Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1637: Counselor seat

"Sir Veneto's sudden visit, we did not receive any notice, so we are not prepared, please understand." The commissioner of the foreign affairs department is very cautious. The nature of his work determines that he must understand the personality of the other party With this kind of caution, "I don't know what happened to His Excellency Veneto, please let me know if I can help."

Veneto tightened his black gloves and said plainly: "There are some things, but I rushed to visit without notifying you just because I just ended the war and wanted to come out and relax."

"We also know the victory of the Void Battlefield of the seven galaxies. The heroic grace of Lord Veneto and your heroes are amazing. If the other Void battlefields can win as easily as this, it will be all mankind. Even the blessings of the material plane group." The Diplomatic Commissioner compliments sincerely.

"The Pan-plane Headquarters is really good. Walking alone has more insights and rejoicing, but since you're here, I can't do that, right?"

There was a certain distance between the two, so Veneto didn't need to raise her head too high, she only looked at each other with a straight eye.

"Your Excellency Veneto, please don't embarrass the next. It would be rude for us to leave you alone." The diplomat's answer was generous and decent.

This was also a matter of expectation. After a long time, Veneto had completed the idea of ​​looking at the pan-plane alone. It was even more unexpected to find a favorite coffee. After that, she was not so free: "Well, I have talked to your delegation before. If the battle of the galaxy can be ended as soon as possible, the Chongyan Federation will be able to have a counselor seat. I wonder if I have this qualification now?"

"Counselors' seats have been approved, and a member of the delegation should have told you Veneto, but since you personally visited the Pan Plane, let me hand it over." Things are not going to go wrong, and the diplomatic commissioner has specially brought the counselor's certification process and emblem badge.

The badge was in the shape of a white leaf, which he solemnly held with both hands before being sent to Veneto, and Veneto reached out and took it to his chest.

Behind this randomness is far from easy. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations with Panplanet, Chongyan Federation has been working hard to win the seat of the counselor. The efforts of hundreds of millions of people are behind the small white leaves. The will with Veneto is also the best commendation brought by the glamorous galaxy's lossless battle.

With its Veneto and the Flame Alliance behind Veneto is no longer just an object of investigation, although it is still not eligible to be part of the panplane, it can use the identity of external members to deal with some public events in the panplane To put forward opinions and participate in this is the significance of the counselor.

"Have Veneto any plans next?"

"How should this power be exercised?" Veneto asked, pointing at the white blade.

"Take it to the public consultation and communication center, where there will be a staff member responsible for detailed explanations. If you are going to go now, you will be accompanied by."



The **** of only one person seems to be far from reflecting the identity and status of Veneto. Compared with the treatment of the last visit limited to the regional activities of the diplomatic department, it has been an improvement. If Veneto did not The qualification for free movement at Panplane Headquarters should be repatriated by the security party as soon as she appeared.

The diplomat was specially appointed to serve Veneto alone, and was also respected by Veneto's step-by-step progress, but she knew that she was still far from that goal, and she couldn't be like Xiao Meiyan. Caused a huge sensation.

The consultation and communication center is a department where pan-planes are set up for each member plane and the representatives who have counselor seats to understand the public movement of the pan-planes. Through a single space transfer, Veneto came to see a crowd of people.

"Everyone here represents at least one plane power. I am not qualified to enter and wait outside. If you come out without having to find me, you will immediately appear in front of you." Diplomatic Commissioner After leaving this sentence, let Veneto walk in alone.

Despite the psychological preparation in advance, Veneto felt shocked when he saw the crowd.

There are as many as thousands of people within her sight, and more people are separated to other places by different blocks, so the total number cannot be calculated at all.

What the Diplomatic Commissioner just said undoubtedly told Veneto that a very cruel reality is that the High President of the Seventh Galaxies Flame Alliance Federation is just a normal member here, and even the presence of the newly-appointed Counselor can even be said It is the weakest representative, and everyone here represents a wider human world than the seven galaxies.

What kind of horror and hugeness is that, and the details of the panplane are only prohibitive at the tip of the iceberg, and Veneto sighed silently in his heart after a brief shock: "The Admiral’s decision is no problem, but personal strength. It is unrealistic to shake the ubiquitous plane. I think that the strong and powerful Federation of Flames, compared with everything here, is probably only an inconspicuous one of the universe’s billions of stars, even if it is a brilliant explosion, it can’t afford any. Storm."

The nearly desperate gap eventually failed to defeat Veneto's firmness. Her strength was even praised by Xiao Meiyan, and she would not be discouraged after seeing the gap.

She already has the qualification to be a counselor, even if this qualification is not rare at least, but at least it can put Veneto on a higher This milestone is a summary and a new beginning. It will be Veneto's goal in the next stage to stand out from the crowd.

The consultation and communication center has a large number of people but is not crowded. Everyone has a certain range of activities and equipment to do their own things. The system automatically arranges a staff to receive Veneto who is here for the first time.

Under the explanation of the other party, Veneto began to come into contact with a whole new field, and soon she opened an open policy list and began to search for the progress of the negotiation of the Nether Eye project.

The thing that Veneto wants to find is placed in the middle of the first page, perhaps because the negotiation date is approaching and the attention has increased. Whether to negotiate with Xiao Meiyan of the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment is already here. Start soliciting opinions from other plane representatives.

"Xiaoyan is really amazing, she can actually come to the first page." Veneto once again admired Xiaomeiyan in his heart, and only such a girl can be worthy of the perfect admirer in his heart.

Immediately, she cast a vote belonging to the Federation of Heavy Flames on the support point. Although it was very weak, it was a fair and upright interaction between Veneto and Xiao Meiyan. I believe that Xiao Meiyan will also see that she is here to support With what she has to do.

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