Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1750: A glimpse of the times

   "Okay, I'm going to perform the final task soon, and I'll see you later in Spain." Ba Mami realized that his threat didn't seem to have much effect on Yue Zhong, so he wanted to say goodbye to him.

The chilling wind heard from Xuejie covered everything up. Although Yue Zhong didn’t know where she was performing any confidential tasks, she could infer from the current date and geographic location that she should be in her own country. There is a wind outlet in the west of the world, where the wind resources are the most developed, and from the time difference, there is no big difference from the distance.

With the combat communication devices currently equipped by magical girls, only strong winds above level 8 can cause interference effects like the present. The school sister has the habit of being sleepy after bedtime, as long as nothing else involves her She can fall asleep almost anywhere, so she is unlikely to talk to herself in the middle of the local time.

Almost no need to think about anything. With the rich knowledge reserves in his mind, Yue Zhong made a more precise judgment in an instant. He has taught students a lot of knowledge in the past few years as a teacher, but for this purpose He has much more knowledge than he taught.

   Even though Yue Zhong’s learning efficiency has dropped a lot because of his peaceful life, Yue Zhong’s accumulation of day after day has almost no weaknesses in common sense. If you go to any answering program, it is basically the only designated champion.

When Xiaomeiqing was found, the girl's eyes were red as if she had just cried. She must be reluctant to part with her half-brother. Xiaomeiyuan took a photo album of their past. No doubt it sent Xiao Qing's tears to her.

  Although she always unconditionally supports Yue Zhong’s decision, Xiao Meiqing’s pleading with Yue Zhong’s gaze has already shown that she hopes to bring her younger brother together.

   "Xiao Qing, have everything been packed?" Yue Zhong didn't explain anything. It is impossible for Xiaomei Manor to leave a host at his side and take Xiaomeiyuan with him. He would miss his mother.

"It's already packed. When will we go, brother-in-law?" Xiao Meiqing didn't hear Yue Zhong's initiative to say what she wanted to hear. She dropped her head in disappointment. She believed that she and her brother-in-law had been able to communicate with each other for so many years. By the way, since he didn’t say that he naturally disagreed, it would be embarrassing and embarrassing to the brother-in-law if he asked for it again.

"Everything at home has to be transported and arranged first. After packing your luggage, it will be handed over to the stewards and sent to the room over there. I will take you to the tourist spot for fun." Yue Zhong went to In front of Xiao Meiqing, the height of this girl had reached her chin, and it would not be a problem to exceed her sister’s height after coming.

  Will that be a tall and beautiful woman?

"Okay?" Yue Zhong was very reluctant to see Xiao Qing's lost appearance. It seemed that her once cruel and cruel side had become distant in front of her. When facing Xiao Meiqing, Yue Zhong's heart was too soft, this Can't help but want to comfort her in a moment.

Xiao Meiqing's emotions rushed out like she was breaking the embankment at this moment. She leaned against Yue Zhong's chest and the tears couldn't stop flowing out. She whimpered and cried without crying, "Brother...I don't want to leave, I I'm so reluctant to do everything here, I don't want my brother and friends, it's too old, I might not see it again when I come back."

   Caressed Xiaoqing's long black hair and hugged her tightly. Yue Zhong felt the same about Xiao Meiqing's sentiment and sorrow, but all he could do at the moment was smiles.

  Who can keep everything by himself and be surrounded by those familiar things without taking a step outward?

After all, she wants to move forward, and the world is constantly changing. If Yue Zhong only takes Xiao Meiqing as her life, then she wants to have her temperament everywhere, but she and herself are not as simple as each other, which is huge. Xiaomei’s family can’t be abandoned because of Xiaoqing’s reluctance. Yue Zhong’s responsibility to take care of Xiaomeiqing’s growing up is his responsibility, but it is also his responsibility to protect this family. This is the only thing he can do for his lover now. What has been done, even Xiaoqing can't go beyond this.

   It’s always better to cry when you are tired. Yue Zhong can give Xiao Qing only this hug. He never has much, so it is difficult to separate it out to others except Xiaoyan.


The Iberian Peninsula in the southwest of the Europa mainland is a place of special significance, because it has become the main battlefield of war between humans and monsters in the world where Yue Zhong grew up, and Xiao Meiyan, who changed its name to Shen Huoyu, was once Lived here and helped the human side to defeat the monster's fiercest offensive.

Even in different planes, the mountain landscape and customs are generally the same. The only difference is that two different leading groups have brought different development routes. It is gradually showing differences but has not yet Completely change those deep-rooted things.

  The old housekeeper decided to stay in Xiaomei Manor. He has traveled too many places in his life and now has no energy to help Yue Zhong lead Xiaomei's family to the next stage. He will grow old here.

The managers who inherited his mission do not need Yue Zhong to worry about the moving work of Xiaomei's house. Among these people, Yue Zhong has not yet decided on a real housekeeper. After all, he has to carry Xiaomei's next. Twenty years of characters cannot be simply selected. Compared with Yue Zhong’s requirements for this role, the current managers are still too Yue Zhong brought Xiao Meiqing when the new home was set up When he came to the Pyrenees Mountains, he went to Iceland together with Reimu, and he never went back. He missed the ensuing battle between humans and monsters. As an important battlefield in the battle of Iberia, Yue Zhong It seems that you can see the military history of another plane here.

   is undoubtedly an outstanding military strategist, even in modern wars and special wars, he can have excellent performances. The mountainous terrain and climate in Yue Zhong's eyes are enough to constitute the deduction of that war.

It seems that only in these places Xiao Meiqing can see the posture of commanding Fang Yun from Yue Zhong. His talents are helpless and buried in Xiao Mei's home, but Yue Zhong did not go through the war after all. Xiao Meiqing was only told about the new country they were about to finalize.

"This is the Kingdom of Spain. In the 15th century, a great queen appeared to complete the great cause of reunification. It is really admirable to do this in an era when most women have no rights, and this queen’s The name is exactly like my apprentice, Isabella, but your teacher’s nephew never refuses to admit that I am his master."

"Xiao Qing, I didn’t have any reservations when I taught her, but she didn’t call me a master, because the students are mature and they can easily have their own ideas. When I don’t agree with this, they don’t recognize me as a master. Now."


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