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Chapter 2142: Eyes in the dark

"I will be the only one looking at you, no matter if you are free and easy, genius or idiot, you will not be alone, I will wait until the day you come back."

Xiao Meiyan, who had left the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment alone for the time being, finally did not impulse to break into the world where Yue Zhong was. She saw that her brother and sister were able to stand alone even if they left Yue Zhong, and saw them My sister and brother went through the difficulties together, still believing that this sister I had never seen before, also made a special trip to give myself a breath, Xiao Meiyan calmed down.

This disaster of Yue Zhong happened just as Xiao Meiyan feared. It could not avoid being destined to become a part of Yue Zhong's need to experience, just because his call at the time of helplessness led to its early outbreak.

The soulful people can understand each other's ideas even without communication. When Xiao Meiyan calmed down, she realized the arrangement of Yue Zhong with her own understanding of Tianyan. When she saw him from the first sight, Yue Zhong It is not a person who is willing to be bullied, even if he is under any circumstances, he will give himself a glimmer of hope.

Taking advantage of Xiao Meiyan's fierce battle with Trish, Fan Hanshi, who hid in the dark and planned the event, successfully achieved the goal with Yue Zhong's mustard by using Lumuda, but he still could not feel the victory in his heart Joy.

This feeling of being close to success he has experienced too many times, each time he thought he could catch Xiao Meiyan but was repeatedly freed from her by the French Open. This time he was still afraid of having anything on Yue Zhong. The general idea.

The confinement chamber of the Judicial Tribunal smoothed all the emotions of Fan Hanshi. In the endless darkness, he washed away the glory and conceitedness. Perhaps even if he successfully crossed the gap that Xiao Meiyan had torn in his heart, he would not What's the joy?

Abandoning his bottom line and feelings of being born, Fan Hanshi also overdrawn his future.

The interruption of the light of Tianyan is to win hope for the more frontline troops, but Fan Hanshi does not think that this will cause irreversible pain to Xiao Meiyan. Yue Zhong is still alive, no matter what he is like. The miracle factor contained in him cannot be eliminated, so Fan Hanshi must eliminate all miracle possibilities before he can finally cut off his direct and inseparable connection with Xiao Meiyan.

Therefore, he didn't pay any attention to Yue Zhong's follow-up anymore. The legal court was able to acquiesce Fan Hanshi's side-striking move but would not agree that he really imposed a second sanction on the exiled offenders who had been tried, so Fan Hanshi immediately proceeded to expand Another crucial investigation.

That's called Su Mary... or Li Xiaobei's girl.

Her first active plane world has also changed the original historical process because of her influence. The vigorous industrial revolution is being merged with the supernatural power system of supernatural forces. The thick black smoke has impregnated the flawless white jade city. All the rails stretched from Bai Yujing in all directions.

The change to the essence of a primitive civilization clearly violated the code of the general plane, but Fan Hanshi is no longer a cop, so it is not his essential job to catch such a plane private criminal, but Fan Hanshi feels that this person is too important. All resources and manpower were poured into her.

Xiao Meiyan once went to that world, and left many secret stories.

Li Xiaobei went to the plane where Yue Zhong was born, went to Xiaomei Manor and even went to hell. All these secrets that had been buried by Li Xiaobei were found in Fan Hanshi’s excavation. If you change to Mu Yuan, you won't pay attention to it at all. Mu Yuan will put her main energy on Xiao Meiyan like she did before.

If the facts exist, no matter how well-covered it is, the day when it will be uncovered by the unstoppable person, Li Xiaobei has also visited many other places, but so much commonality is enough to make Fan Hanshi doubt her.

It's just that until now Fan Hanshi still can't determine what the relationship is between Li Xiaobei and Yue Zhong. Xiao Meiyan, who doesn't like other girls beside Yue Zhong, doesn't treat Li Xiaobei like Gong Yongzai, There are signs that the relationship between them is still very close.

Xiao Meiyan's relationship with Veneto is also very good, and Veneto is Yue Zhong's supporter on the bright surface, which has to make Fan Hanshi doubt whether Li Xiaobei is the same, so even if he is not completely sure, he also Want to grab this person and completely cut off the possibility of Yue Zhong's body.

But Fan Hanshi's investigation work was not smooth. The man who was a close guardian in Hell's plane needless to say. Finding these inconsistent clues in other places is already the limit. Li Xiaobei has always been very strong. Be vigilant, so doing anything will eliminate its traces, and the great migration of Fantasia Township has made Fan Hanshi break the most important tracing route. This caused great difficulty to Fan Hanshi's investigation. After all, he did not have the power to seize all the people who had contact with Li Xiaobei to conduct a memory search. There would be no substitute for things that seriously violated the general plane code. He walked around, maybe a younger juror court junior would come to the door to bring himself to justice.

When was Li Xiaobei contacted Yue Zhong, what kind of relationship were they directly, why now the traces of Li Xiaobei's activity are completely gone, does she realize that she has noticed her existence?

Fan Hanshi was troubled by all kinds of doubts, but he wasn't completely clueless, because Yue Zhong had not been to as many places as Xiao Meiyan. If you check them one by one, you can still determine a general direction.

Fan Hanshi's eyes quickly locked in the Flame Alliance, but that plane had an extremely powerful big president, and as a pan-plane cadre, going to the vast majority of planes to investigate. The local government would cooperate closely, but that The big president was extremely disgusted that outsiders were active in her territory. The investigation team sent by Fan Hanshi was violently driven out by Veneto.

Seven major galaxies are important planes where Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan have been Fan Hanshi knows very little about it, so he is convinced that Li Xiaobei is from there.

Fan Hanshi, as an inspector-general, pays attention to a procedural justice in all his actions, but now that he has completely abandoned the glory and shame brought by this identity, it is not difficult to penetrate a plane with the power of the universal plane.

Moreover, the current Chongyan Federation is in an era of great opening of the door, and the standard of entry and exit inspection is very open. With a little concealment, it can successfully send its own investigators into it, or buy some other planes. People enter, as long as they can bring valuable intelligence, Fan Hanshi will try.

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