Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 199: Only 1

The roar of the cannon that was full of destruction should have been torn apart easily. Lin Luoqing and Gong Yongsaki, which had been cut off by the special power network, became very weak. However, the cover from history completely contained this shelling. Lin Luoqing’s whereabouts were unknown, and Gong Yong Saki was brought to this strange world together with Yue Zhong.

The damage caused by the bombardment of the main gun of the battleship was completely absorbed by this unknown small world, and everything here became a victim of its owner to save others. The diffuse energy explosion destroyed all the vitality here. In front of her eyes, she could not see any object that could be called alive, except for the pale fairy girl in front of her.

"Qi Xiaomeng, what did you do?" Gong Yongsaki didn't know why this person who almost made them lose the qualification for the team game would save her and Yue Zhong, and had already given Qi Xiaomeng in Gong Yongsaki's mind Marked as a traitor, as long as he can meet it, he will be killed.

Qi Xiaomeng did not respond to Gong Yongzai’s question, he didn’t even look at the other party, but stared at Yue Zhong’s remnant soul without any charm: "If I told you that I was framed, would you still believe me? ?"

"Tongyue took me away because she said that I can no longer gain your trust and staying there will definitely be life-threatening." Qi Xiaomeng continued without a pause, "That game was manipulated , I couldn’t give any instructions there, and I couldn’t even send messages with expressions, so I lost, and there was no room for rebellion. I’ve been calculating and being repelled and warned by Asami , So I ran away, and I was afraid that your trust would be lost, and I would not dare to answer the calls you kept making, so I was afraid to hear your questioning voice."

The small world is constantly turbulent, and Qi Xiaomeng's figure has also become a little blurred, and there is a continuous flow of blood in the corners of her eyes, I don't know what kind of pain, but she has not changed her tone, and has been telling the story. The truth: "I want to help you do something, so I hid in Tokyo to collect history from fantasy. Eventually, I successfully expanded the long axis of history and mastered this world. You should be familiar with this place, but sorry, now you I can't see its original appearance anymore."

"Many times, I figured it out when you were in trouble, but I couldn’t find a reason to prove my innocence, so I escaped time and time again. I escaped when you cleaned up the mobile units in the 11th area, and you were caught by the special ability. I escaped when we were in the cabinet, even when Gong Yongsaki was going to kill you, I escaped... Congratulations Yue Zhong, the world over you has succeeded, but you plan to leave even the soul forever When there is no more left, I can’t escape anymore, I can’t allow you to just go away, then I will feel guilty for a lifetime.” Qi Xiaomeng walked towards Yue Zhong in the gray smoke of the sky, step by step With the blood mark, the long skirt that was supposed to be dusty and clear was constantly infested with blood, "Yue Zhong, just like your request to me on Guam, now I ask you to stay and live. ?"

Gong Yongzai wanted to stop Qi Xiaomeng from approaching, but looking at this stubborn girl, she had no reason to persuade herself to stop each other, everyone was more or less sorry Yue Zhong, if what she said was the truth, then Qi Xiaomeng is the only exception.

  Is the truth really important now? Gong Yongsaki can see that Qi Xiaomeng has reached the point of desperation in order to save Yue Zhong. The blood of her body indicates that she may die at any time.

"Yue Zhong has been avoiding you all the time, and has not even done anything for you, Qi Xiaomeng, is it necessary for you to achieve this degree, in order to save the next lingering soul, it is a pity to give up your life?" Gong Yong Misaki didn't want to admit his selfishness and insignificance in this way, and questioned how he could imagine the answer.

Qi Xiaomeng finally turned his attention to Gong Yongsaki, shook his head with a smile: "You don't understand, when it seems to be denied by the whole world, even if it is doubtful, but in order not to hurt further The words in my heart that took a huge risk to keep me, even if life and death promise each other, are not obtrusive."

  Is this girl's request so simple?

Soon Qi Xiaomeng gave a further answer: "I follow all the history, and there are various stories in that countless time and space, the most fascinating people are those who are called heroes. When I heard the ending of the magical girl world, I felt like I found a real hero, so I wanted to see what kind of person he was, so I came to your world."

"Yue Zhong is not as perfect as I expected, but it makes people feel that his existence is not out of reach. He is a flesh and blood existence. Under my wishful thinking, I found myself gradually falling in love with him, maybe forever I, protected by Tong Yue, have never left the heroic complex I should have as a girl."

