Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1732: Infinite God Machine

Scientology The Light Church found that light in the dark and then took her to the priesthood as a virgin, I am afraid that no one can imagine that the virgin they found is not only a well-designed lie, she It will bring the end to the civilization of scientific theology. Apex Novel   fastest update

Calling evil spirits to come is more amiable and worth mentioning than the end, if Li Xiaobei has been watching outside the curtain, her breath that does not belong to this world has always been given to the virtual realm. Invisible pressure, those creatures that are used to hiding behind the curtain may not be determined to interfere in the disputes of the universe.

The churches who conquered each other knew that evil spirits would come one day, and were waiting for their arrival.

   I never thought that this was just a few years, and I never thought that all the preparations they had made before had lost their function.

In the original cognition of the gods of science, the evil spirits basically did not fight head-on and were good at spiritually contaminating the evil lives of human individuals. Then even if the evil spirits come again, the main battlefield between the two parties should be the spiritual world instead of This vast galaxy.

   They were wrong, they were defeated in a wave of contact.

The existence of Evil God is completely different from the description in the confidential information. They have become huge spiritual energy bodies moving unscrupulously in the galaxy. All the fleets fighting with them are destroyed and destroyed. The super power they use Weapons can almost ignore all the protection methods of human warships and cause huge damage. Although the attack of the human fleet cannot be said to be useless, it is necessary to concentrate the firepower of absolute superiority to destroy one of the evil spirits, or a collection of distorted consciousness.

It’s not until today that mankind has truly understood what the so-called evil **** is. The smart enough people associate it with inextricably linked to prehistoric civilizations, but now it’s too late to know the truth and distort consciousness. The progress is unstoppable. They have already stepped over the priesthood area of ​​the Light Holy See, turned it into a ghost planet and continue to move towards the other Holy See.

   The holy war between scientific and religious religions finally could not be sustained. This so-called holy war was like a farce from the beginning. It was a result of Li Xiaobei's layout being abandoned and then developing on his own.

  When mankind is facing a devastating end crisis, all of them jointly make a voice: "Where is the saint?"

The so-called virgin is now facing Rosa’s undisguised killing. Rosa’s strength is completely liberated in the universe. The strength she displays is much more terrifying than twisting consciousness. It is not at all. What the Scientology fleet can resist.

But Lianhua actually fled under her crushing strength, just like Li Xiaobei escaped from her hands, but the incredible thing really happened, but this time Rosa had no scruples to kill this Go to the extreme.

  At this time, the end crisis from psionicity came.

   asked everyone where the archbishop of the Bright Holy See was, and he didn’t need to hide this secret anymore. He called all other archbishops together to announce the secrets.

   "The saint is fake."

   didn't wait for other Archbishops to react, Archbishop Guang continued to announce in a heavy voice: "But she must be true now!"

   Anger, nervousness, panic... Numerous negative emotions are transmitted like a plague. Only the Archbishops who have inherited the Millennium inheritance know what the Archbishop of Light wants to say.

  Scientific theology now needs a banner that can unite people's hearts. No matter whether the saint is true or not, only she can do this now.

   "A horrible existence is carrying out an endless hunt for the saint, our fleet has no ability to contend with that person, and it is time to open those dusty relics."

Before the division of Scientology, the Gaia world of prehistoric civilization left them with a rich legacy. At that time, the Son was afraid that the humans of the Scientology would get this legacy and rushed forward. They forgot their own fragility and tried to touch the fourth side. The wall, so after a period of research, it ordered the blockade of the Gaia planet, allowing those advanced technologies and certain powerful switches to continue to be sealed.

At that time, the seven archbishops had thought that they had found a way to deal with evil spirits from their respective studies. However, the will of the Son could not be violated. They could only leave with disappointment and the key to restart the energy layer of the Gaia world, and the subsequent great division came. These keys have been preserved by the Holy Sees to this day.

   The fourth wall, which was once endowed with fear, has long been broken by the appearance of outsiders, and it is meaningless to continue to preserve those heritages. It is the most important thing to seek the vitality of the continuation of civilization from there.

  The Archbishop of the Bright Holy See had already figured this out. When he finally was able to declare that the saint was fake, but she must be true news, then he said the only way that mankind can complete self-salvation.

The other archbishops soon understood the various anomalies and worries before Archbishop Guang, although they were still angry at each other as a culprit who broke the fourth wall to become a sage but now he will be held accountable or It doesn't make much sense to impose a trial on him.

  Scientific gods believe in science and wisdom, combining ideal tenacity and materialistic reason, which allows them to know what to do at a critical moment.

   "Then open the Holy Land."

The green planet on the surface of the galaxy has faded a little bit of the energy barrier to reveal its true form, and the Arctic of Gaia, which can adapt to any species, has unveiled a huge rock cover, a huge and dark sphere. The object rose from it and took off into space.

   Its data is connected to the data port of Scientology, and the main processing unit quickly responded.

   "Infinite Divine Machine, an endless crisis is coming towards us. Its army has a structure and attack and defense mode that we cannot understand. We need your help."

"Little guys, thank you for still giving me energy when I was dusty, which made me complete a small universe calculation, and I will naturally help you." The main processing unit of the infinite magic machine replied, "I It can help you understand the structure and weakness of your enemies, but that requires contact and time. Similarly, I can send you to the small universe I just created to avoid the danger of destruction."

   "Infinite Divine Machine, we will never give in nor escape, we will fight to the end."

   There is no hesitation in the calculation of the infinite magic machine. It flashes the screen humanly and then says: "Then as you wish, little guys."

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