and grace without losing grace and elegance, Saratoga saw it at first glance as if she wanted to own it, and I believe no girl would refuse such a dress.

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