Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2121: Phase shift

  In the wasteland of the Valkyrie Ranger's headquarters area, Trish left the flagship command for the first time since he was on the ground and stepped on a planet.

   He is not a person who needs to bully an enemy who is far weaker than himself to accumulate merit. If the military attaches great importance to this military operation, he will not even think of doing so by forcibly appointing Trisi as the chief commander of the battlefield.

   has arrived now even if he shouldn’t have come. The idea in Tracy’s mind is not whether the high-level officials who promote themselves after the war will keep themselves. He looked at the black waste soil in front of him with a trace of sadness in his heart.

Before the abandonment of the headquarters area, the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment used the energy transformation module that can use all materials as fuel to burn all the surface of the earth. What is left is not only all black ruins, but the entire planet. After this fire, it became a gaseous planet made of atomic dust. It will not be long before it is affected by other gravitational forces in the universe. This planet, which has no vitality, will gradually expand until it is completely scattered in the vast galaxy.

Soldiers are also humans, not beasts. They should not be the root cause of destruction. Whether it is active or forcing the enemy to completely wipe out the life of a planet is a sinful thing, especially in this case also in the civil war of the same race. Among.

If only facing alien species, Trish, who is in military command, will not have any hesitation and compassion. In the battle of life and death, only the complete severance of all the vitality of the enemy is the respect for this responsibility. Personal sympathy and laissez-faire just fail those who trust themselves and are irresponsible for the ordinary citizens of the ubiquitous plane who give their lives to protect themselves.

   But it was once the home of human beings. Even if the concept is different and the lifestyle is different, there must be countless memories and attachments.

"Sir, will this war continue?" Military soldiers who have been fighting dangerous and alien life are actually reluctant to engage in such an unjust war. Perhaps they were initially scorned by the enemy. After realizing that the enemy is not without resistance, but that the cruelty of the war has also become fierce, how much will respect the opponent's fighting will and reflect on his own position.

It has been a long time since the regular army of the general plane has not invaded other human forces. A large number of soldiers feel that this war is not only difficult but also meaningless.

"Everything will not end until the military's new order comes." Trish waved indifferently, "announce all forces that intervened in this conflict, any attempt to contain the exiled high-level of the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment will be arrested Seen as a provocation to the military, if you are not afraid to let the flames burn to your homeland, then don't do anything beyond the bottom line."

"Yes." The adjutant paid a military salute to Tracy. Only the closest person around Tracy would understand how much emotion the commander felt, but he was very good at separating his emotions from his own position. , Never let your emotions affect the judgment of the battle.

   It was a correct decision to attack the headquarters of the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment across the board. At least it once again disappointed Xiao Meiyan and did not allow Xiao Meiyan time to integrate the reinforcements and the Guards. It not only suppresses the enemy's cohesive will but also further compresses the enemy's space for trimming. Even if this kind of result will cause some sequelae, the benefits will outweigh the disadvantages.

"Tripartite human forces have sent the most elite troops to the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment in the name of the Expeditionary Army for support. There are also seven humanoid forces that have reached a cooperation intention with the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment. The army participated in this war." The adjutant continued to report, "If our army's attitude is simply not to allow the high rank of the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment, then their enthusiasm for war will probably not decline."

Trish nodded and said, "I know that if they can't threaten their vital interests, most people will have no fear in front of the big eyes of the Void, and we can only issue this level of notice. Now."

"Will it report to the superiors to stop more forces from blending in in the name of the military?" The adjutant also felt a little unrealistic here, and their war of aggression itself caused a lot of criticism. If there is still a very unreasonable posture, then the ubiquitous plane may face the biggest crisis of diplomatic trust in millennia.

   It is still unclear whether the high-level military side can pass, and the diplomatic department must not agree. Even the ruling seat will have a certain will to propose a bill to restrict the military's actions.

   "Report, but don't have any hope." Trish said after thinking for a while, "We can only do our best to obey the destiny."

If he wants to do his best, the military’s offensive will not stop with a stage of victory. Will he be able to fully capture the Valkyrie Rangers before Xiaomeiyan attracts enough power and integrates it, so that the war will enter the sawing level? Territory has become a new point of Trish does not have to worry about other human forces daring to accept the exile of the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment. What they need has been obtained when sending reinforcements. The new type of war experience that needs to be accumulated will also be acquired in the next stage of the battle. There is no need to risk becoming the next Valkyrie Ranger Regiment to provoke the anger of the pan-plane military.

But he is not optimistic that his army can still maintain its superiority in combat strength after the continuous reinforcements arrive on the battlefield. Each component of the regular army of the ubiquitous plane can be called the most powerful individual in countless human civilizations, but this is In a world without absolute invincibility, the military can no longer send more troops to participate, and it will surely evolve from a local conflict into a large-scale comprehensive war.

With Tianyan's consciousness invested in the eyes of the void, the pan-plane military's original odds of winning 90% have dropped to 70%. Xiao Meiyan has had to call Yue Zhong for help. There are no more cards.

The combat units that gathered in the headquarters of the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment again turned into hundreds of arrows scattered like a celestial girl. It is very important to occupy the enemy's capital. It is also that the pan-plane military controls the Valkyrie. All the central nodes of the Cavalry Regiment control plane can be accessed from here to any plane still under the control of the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment, which can be said to directly obtain a large degree of war initiative.

   The panplane military did not leave Xiao Meiyan any room for breathing. She also made new demands in front of all expedition generals at this moment.

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