Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1701: Conditions for going out

   "Why?" Gong Yong turned his head to look at the Lord of Hell. The inexplicable smile on the other side's face always made her angry and wanted to punch a punch on it.

"Because you are my employee and the gatekeeper of hell, we have signed an agreement, so you can't go anywhere until the contents of the agreement are completed." The Lord of Hell closed his eyes, raised his eyebrows, and opened his eyes, as if to say As a joke, he seemed to be talking about facts that should not be violated, only he knew what he really meant.

  Gongyong didn't want to guess so much, and asked directly: "If I can't leave this gate of hell, is it okay to take it down and take it out?"

"If you can dismantle it, you can try it." The Lord of Hell seemed confident, and of course he was also a little bored. Perhaps there were too few people who could speak in Hell, and most of them hugged him With awe of emotion, only Gong Yong, who has a special character, can bring him some joy.

"I know." Gong Yong threw out her four-character mantra. Whenever she said this, she represented her seriousness. Then Gong Yong ignored the undead dead who were waiting to enter hell. I really went to the foundation of Hellgate and studied how to take it down.

The Lord of Hell looked at her performance and knew that he was joking too much. Although it is impossible for Gongyong to shake the gate of Hell in his own face as long as he is not allowed, the Lord of Hell feels that Gongyong is famous. For the impossible, she’s so determined that she has to study every day how to tear down her own door to hell, maybe one day she really did it?

Even if it only makes the gate of **** shake a little, it will have a huge impact on the entire plane of hell, and even affect the stability of the entire human life circle. It will not be some small fish and shrimp when it comes to trouble. The big guys will be alarmed, dealing with them will not be an easy thing.

   "You come back to me, who made you really open the door." The Lord of Hell chased over with angrily and laughter. He came to Gongyong to have fun, but not to trouble himself.

   "Then you let me go out." Gong Yong looked back at the Lord of Hell indifferently, she thought it was a fair condition.

   "That won't work."

   "If not, I can only open the door." Gong Yong stubbornly said.

   The Lord of Hell lowered his face to threaten: "Then don't blame me for extending your working hours, don't you want to sleep lazily like before."

   "I will hit you." Gong Yong nodded confidently, "Really."

The Lord of Hell is angry and laughing. He can indeed make Gongyong's existence into nothingness before waving, but it is not so easy to find such an interesting gatekeeper, and never talk to her in order to talk to her. This feeling is very real and interesting.

In the eyes of the Lord of Hell, Gong Yong is like a little animal she picked up. She likes to watch her waywardly and foolishly. She also likes to help her drive away those annoying guys. She likes to find fun in her when she is bored. Then, after getting along for a long time, she was not willing to kill her.

   So when she occasionally goes too far, it can be within the allowable range.

"If you go out, you will cause a lot of trouble, do you know?" Hell Lord said like a cowardly kid. "Even if they don't treat you in my face, you can investigate you the day after tomorrow. Then you will be bored."

  Mong Yong felt that this was a negotiation with himself, and the other party also had that qualification to discuss with himself, and took the initiative to put forward his own idea: "I just went out to see and did nothing."

She understands the concessions so well, which is unexpected. The original Gong Yong should have been uncompromising, which is enough to show that the atmosphere that makes her feel contradictory is really important to Gong Yong. She is very eager to confirm as soon as possible. What will make a concession here.

   "Just look at it?" The Lord of Hell knew everything about Gongyong, so he assuredly asked.

Gong Yongwang looked to the **** passage in the distance. This place, which was frightened by the world to avoid coming, had been seen too many times in her eyes. It was no different from the ordinary road, and she could not feel it at all. Any mood swings.

   But today Gong Yong looked at this road but was full of eagerness, as if the biggest concern of her life, which was neither beautiful nor kind, was on the other side. As soon as she walked out of this road, she could see the familiar shadow.

"It's really just a look." Gong Yong promised that although she could be unscrupulous in front of the Lord of Hell, she understood that she couldn't do anything before the deadline, and she could only be a gatekeeper of hell. The activity is on the other side of this spacious but narrow side.

   couldn't beat him on his own. If he had beaten, there wouldn't be so many problems. Even if there was only a ray of hope, Gong Yong would try, but she clearly felt that there was no ray of hope.

The Lord of Hell thought for a moment and finally agreed with Gong Yong’s request. This is also the trouble he found for himself, and the best solution, otherwise Gong Yong thought about how to tear down the gate of Hell, countless undead Rejected is a very troublesome thing.

"You can only look at You can't leave the Underworld at the distance of the undead, and you will come back soon after a while." The Lord of Hell left, he didn't have a nagging counterpart to the palace. Mostly, as long as she does not run out of the underworld where the dead gather, it is within her own permission. As for what trouble she will cause when she goes out, that little thing is not seen by the Lord of Hell.

After getting permission to leave Hell for a while, the permission given to Miyam by the Hell Plane has changed accordingly. She has been given the status of extradition like a **** of death and can legally go to the Underworld of every face. This kind of work is usually It is given to the pioneers who go to the new exploration plane, and the authority given is in the hands of the general plane, but the lord of **** is occasionally so capricious once no one dares to say anything.

Although she can go out and find the aura that makes her feel disgusted and kind, but Gong Yong did not go so anxiously, she recovered some patience to find more detailed memories from the undead from that plane. Otherwise, if you just hurriedly go out and look at the world outside, it is a waste of the opportunities you have won.

   In order to take a look at this time, Gong Yong made a long time preparation, after dealing with the memory of millions of war dead, he also handled the congestion in front of the gate of **** properly.

  The Lord of Hell gave her the opportunity and trust. She was not someone who justified her request. Although she could not do anything for him, this job can still be done with due diligence.


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