Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2063: The end of the maze

Zhang Xun's response did not have any commendable places, and there were no surprises as Li Xiaobei hoped.

"You are not my student, and now I don't have the time to teach another student." Li Xiaobei shook his head indifferently. "But I'll allow you to watch the relationship between you and Xiaoqing. "

"Mr. Su, I really like your performance." Zhang Xun refused to give up so easily, and he was taught a lesson by hitting a wall at Bamamei. The self-centered image of asking others is not to be discussed. Hi, so this time Zhang Xun chose sincerity.

In the face of Zhang Xun's sincere expression, Li Xiaobei was unmoved: "My maid once said a sentence: I am a partner of smart people, provocative enemies of dumbass; so where are you? A kind of person?"

  Zhang Xun was puzzled and said, "I don't understand Teacher Su's consciousness too well."

   Perhaps he understands what Li Xiaobei said, but in Zhang Xun's imagination, Li Xiaobei also stood on the side of Xiaomei's house. From that standpoint, the current words are confusing.

   "You are not smart enough, nor have the perseverance and courage to be praised, and naturally you are not eligible to be my student." Li Xiaobei did not conceal the contempt for Zhang Xun's performance over the past two days.

Zhang Xun knew very well that Li Xiaobei is much more difficult to speak than Bama Mei, so he never put his hope on Li Xiaobei, he can show his affection to Bama Mei, and Li Xiaobei did not Not paying attention to feelings.

  She seemed to hope for something, but what can she be impressed by today?

  Li Xiaobei turned away and walked away. Zhang Xun's beautiful face with his eyebrows twisted was a bit daunting. The rapidly spinning brain wanted to come up with a suggestion worthy of her review.

   What's that...what is she wanting, right?

   "I can help you persuade Xiaoqing!" Zhang Xun bet, or that he might be able to do now seems to be the only one.

  If the direction of Xiao Xiaobei's consideration is Xiaomei's house, then his proposal will definitely not be favored by Li Xiaobei, but it is self-defeating, but if so, what if?

  Li Xiaobei continued to move forward two steps, and seemed to have no interest in Zhang Xun's words. Until Zhang Xun was desperate, she slowly stopped: "Very good, then?"

"Then, then." Having come up with such a sentence, Zhang Xun had already racked his brains. In the face of Li Xiaobei's doubts, he was very happy but also had a headache and a sense of splitting. Then what should he do, he was really do not know.

  Li Xiaobei was not in a hurry. He waited for a long time before saying: "If you can't tell the follow-up, Xiaoqing should come back."

"Xiaoqing...Xiaoqing." Zhang Xun silently remembered the name that made him think about it, but now he only wants to make better use of the other party's trust in himself, under the pressure of Li Xiaobei. Zhang Xun completely disorganized and ignored the principles that should have been adhered to.

   "Why am I staying here?" From the name of Xiao Meiqing, Zhang Xun finally thought of the key to the problem, that is, he had no chance to stay.

The little girl who can’t remember herself forever, only when she saw it with her own eyes, said that she wasted her last chance, so she could never save herself again. The frightening nightmare at night will wrap itself around again, Zhang Xun doesn't think it can be avoided without sleeping.

  Xiaomei's family has no patience with themselves. If they do not leave, will they really kill themselves? Even using some unimaginable force to make himself disappear without a trace, no one can find clues.

   Such a self is naturally unable to fulfill the promise to Teacher Su.

"Then you have to find a way to stay in Xiaomei Manor, and you won't be forced to leave or die for some reason." Zhang Xun already had a 70% certainty in his heart. This is the answer Li Xiaobei wants, just words. When he was not confident at all, Li Xiaobei gave him pressure that he had never felt before, but the more Zhang Xun wanted to get her approval.

   Even a trivial compliment is enough to make Zhang Xun's heart bloom.

   "Continue to say." Li Xiaobei didn't mean to mention Zhang Xun. If he couldn't even understand this thing, then even if he stayed, he couldn't achieve the purpose that Li Xiaobei hoped.

"I was so disgusted today because I was too arrogant. It was difficult to get help from her again, but I remember she was visiting a patient today. I heard Xiaoqing before coming to Xiaomei Manor It’s important for Xiaomei’s family to have this patient, and it seems that the accompany beside him is also a magical girl.” Zhang Xun’s thinking is getting clearer and clearer, “Xiao Qing has also worked as a volunteer before, if I said I would go there She would definitely agree to help volunteering. As long as I can fight to take care of the patient at night, I don’t have to face it alone when those strange villains appear."

  Li Xiaobei heard it interestingly, and finally was willing to look back and look at Zhang Xun: "Do you have this confidence?"

"I'm not sure After all, I don't know much about the magic girl, but there will always be a chance." In front of a person who is extremely proud, he can't be more proud than her, Zhang Xun is very clear He is not worth mentioning in Li Xiaobei's eyes, so every word he said vaguely reveals lowliness.

   "The secret threat was resolved, but you also had a lot of trouble on your way to the ward." Li Xiaobei was referring to Xiao Mei's bodyguard.

  Zhang Xun could not guarantee that Xiao Meiqing would stay close to herself within a month. If she had placed an order, it would be difficult to escape the bodyguard's pursuit: "Aren't those bodyguards arranged by you?"

   "I never said that they were arranged by me, it was Xiao Meiyuan's own behavior, but everyone thought it was what I meant." Li Xiaobei replied unabashedly.

   "Mr. Su came here yesterday...I understand that Ms. Su is not opposed to Xiao Qing." Zhang Xun said suddenly.

Li Xiaobei's elegant smile: "I said, we are not qualified to forcibly drive you away from Xiaoqing. The meaning of this sentence is to tell you that the so-called test is just something you think you promise Xiaomei Yuan, if You are really smart enough, and you shouldn’t be playing this hopeless game at the time."

"Does Teacher Su mean... tell Xiaoqing everything?" Zhang Xun's previous thoughts revolved around this gambling game. He never jumped out of this framework to look at the problem itself from a more macro perspective. Not going anymore, his clever calculations took the initiative to break through, I am afraid Zhang Xun will never want to understand.

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