Speaking of which, Qi Xiaomeng's smile is even sweeter, just like the girls who are proud to talk about their idols with others: "I can feel his intentional and unintentional avoidance, this is his proof of his attachment to Xiao Meiyan Way, but I didn’t know that it was this persistence that impressed me even more. I thought about the possible development, and I couldn’t find the possibility for him to give up Xiao Meiyan and accept me, so soon I gave up my unrealistic Thoughts, as long as I can do my best to help him by his side, but this simple expectation is used again and again. When Mami drove me away from Nagano, I almost gave up my own ideal."

Gong Yongsaki recalled the experience on the island. Yue Zhong often let them train and followed Qi Xiaomeng to learn lingua franca with the experience of the other party and progressed quickly. At that time, he did not regard Qi Xiaomeng as Threatening, because she feels that in Yue Zhong's mind, her status is definitely higher than that of Qi Xiaomeng.

   Perhaps this is the happiest time for the girl in front of me, but some claims still need to be confirmed: "Can Yue Zhong also be a hero?"

   "For most people, he is not." Qi Xiaomeng looked directly at Gong Yongsaki's eyes and asked, "But for you, he is."

   As long as he can save himself, as long as he can let the lost heart regain its direction, for the benefiting individual, the existence of the other party is a hero. Yue Zhong has no power to control the situation. In many cases, even he has to struggle in a turbulent situation. In that chaotic environment, he maintains his heart as an ordinary person and affects the people around him to fight hard. It seems commendable. Heroes don’t have to be strong or invincible, and they don’t have anything to do with achievements. It’s just the recognition of the quality that affects each individual in his heart.

"Yue Zhong, I will send you back to your world. Only the ruined small world can leave you. If you can cheer up, go find everything here. There is a long axis of my history. Now, you have the ability to accumulate your own strength, and don’t just die like this next time...because I can’t save you a second time anymore." The spitting blood tore the fairy coat, Qi Xiaomeng's complexion also turned to dryness quickly. He had exhausted himself and ended with a last farewell. "Goodbye, Yue Zhong."

The world's ruined bite gradually engulfed all the nostalgia in Qi Xiaomeng's eyes, but the soul that had already died of heart shivered and stretched out his hand. If he wanted to embrace the girl who was going to die, he could only die from his thin body Going up, the boundary between life and death becomes an insurmountable barrier at this moment. Qi Xiaomeng is a magical girl, and even the soul will not remain once he dies.

   "Xiaomeng, Xiaomeng!"

   Inspired by guilt and pain, Yue Zhong constantly shouted each other's name, but the voice of the soul could not let him hear it, and only Gong Yongzai could hear Yue Zhong's repeated shouts.

   On the occasion of Qi Xiaomeng's surviving, Gong Yongsaki conveyed Yue Zhong's meaning without permission: "Can you see him talking? He asked me to tell you that you are unique in his heart."

In that state, Yue Zhong, neither himself nor Xiao Meiyan, has any way to wake up his dead However, Qi Xiaomeng has done it, and the salvation of life and heart will definitely Leaving an indelible mark in Yue Zhong's heart, it will indeed be unique in a sense.

   After hearing Gong Yongsaki's words, Qi Xiaomeng closed his eyes serenely, and the whole body dissipated between the dark sky and earth, leaving only a moment without the core of the soul gem shell and the long axis of history that could not be dissipated.

From now on, say goodbye, you can no longer see the empathetic girl, you can already know the other person's heart, how do you feel now, even the other words can not be heard by the other party Even the gratitude and gratitude cannot be expressed after the repaid grace, the other party is always looking forward to your hug, but your hands can only helplessly penetrate the other party’s body, don’t you want to die, the girl who loves you is exchanged for life After life, how is it feeling now?

   "Yue Zhong..." Gong Yongsaki tried to comfort each other, but saw a pair of hatred eyes glaring at herself.

"Let's go, I can't go with you. Xiaomeng wants me to return to my own world." The voice of the soul should have no tone, but Gong Yongsaki can clearly hear the disappointment and Decisive.

I left Yue Zhong’s soul from Xiao Meiyan, but you took his heart from me, compared with you, I am indeed selfish and insignificant, Qi Xiaomeng, compared to your share Love, I was convinced to take it orally.

  Gong Yongsaki, who decided to let go of everything, is very free and easy to go back to her own world to start a new life. Perhaps one day she will be forgiven by Yue Zhong like Qi Xiaomeng.

probably? Not everyone can accept his own approach.

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