Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1765: Sister glasses

Xiao Meiqing, who has been following the news of her brother-in-law, is very surprised at the speed of the Spanish news media's face change. They were still speculating yesterday with Yue Zhong's praise for the ultimate physical fitness of mankind, but it was only one night after everything. Changed, the media who were still praising Yue Zhong after getting what they wanted, turned their face and didn’t recognize anyone and began to question and criticize Yue Zhong, thinking that after he had achieved some success, no one thought he could conquer every One area.

Xiao Meiqing feels that she may have said the wrong thing. She wants to find those media to explain that her brother-in-law must be the best no matter what occupation he is engaged in. Just like when he was teaching at Takahara City Junior High School, he can wait for her at school. The reporters who had been squatting outside could not be found anymore. Even the classmates who had just met in school had a lot of ridicule towards their brother-in-law.

"What should I do?" Xiao Meiqing thought quite guiltily. She felt that she was causing trouble to her brother-in-law, but she wanted to get answers or comfort from her brother-in-law. Lessons are waiting for yourself.

Han Meimei spent three days in the castle and left with Smith. She received a new mission to go to a country in Central Africa for exploration. Smith also chose to enter Africa together and then parted ways with Han Meimei in Algeria as the Knights Templar. He has his own way to get rid of the attention left on himself.

   But the old castle was not deserted because of it, and Xue Zhong's absence came to surprise Yue Zhong.

  The sunshine at noon happens to be more splendid, and the girl under the sunshine will become more and more splendid. Her style is more grand, which has changed from each other in the past few years.

I don’t know when I started to learn to wear a pair of flat glasses, which made her more elegant and calm, and the intellectual taste. The inner growth gradually reflected in the appearance. Although the body is still not possible to grow, it is now. It's hard to think of Bama as a green and innocent girl.

No matter how strong the sun is, there is no need to hold an umbrella to cover it. Ba Mami in the daytime has been able to fully integrate into nature. Yue Zhong has not seen her figure fighting now, but it must be different from the past. .

   "Always watching and not talking, what do you want to do?" There is no stranger after a long time, Pamamei greets like a friend who has not met for a long time but still keeps close friends.

Yue Zhong was also relieved a lot. He was afraid that Pamamei was rusty with himself. There are not many people who can be called friends in this world. There are even fewer people who can make him care and care. Without the school sister, he must be more lonely.

That may be what Lu Muda also wants to see. Not everyone is as enthusiastic as Han Meimei, and time always destroys all the most powerful means. How many years are there inseparable partners after a few years? The reunion was also restrained.

   "You'll see more if you look good." Yue Zhong stretched his hand to pick up Mami's glasses. "When did Sister Xue like to play intellectual, aren't you self-proclaimed eternal girls?"

Ba Mamei politely smashed Yue Zhong's claws and raised his eyebrows, saying: "It's not what I want to wear. This is an auxiliary equipment developed by the scientific research department to help distinguish various environmental factors from the dark apostle's breath. The people in our group are required to wear it."

   "High-tech, should I keep it secret?" Yue Zhong said ironically.

"Little spirit." Ba Mami took down her glasses and handed it to Yue Zhong. "If you want to see it, Da Ye has been targeting you all the time. It's not unclear to me, but I don't want to mediate the grievances between you. The mediation is not good."

Yue Zhong was quite novel and took a look at the magical girl's new combat equipment, and surrounded him with a layer of holy light, like the grace given by this star, even in the wilderness behind him. It is also presented in the form of data.

This kind of vision Yue Zhong is no stranger. When he gave Xiaoyan his own "Big Brother", the analytical effect he can achieve is more comprehensive. Obviously this is the progress that the magical girl organization's scientific research department has obtained from it. It is the most dangerous. Where the magical girl who fought to assist.

  Mami's words just now have something to say. Maybe she didn't want to see Lumuda this time, but Lumuda can't impose mandatory restrictions on Bamei.

On the way to the old castle side by side, Ba Mami said in a chat: "Han Meimei could have waited for me to come, and the temporary task assigned to her was Taya's meaning. He has never given up restrictions on you, but no. As impulsive and intense as before."

"That's because the people behind him have warned him. If he still does something that hurts others, he will not be polite to him." Yue Zhong said frankly to Bamamei, "Xiaoyuan's younger brother can't do whatever he wants, really when I dare not clean up him?"

   "I think the master of Tatsuya may be someone we all know, without evidence is intuition." Bama said thoughtfully.

   Yue Zhong nodded silently until he opened the door of the study room and let the elder sister go in: "The world is very big and small. Did the elder sister also tell him something?"

Ba Mami turned his head to look at Yue Zhong, and the other party's eyes only smiled without other meaning, she only smiled and said: "You really guessed everything. Yes, I asked him if I could go outside. Look at the world, but he made a request to cut off contact with you from now on."

   "I didn't promise five words in one sentence, that would be enough to explain everything.

Yue Zhong is very aware of how strong Bama’s desire to go to the outside world is to show her intentions when she first hunted herself down, but then Bama was more thinking To find a solution to the curse of the magical girl, she has never put this idea down afterwards.

   Lumuda can obviously also give her such a chance, but Ba Mami did not accept the conditions he proposed, so she didn't need to say anything.

   "Yue Zhong, you have promised me to count things, even if you now have an unexplainable dilemma, but I still place the greatest hope on you."

   "There will definitely be a chance, even if I can't leave, I can send my sister out." Yue Zhong said firmly, he believed that his side would not be so calm until the end of his life.

   Making such a promise means that he may have to sacrifice at the last juncture, but he will not regret or repent, this is a response he owes to her sister.

"If it's too reluctant, forget it, after all, I have more time to wait than you." Ba Mami is still soft-hearted, she doesn't want Yue Zhong to sacrifice anything for herself, he and Xiaoyan have always been themselves The most difficult couple to take care of is that if you end up with a loss of selfishness, you will feel more distressed than if you face more waiting.


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