Spare Tire Major League

Vol 2 Chapter 2188: chat

At that time, the exquisite Shuang Jiao of the C-star aristocrat married one of the talented scientist Li Peiyun, and the other married to Admiral Karting. The two men they chose to put in the C star field can be said to be outstanding. However, the C star field at that time was under the rotten feudal class. With the protection of the Great Wall and not trying to make progress, it was an intrigue.

There is no one to do things for the country and the people. The high-level atmosphere is full of power disputes and party privatization. It is not talented geniuses but masters who rule out dissidents who hold the power. Those who really have talents and want to do something are suppressed. It was so miserable that even every family was destroyed.

Li Peiyun, who brought the defensive circle of the Great Wall to the C Star Zone, not only failed to get the corresponding respect, but even faced the disaster of culpability because of a wind-snatching Mo Xu. If it were not for Yue Suling’s composure at that time, he fled to birth, Li Xiaobei will not meet the master who changed her life, Yue Zhong, or even become a plaything for the dignitaries.

Even after experiencing such ambitions to fight Yue Suling, the rebellion promoted by AL Starland was the last struggle of this stubborn woman, but she encountered Yue Zhong who could not help the seven galaxies. Drinking hatred, in the end even need his 10-year-old daughter to stand up and save the whole family.

From that moment on, Yue Suling finally let go of her star-like dreams when she was young. After the arrival of the new era, she accompanied her husband and son An An's divided life and experienced ordinary happiness in it.

Li Xiaobei's appearance is not what he was in the past. Yue Suling hopes to tell her that a man who lives and lives together is the happiest thing in life, even if the other person is not unique in the world. Easy to miss.

Unfortunately, how can Li Xiaobei listen to his mother's words? Parents always want to use their own experience to let their children go a smoother path, but every child's heart is expecting a The scenery you will see in an adventure.

Li Xiaobei gazed absently at the sky. Although his parents were not forcing him to fight for a good job for his brother who was not able to handle it, they talked about it and made him more upset.

"Alas, is Veneto back?" Li Xiaobei saw the sky's trailing tail flame, which is a unique symbol belonging to Veneto on the Roman star.

Yue Suling sighed regretfully, his daughter is good at everything, but she can't hear what she said when she was too dominant. Although Li Xiaonan can't compare with Li Xiaobei everywhere, he never let him obediently. People worry.

Since Veneto has returned, it means that Li Xiaobei, acting president, should continue his journey.

Knowing where Li Xiaobei was, Veneto, who landed directly in the garden, saw the little boy in her hand, because Li Xiaobei had never held the child, and the little guy staggered on her shoulder. Uncomfortably adjusting the posture, so Li Xiaobei was still very happy to stand up and greet himself. The little guy slid directly from her arms like a koala on her thigh.

Veneto, who was in a very unhappy mood, couldn't help smiling, and then faced Xiao Xiaobei with a straight face: "Come with me."

Li Xiaobe, fed up with his mother's forced marriage, quickly threw the child to his mother, and then followed Veneto into the big presidential palace.

The crystal coffee table in the office of the Grand Presidential Palace sat on both sides, and Veneto asked directly: "How is the situation of the Chongyan Federation recently?"

"Everything is going in the direction of stability, it's a little accident." Li Xiaobei laughed, "Saratoga, who was called to find you by Missouri, failed to find you in the Provence Star District and then went to the English Galaxy, you She arrived just after fighting with the Royal Navy gang, and then ran directly to Panplane Headquarters and has not returned yet."

Veneto nodded and said, "I know that I saw her at the commander's department of a gendarmerie. There was nothing here, so I didn't call her back. Anyway, she didn't have many renminbi. Will be back."

"It seems that Saratoga is a little bit buoyant." Li Xiaobei really cares about Saratoga. His master had been taken care of by Saratoga before visiting A Star Zone. If there is any place Li Xiaobe, who can help her, will not refuse, "I also need to go to the Pan-plane Headquarters, and let's see her by the way."

"Will the Joint Intelligence Service please?" Veneto asked curiously.

"Yeah, it is not so easy to make them completely opposed to Fan Hanshi." Li Xiaobei Road, "Yes, has Fan Hanshi been punished?"

"Well." Veneto said about the situation there, and then asked with some doubt, "I didn't know what you did here before you asked me to rush to the English Galaxy. Why did you unite? Will the Intelligence Department abandon Fan Hanshi just because of you?"

Li Xiaobei shook his head and said: "It's hard to say a word, the specific situation of your office's information terminal is recorded, have time to read it by yourself, if it wasn't for the girl who tried their best to make them interested, how could it be in a crisis? It's going to fight back."

Seeing that Li Xiaobei began to brag himself again, Veneto didn't refute it. After all, she also knew that if it wasn't for Li Xiaobe's sudden changes, Chongyan Federation would really be dangerous and even irreversible if she wanted to get through the difficulties.

It is the most classic strategy of his admirer to get involved in the chaos between the disorder and the overall situation. As his apprentice, he and Isabella have been far removed from Li Xiaobei.

"I will see these things by myself. Do you know the situation of Admiral?" Veneto changed the subject and said, "Fan Hanshi's men want to talk to me about the conditions. I know from them that the Admiral is now missing. , Even if they don’t know where."

Li Xiaobei did not have the slightest accident. Feng Qingyun said: "I was thinking about Master's things when I was okay when you were in the underground prison. I was a bit worried at first, but then I felt that there was no need. "

"Why?" Veneto asked eagerly.

"Because what Master doesn't want to happen, it won't happen." Li Xiaobei's perception of Tianyan is far greater than that of Veneto, so that he has such a should be able to predict Lumuda will also break in at that time, but since he has no design to stop it, he has his intentions. "

"Then you know why?" Veneto wanted to know Yue Zhong's plan. Only then would she be able to act with purpose instead of finding directions.

Li Xiaobei smiled mischievously: "I don't know, but I have faith in Master. You and I don't need to get to the bottom. When the time comes, Master will naturally be useful to us."

Although he was already forced to marry by his parents, Li Xiaobei's heart was sometimes similar to that of a child.

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