Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1872: Yue Zhong

Veneto's orders have always been Andrea Doria's determination to go back and execute, so even though she was sleepy, she still supported Xu Xin to finish his story.

Every member of the spare tire league has a very ordinary background and growth trajectory, but this is not suitable for Xu Xin, because when the phone of the spare tire league finds Xu Xin by radio, he has already Hiding in a bomb shelter is starving to death.

His world is ushering in the end of humanity. Outside the bomb shelter, monsters are rampant. The girl who came out of the shelter and wanted to find some food to take back to her crush, but encountered a low-level monster who was forced to be abandoned. Among the bomb shelters.

Xu Xin does not know what happens to the people he likes if he does not bring food back with him. This kind of worry even exceeds his attachment to his life. If she doesn’t go, she is likely to die and will be with her real boyfriend, A young literary and artistic man who only knew music and starved to death in a shelter

When the dying person could catch the only life-saving straw, Xu Xin took the bait without hesitation. When he knew that he would have a substitute during his mission to take care of her, he was so firm. Hesitate.

In the days that followed, Xu Xin survived in a crisis-ridden world, and he also met other girls who were heart-wrenching, but in his heart, there was always a girl who was not outstanding, but a favorite girl. .

After completing the task hard, Xu Xin learned how to fight the demon with a pitiful return. He returned to his world to create a famous hall step by step and gathered a large number of survivors around him. He taught them to deal with the demon. The battle has become a savior in people's hearts.

  But he is still an unknown soldier in the spare tire league. When the potential of his body is exhausted, the spare tire league begins to plan to put him to death, and then to accept the world he has laid.

Andrea Doria, who had dismissed the little fat before, cried out after listening to the other person's painful statement. The ship ladies all have a sentimental side. Their long-term isolation from the world and only the battle of fighting let them keep a girl. Innocence and kindness.

   "Relax, I will let you survive!" Andrea Doria patted Xu Xin's shoulder while blowing her nose.

   "Thank you so much." Xu Xin had no sense of security. He looked at a little girl who was sobbing and said to protect herself, wouldn't she have any confidence if he was a person?

   So far, there is no worthwhile incident around Veneto.

   Since Xiao Meiqing went to Tokyo to start university life, Yue Zhong started planning a trip at home.

   He put a lot of books in his suitcase, without taking a car or a private plane, he dragged the suitcase all the way out of Xiaomei Manor.

Because his journey will be reading thousands of books while traveling thousands of miles, using his own footsteps to measure the length of the journey, in the strange foreign land as an ordinary traveler to experience the taste of local customs, at the same sunrise and month He also reads his favorite books in different environments.

After Xiao Meiqing left, Yue Zhong could be said to be really free. When there was interest, he stopped. When passing by the town of Dacheng, he found a restaurant to eat with his fate. When he was sleeping in the wilderness, he held up the tent to eat. Spend dry food.

   If you are interested, you will go to see a non-lively performance, or you can grab some wild animals with your bare hands to make a living.

Without the halo of Xiaomei's head of the family, without the identity called Yue Zhong, Yue Zhong walking in the world is like a lone traveler. He walked step by step to the coast of country J, preparing to take a boat to go The Asian continent on the other side.

  Once upon a time, looking at the world's landscapes can only be called tourism. Now is it true travel that is unknown to me?

No one in Xiaomei's family will know where Yue Zhong is. He will only send the scenery he saw along the way to Xiao Meiqing to share with him, so that the girl who lives alone in a strange city knows that her brother-in-law is not there. Be around, but you can still be accompanied in another way.

   The only Xiaomei Qing who knew Yue Zhong’s movement sent him a package before Yue Zhong was ready to go out to sea. In addition to a letter, there was a tightly packed lunch box.

   "Brother-in-law, where are you now? Xiaoqing has been away from you for more than half a month and misses you so much, do you miss me..."

  The letter was full of miscellaneous things and said a lot of Xiao Meiqing's trivial things in college life, but every Yue Zhong read with relish, and inadvertently smiled and touched the growing scum.

"This meal box was also sent to me by Lumuda. I don't want his things but it's not good to throw away other people's gifts, so I gave it to my brother-in-law to deal with it!" The letter finally explained The origin of the meal box in the package then ends with a big smiley face symbol.

After receiving the letter from Xiao Meiqing, Yue Zhong looked at the lunch box in front and murmured.

   Ordinary food shouldn’t be so dear to Megumi as well? He should have gone to Panplane Headquarters some time ago. Maybe he brought some souvenirs from there?

   But can I eat something in this lunch box for so many days?

  Yue Zhong canceled today's With great interest, he dragged the suitcase and walked to a deserted shore.

   The waves hit the reefs and the cliffs constantly, the salty sea breeze was blowing quite humid, and the seabirds flying in the sky from time to time pulled down a bit of bird's excrement to make the mood disappear.

   Yue Zhong had no good way to take this group of wanton seabirds. He could only prop up the tent to block their bombing attacks. He sat in the tent and read the book while listening to the waves of the sea.

  When he was hungry, he opened the lunch box that Lu Muda also brought from the Panplane Headquarters, and the tempting sound instantly dissipated and led Yue Zhong to spit.

"Stinky kid is extravagant. I haven't eaten such a good thing in VV's presidential palace." Yue Zhong is also well-informed, but the most top chef in the pan-plane is prepared with the most precious ingredients. The food that came out, he was an earth turtle who had never seen the world.

After devouring away the precious dishes in the lunch box, Yue Zhong lay down comfortably with his stomach touched. He felt that Lu Muda must have also deliberately given such delicious food to himself. He can only beg for his face.

   "I will not compromise so easily!"

  After half an hour of eating, Yue Zhong got out of the tent, the sunset had already half-falled at the end of the sea level, and the soft light of dusk covered the whole world with red glow.

   When the tide was surging, Yue Zhong struck a set of unpretentious fists on the steep cliff. His figure was sometimes heavy and easy, and he was tossing and turning... in order to avoid bird shit.

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