Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2070: Between candles

"Xiaobei, do you look very uncomfortable?" Yue Zhong then let go of Li Xiaobei's hand, and when she saw her suddenly regaining calm, she figured out what was wrong with her apprentice. "You seem to I don’t like someone touching you."

   Li Xiaobei only rubbed the fingers of the hand that Yue Zhong held, and then nodded slowly: "Not only people, I don't want to touch anything now."

   "Even your master is so resisting, and changing to other people is afraid that he will be kicked out one by one." Yue Zhong said self-righteously.

"Master, don't you think it's too old to match my taste?" Li Xiaobei pierced Yue Zhong, and then looked at this secret room like no one else: "You never let me in before. Now I’m here, why don’t you tell me where it is."

The golden room with candlelight was filled with the golden apple that Yue Zhong snatched from the assassin's lair in Mount Elbrus. At this moment, it was no longer flat under the candlelight, but exuded a soft light. Intertwined with thousands of candlelights seems to hide many unknown mysteries.

   "You already know that thing on the table, as for these candlelights..." Yue Zhong's elongated voice God said mysteriously, "What do you think they look like?"

  Li Xiaobei's eyes were condensed, and countless figures and one by one came out of his mind, and soon he came to the answer: "Something like the star array, Master, you still really have no new ideas."

"It doesn't matter if there is any new idea, as long as it's easy to use." Yue Zhong strode to the front of the Golden Apple and pressed his palm against it. "The ancients didn't know what the stars outside the sky are, so they studied the stars to try to prove all kinds In the meantime, it also fits the way of Tianyan to be able to deduce the future from it. I used to learn astrological knowledge with many people before. At that time, I didn’t understand enough, so I dismissed it. Now I just think about it and find that it has a great effect. After all, I can't always carry the golden apple on my body."

"So Master, are you using this method to extend the life of your life, and then avoid the things you should face?" Li Xiaobei is generally very satisfied with her master, but the only disapproval is Yue Zhong Now this kind of avoidance mentality, "It will come after all. If you let the Master hold it too long, it will cause unnecessary trouble."

   "Why?" Yue Zhong already had an answer in his heart, but he wanted to hear Li Xiaobei say it, maybe it would be different from what he thought.

   "If time is too long, anything will change, and Master, if you live too long, someone will be unhappy." Li Xiaobei's eyes have always been on the golden apple in Yue Zhong's hands.

   "...Do you think so?" Yue Zhong frowned and said, "I've been betting all my life, and in the end I want to be safe?"

  Li Xiaobei shook his head decisively: "Master, it's not what I want to force you to do."

   "I know that it may have been away from that big stage for a long time, and my thinking can't keep up with your rhythm." Yue Zhong let go of Golden Apple but didn't continue to say anything on this issue.

  But even if he didn't say that Li Xiaobei could already guess, Yue Zhong could take her to explain many problems today, and some of them need not be so detailed between the teacher and the disciples.

   However, there is still a reason to pass on the bright side, so Yue Zhong came to a candlelight that was burned to the end, so he reached out and strangled it.

   "Who is this?"

   around the golden apple constitutes the candle fire star array represents the entire Xiaomei Manor covered by Yue Zhong’s will to perform, and everyone’s vitality corresponds to a candlelight.

The fires of most people’s lives are still very strong, but some have burned to the end, completely relying on the golden apple’s glow and lingering for a long time. Now Yue Zhong chooses to crush one of them. This is not to say that he himself Erase a person's life, but he interrupted the original continuation.

  Xiaomei Manor has many people with weak lives due to the middle-aged and elderly activity center, but there are only two people who are worthy of attention for Yue Zhong.

   One was Xiaomei’s old butler who had witnessed the family from the end of the age to the heyday and then into recession. Today, he has already been about to die, just insisting on Yue Zhong’s request to live to the present.

   And the other is Peng Ju on the hospital bed. His body is already exhausted, and he can live to the present not because of the development of medical technology but because Yue Zhong did not let him die.

   "The old housekeeper should have asked him to follow his father-in-law and mother-in-law." Yue Zhong said quite reluctantly.

He had talked to this respectable old man before, and as Mrs. Xiaomei thought when she was alive, the old housekeeper now has nothing to put down or worth worrying about, so he is thinking that his life will be all So farewell to Yue Zhong, but Yue Zhong let him wait until now.

   At that time, Yue Zhong seemed to know that Li Xiaobei would definitely come and would bring many changes to his peaceful life, so he hoped to keep this incident happening again at this time.

"I thought Master would let Peng Ju die. That would be a shock to Zhang Xun or Xiao Meiqing." Li Xiaobei said these words, there was still not much affection in her eyes, maybe to her Those people, including Peng Ju, are like chess pieces that can be sacrificed in exchange for certain benefits. If necessary, they can be categorically discarded.

   "The person who wants to die is Why should I let the person who wants to live replace his role."

   The candlelight extinguished in the old mansion's secret room seemed extremely natural, and Xiaomei's house was calm and calm after nightfall.

Xiao Meiqing was still remembering what Li Xiaobei told her today in the piano room. Xiao Meiyuan was watching every corner of the manor in the monitoring and control center to plan tomorrow’s actions. Zhang Xun stayed in Pengju’s ward and was used to it. In view of the environment here, as long as the child on the pseudo street does not come to him for trouble, he will have nothing to fear.

The only person with insight was standing in the banquet hall on the tower, even though it was a bit dark all around, but here she was a dazzling sunlight, under the eyes of Bamamei's golden eyes, a star was falling fast from the sky , Which is several times faster than Meteor.

  'S longing for life and the pursuit of friends have always been the greatest happiness in Bama's heart, so she doesn't understand why some people can live but why can't wait to die.

   Is it just because his time has passed, and the things he is familiar with and used to disappear one by one, but the loneliness of his own is more terrible than death?

   In the early morning of the next day, the bad news of the old housekeeper's death spread throughout the Xiaomei Manor. Although he is not the owner here, he has a profound impact on everyone, so his death is no less than an earthquake.

   The calm of the manor was easily broken.


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