Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1691: Evil God

"Are you crazy, really want to let the spacecraft fly into that place?" Lianhua shouted at Li Xiaobei out of fear, because the trade spaceship was taken over by Li Xiaobei at this moment, and was not at all controlled by the owner. Any control of it then flew straight to the black death star.

It is still somewhat reluctant to use Li Xiaobei's ability to transform the trade spaceship into a warship, but it is naturally a matter of course for the invasion process to obtain the highest control.

She is like a fanatical believer of the evil **** at this moment, desperate to step on the place where the evil **** once came, because in this universe, a planet can be destroyed by a subversive force and then abandoned will definitely not be other The branch of scientific theology, it can only be caused by evil spirits once defeated by humans.

"They are back, just like welcoming me. I am now looking forward to seeing the evil spirits, which will bring me a lot of benefits." Li Xiaobei's smile is like the cold wind in spring It’s a very bright season, but Lianhua feels the bitter cold. She seems to have returned to the top of the pavilion when she declared war on the world. She is fearless and cruel. She doesn’t even care about her life or even others. Life and death.

Only the unknown can arouse her interest, and only the unknown can bring huge gains to her. When something that you don’t know turns into a power that you can master, it is a huge leap in itself.

"There is a price to pay for trading with Evil God. Isn't that what you told me? Why do you have to do this now?" Lianhua couldn't forcibly stop what Li Xiaobe did, she could only hope very urgently Able to convince each other.

"It's too secular to trade, I just want to see it understand it, and then control it or kill it. We are all intelligent life living in the material plane group, but there can only be one person as the master, if I If it doesn’t die, then it’s only me.” Li Xiaobei raised his hand to open the invisible network to confine Lianhua to a narrow range and was difficult to move. Then he said without warning, “You’re here to gain insight Yes, so don’t mess with me, as long as you can carry the horror contained on this planet, it will greatly enhance your state of mind, at least no longer will be affected by the so-called evil gods or even crazy."

I knew that Li Xiaobei had such a dangerous factor in his character. Lianhua said that she would not agree to come out with her to see the world beyond the heavens and heavens, which of course will greatly enhance her own knowledge. It must have been worth more than the life you paid for it.

But when Lianhua realized this, it was obviously too late. The trade spacecraft rushed into the gravitational range of the black dead star without obstruction, overlooking the tiny optical buildings from high altitude, and could see the endless mirror, but They can no longer refract dazzling light, leaving only the darkness that means fear to humans in this world.

"What we see may not be what it really looks like. Evil gods are really a very interesting life. Their spiritual power can already extract the fear of the enemy and then realize it? I don’t know if it can be in this place. Find an evil **** who really exists..."

Li Xiaobei walked out of the bridge and leaped to himself against the dark wind. The thick darkness instantly swallowed her figure, leaving only the trading spaceship in the sky as if it would be drowned at any time. A little bit bright.

She jumped without grasping Lianhua. After all, the other party was not a mortal who did not have any resistance. Really letting the fear force Lianhua to launch an attack on Li Xiaobei would definitely delay things. Only leave her in the trade ship. It is the best choice on the one hand. On the one hand, she can also experience the threats that different life species can bring, and on the other hand, it will not hinder Li Xiaobei's actions.

With the trade spacecraft steadily falling to the ground on the ground under the control of the automatic operation program, Lianhua urged the owner to drive the spacecraft to leave quickly, but the trade spacecraft did not respond at all. She knew that she had to face it. The horror from the evil god.

At the moment, Li Xiaobei’s network of procedures to restrict her movement became the most reassuring thing for Lianhua. The cold and dark atmosphere kept coming towards her but they were all intercepted outside. With all the consciousness in general, he did not fall into a state of madness after being exposed to the breath of evil gods as recorded in the literature, because his fear in this respect has already been taken away by Lianhua, and a person without a soul will naturally not feel it. To the tremor and fear from the soul.

The legacy of the evil spirit cannot penetrate Lianhua's side, and even after trying to pollute her spirit, she began to change her form.

The ship berth moored by the trading spaceship was engulfed by the sudden surge of waves, and the cold undercurrents under the vast deep sea poured into the trading spacecraft to drown everything, but the spacecraft's lighting system did not completely fail due to water intrusion. The faint green light shone with a strange light, under which the eroded seaweed and dried scales were clearly visible as the undercurrent surging.

Numerous tentacles pierced the shell of the trade spacecraft and protruded into the interior. They were swaying with the tide, and the white eyes that were shining with white light on them were staring at Lianhua for a long time. Fang continued to nibble the program network left by Li Xiaobei.

The trade spaceship suddenly seemed to be held in the hand by a huge object and shook The light flickered so fast that it could shake blind eyes, and then a huge octopus head was drilled in from a distance after a burst of inflation.

Its size completely exceeds the limit that the trade spaceship can withstand, but the trade spaceship has not disintegrated and burst, and it seems to have been propped up countless times as it penetrated.

The huge head kept approaching Lianhua, as if the giant was close to his face and looked at a bird flying in front of him. Lianhua wanted to struggle and want to make a sound, but in the end he could do nothing because of the unknown living body Her fear made her lose almost all control of her body. She could do nothing but watch the other party keep getting closer to herself.

"What the **** is this, why can't I feel any signs of life, it's a phantom but so real, it can easily tear me apart, even Bai Yujing's shadow of the real dragon is not as good as it is One size, Li Xiaobei, what the **** are you bringing me to!" Lianhua’s fears are growing, but she is not an ordinary woman, after all, she has killed a world of people from the stormy blood, so She screamed without reason immediately.

A little strong but fragile in the face of unknown fears, the inexplicable existence constantly oppresses her sanity and pushes Lianhua to the edge of madness.

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