Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2128: Valkyrie

Although Chienzao Dai was in the position of deputy commander, her combat power was only in the middle of the upper ranks of the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment. It was able to create a gap in the confrontation with the powerful enemy of the pan-plane military. It is commendable. As for other high-level battles, even with the help of Xiao Meiyan's support, the situation of war has not been able to fundamentally reverse.

Because the top-level military power of the ubiquitous plane is at least ten times that of the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment, after paying a lot of losses, and once again adapted to the card played by Xiao Meiyan, the joint strangling from multiple strong enemies still makes The top of the Valkyrie Rangers is difficult to parry.

I am afraid that the battle of the decisive battle of the traditional war mode has long been irresistible. Fortunately, the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment now has the eye of the void, the form of engagement is more diverse and the aging is shorter, and each confrontation is not without a retreat and more The momentary contact begins and ends.

The pan-plane military's superiority in numbers is difficult to fully transform. They are not used to the enemies who used to sneak in and attack suddenly and suddenly use the same mode of casual combat, but they are constantly adapting in actual combat.

As a group that is best at fighting among countless planes, there are no flaws or shortcomings in the pan-plane military. The interference of time has caused some loss and they have adapted. The positive contact of the war is also gradually Adapted.

Xiao Meiyan and the top of the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment are well aware that this method can at most only delay the arrival of the defeat, but it is not enough to achieve the final victory of this battle.

No matter in which era, war is always the focal point of legendary explosion. Xiao Meiyan is an absolute theoretical school. She can create a degree where one plus one is far greater than two under limited conditions, no matter how she calculates. No matter how elaborate, and how small the probability is, there is a favorable possibility, but she can't make one plus one exceed one hundred million in a short time.

She can be a well-deserved legend in the field of scientific research, but the battle is different.

The superiority of the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment is decreasing at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. It is not a boast that the Pan-Plane Army makes them fearless of enemies of any kind with constant self-confidence and background. They may fall into a temporary dilemma, but In the end, they will certainly be able to win, and countless epic wars are all indicating this.

But if it is said that the panplane military has never failed, it is a kind of superficial lie. In an era when the panplanet was dominated by soldiers, they failed to complete the unification of all humans in all planes because of failures both inside and outside.

There is such a person in the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment. She is the only one that exists eternally when all the friendly forces are difficult to parry and can only pass the mode of flash war and become embarrassed. She is also sent on the pan-plane military. There is no elite individual who can compete with it, so it runs through the infinite trajectory like a straight line without beginning and end.

The flames of war could not be contaminated by her bright clothes. The black skirt was covered with blood-red long flaps. She walked out of the boundless galaxy with a cavalry spear and left a star-like radiance. .

The display of the pan-plane military has been punctured by an unfillable loophole. No one can stop her from going forward, but no one can keep up with her pace. As the founder of the Valkyrie Rangers There is also a strong legend in the general history of the panplane. It is said that after the first will of the panplane, the woman who can take it to the void and die together, she has never been able to stop her individual in her life.

The overall strength of the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment is actually weak among human forces of the same level, but it was only raised by a level of evaluation because of her existence.

Including Xiao Meiyan, she is also the only hope of all the Valkyrie Rangers. The big commander’s offensive seems very unpretentious, because for her, killing the enemy is a simple matter. , Spear, stab, no matter what kind of enemy will fall down, no matter what kind of obstacles will collapse, there is nothing to stop, only to stop her from moving anymore.

She can't kill all the pan-plane troops alone. There is a limit to how strong an individual can be, so the head of the group is going to kill Trish, although even killing Trish is just a short-term panic. The chain of command of the face-to-face military is in chaos, and soon others will accept the command to continue the war, but this is the most valuable action that the large commander can think of when facing the plane-wide military.

It is better to make Tracy feel scared and retreat, but this possibility is too slim. He is not Fan Hanshi who has not experienced the test of life and death, and pushes the war to this level. This growth will definitely become a general. The commander of the famous general can pay everything for his victory, including his own life.

The leader of the large group is killing all the way. Under a spear, no matter the distance or strength, it will definitely fall into a military combat unit, perfectly allocating its own energy to eliminate the presence of the enemy with minimum consumption, but when After hundreds of beheadings and jumps, she still has a steady stream of enemies coming to her.

Perhaps I think this place is the most suitable. The leader of the group stopped and looked at the battle situation of other galaxy. The enemy’s protection of Trish is just like his own protection of Xiao Meiyan. He will not let himself, the only threatening person, pierce the shot calmly.

However, this protection suddenly disappeared, and the enemies who had leaped toward the head of the large regiment stopped their operations and turned to other battlefields.

It’s not that Tracy left the battle, so that the head of the big group couldn’t find him. It was only because Tracy felt that this step was enough. What he was most worried about was that the head of the big group killed him all the way and eventually launched a fatal attack on himself. Attack, but instead of killing yourself, the large regiment attacked the elite of the other pan-plane military.

Now he used himself as a bait to always let the head of the group and Xiao Meiyan see the hope of killing but also let the overall progress of the war reach his expectations.

The Valkyrie Rangers can't stand it anymore. Even if they die, the pan-plane military can win the final victory. At this time, Trish no longer needs soldiers from other military to give his life in vain. Those who the Valkyrie wants to behead on the battlefield have always been mortal.

"Trish, isn't it? You can see that you are a genius strategist that you can meet but can't ask for. Xiao Meiyan is indeed not your enemy if he doesn't have so many strange advantages on the battlefield." The head of the group smiled coldly. , "But who said that the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment won't understand war?"

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Chapter 2128 Named Valkyrie (Page 1/1)

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