Spare Tire Major League

Vol 2 Chapter 2194: Days countless

Yue Zhong in the hotel is hiding in the warm blanket but can't sleep for a long time. He still has many fears in this world at this moment. Even if a lucky person meets a well-meaning person, he can't dispel the uneasiness and fear in his heart.

The condensed glaze on the coat exuded a madness, and Yue Zhong dared not take off his clothes and could only bear an unpleasant smell and lay in bed. With his IQ today, he could not do long-term planning. Even if you don't know how to spend tomorrow, it will be more difficult to detect your own problems.

The inability to fall asleep is because Yue Zhong felt in Mingming that something he didn’t like was happening. He couldn’t tell what it was, just like he didn’t know that the morning dawn would spoil himself and become another person.

When Yue Zhong is next to Xiao Meiqing, she is always a child who has not grown up. Only when Yue Zhong disappears will Xiao Meiqing really try to make her own decision.

It was indeed her gratitude to meet Krad, but it was also because she liked his simple, unrequited and helpful character.

It is not difficult to be willing to help a person. The difficulty is to do things that everyone thinks are unnecessary with the strange eyes of other people. For example, it is difficult for Klad’s family to understand why he should stay to help Yue Zhong, because they I feel that it is a matter of government agencies to contain such mentally impaired people. Over time, it is ignored and painless. If you are in a good mood, you can help. If you take the initiative, you will be laughed at by others.

It is precisely because of this general herd mentality that people who originally had good intentions will also have a lot of worries when releasing goodwill, and it is already extraordinary that Krad can withstand those strange eyes and follow his original intentions.

The boys who have always been close to Xiao Meiqing have more or less their other purposes. Even if they really like Xiao Meiqing but they inevitably have other thoughts in mind, Xiao Meiqing understands this, so there is no one who can really make themselves tempted. But at this moment she believes that Krad must not have deliberately shown it to herself.

This fate will not make Xiaomei Qingfang secretly promise, but at least let her be willing to make such a friend, and do not care about his identity.

"Let's take a look at him again tomorrow." Xiao Meiqing said to Krad, the first time she received news from her sister, it was also hard to wait for her brother-in-law's clue, even if the sister did not let herself close to her brother-in-law for some reason. , But Xiao Meiqing can't really let it go.

Klader gladly agreed, he also felt that it would not work to drop this fool, but he had no financial independence to help him. There are very few places where he can help him. Some people can recognize their actions and the other party is still a stunning beauty girl. Any reason for rejection.

If it is not possible, he must be sent to the shelter to be at ease. It is best to be able to send it to a better sanitarium. He does not have the financial ability, and he does not know whether the prestigious girl in front of him is willing.

Xiao Meiqing didn't want to act too bravely in front of the friends she just met, so she didn't have many words with him but just met at the hotel tomorrow morning to pick up Yue Zhong.

After leaving, Xiao Meiqing did not go far. She asked Xiao Meiyuan to send her some staff but did not tell her brother why. When the family members came, they asked them to look at the hotel and rest assured.

"Brother-in-law, I don’t know why my sister won’t let me approach you, but I think she must have her pains, even you must have her own intentions, but I can’t bear to look at you like this, if at least, at least Can I see you from afar?"

Although Yue Zhong told Xiao Meiqing her secrets that night when the old housekeeper passed away, she had not experienced those storms, and she could not think of what her sister and brother-in-law are facing now, let alone know her own. Will not bear the consequences.

After a hard night's sleep, Xiao Meiqing got up at dawn, and after a simple wash, she hurried to the door of the hotel, and Klad had been waiting here long ago.

Xiao Meiqing is inconvenient to go in to find her brother-in-law, only to let Klad go in and see.

She waited for a long time at the door and was worried that something was going on inside. Krad walked out with disappointment.

"How is it?" Xiao Meiqing asked quickly.

Krad just shook his head: "He's gone. I asked the boss that the boss didn't know when he left."

Xiao Meiqing just shivered a little, then smiled reluctantly: "Let's look for it separately."

"Well." Klad left in response, looking for Yue Zhong's whereabouts. He felt that Yue Zhong might have ran away quietly when no one was paying attention, but his kind of person was really obvious, as long as he wanted to find it I can definitely find it.

However, Xiao Meiqing didn't think so, because she understood that her brother-in-law disappeared into her vision again, just like the mysterious disappearance on the plane.

"Why, brother-in-law, why do you have to avoid me..."

Since the disappearance of Yue Zhong, Xiao Meiqing has been depressed for a while, even though she cheered a little under the comfort of Xiao Meiyuan, she never let go of the idea of ​​getting her brother-in-law back.

Regardless of the reasons for the greatness, you should not say nothing to your brother-in-law to face yourself. Are we not your family?

Xiao Meiqing remembered clearly yesterday that the clothes on her brother-in-law's body were very dirty. She should ask Klad to send in a warmer set of clothes. She should also give her brother-in-law more money, even if he can't come back to himself. You can also make yourself better.

But he was stunned by the joy of knowing his brother-in-law's whereabouts, and even had the interest to meet a new friend. Xiao Meiqing thought that even if she couldn't meet her brother-in-law, at least he could help him in secret.

Xiao Meiqing resented her But she didn't know it was just a necessity.

After a night passed, Yue Zhong will definitely say goodbye to himself the day before because of various reasons. He only woke up when the sky was not bright and walked out of the hotel. The nearby surveillance was also crushed by heavy snow. No one, including Xiao Meiqing, who was arranged nearby, could see him leave.

He just walked away normally, but just at the angle that no one could notice, it seemed like a coincidence of heaven.

With such a coincidence, how could Xiao Meiqing want so much yesterday?

The brand-new personality that appeared on Yue Zhong is no longer a bully. He is an ordinary person who can't be ordinary, but only has ordinary differences with ordinary individuals. This is also the most common type that appears on him. Personality.

Facing a completely strange world again, what should I do?

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