Spare Tire Major League

Vol 2 Chapter 2217: Ready to travel

Since Dameihong came out, Zao Miao's gaze has not moved away from her, because she found that Meihong in girls' clothes was very beautiful, at least not inferior to herself.

The fair skin did not turn black because of years of going out. The slender neck looked like a swan under the background of the hanging ornaments. The girl's red body was slender. Once dressed, she could not be seen as a female man, and she The outline of her face is also very soft, the original middle **** is more because of her character and style.

At this moment, Mei Hong is undoubtedly a beautiful woman. If Ms. Fujiwara had not fully opened, she took Penglai medicine and fixed her body. It may not be more than Hui Ye when she is a few years old. difference.

"Cough, my wife, don't you continue to talk with others, don't you see that they are very restrained?" Although they returned to their youth, the title of the two did not change, and Yue Zhong's father showed himself in a timely manner. He had seen Mei Hong’s sloppy image last night. He never imagined that the girl would not lose to Zao Miao when she changed her body. Thinking of her strange eyes last night, Yue Zhong’s father felt he should not provoke any more. She is better.

"It's all about you, read your newspaper, and if you don't do anything on weekdays, you will know that the clothes will reach out to open your mouth to open your mouth, and you will send a picture of the head of the family all day, and sleep on the sofa for me at night!" Yue Zhong 'S mother reluctantly replied, she was about to ask the date of Meihong's birth, and then whether it should be married or not.

On weekdays, the family is not without guests. Many boys who want to please Zao Miao always come here. Yue Zhong’s mother really likes a kid. Unfortunately, Zao Miao is not interesting to him. .

Almost all the time, Meihong, Meihong may be because it is very difficult to let go after changing clothes. No matter what Yue Zhong’s mother said, she just responded, but when Mei Hong saw Yue Zhong’s father again There was no strange reaction.

Although their father and son have a 90% similarity, their temperament and personality are much worse, and Mei Hong can't always distinguish it.

Last night, the two parties met as if nothing had happened and sat together at the table to eat breakfast.

Zao Miao hesitated for a while or directly expressed his plan to go out with Meihong, Yue Zhong's parents made a speechless look for a while and agreed.

They knew that it was impossible for them to leave Zaomiao forever, and this day will come sooner or later. In the past, they were inseparable from the care of Zao Miao, but now they have returned to their own youth, and let Zao Miao wait for nothing, and after all these years of getting along, the couple has already regarded Zao Miao as their heart. The biological daughter generally treats her as being afraid of falling and fearing that she doesn’t like those kid couples who are not forced to let her temperament come in half, so Zao Miao wants to go out and they have no reason to stop.

"Zao Miao is going alone, is it not safe?"

Zao Miao pointed to Zhimeihong and said, "I plan to go north with Meihong to see. We are all spiritually capable of self-protection. Don't worry, godmother or godmother."

"Okay, prepare more valuable things to take away, and you can exchange them without using money. There is the ice essence in the north but it is very cold. Don't be hungry and hungry..." So, Miao Miao was able to get away and pack up his clothes.

Meihong always followed Zao Miao around, letting her carry a backpack and picking up things without refusing to take it. Half a day later, Miao Miao asked strangely: "Shouldn't you go and tell Huiyin first?" , Wait until I am ready to gather outside the city."

"I... this dress is too awkward, or I should wear the previous one." Mei Hong said hesitantly, she didn't want to appear in front of Huiyin with her current image, and it was too shameful. .

"I've lost your clothes, it's not too eye-catching." Zao Miao couldn't help teasing Meihong.

"Why?" Meihong leaned on the wall with her face in distress.

Zao Miao hung her for a while and finally said: "Okay, don't install a statue. We will go to the clothing store to see you and buy you two sets of clothes later."

"Well, good!" After hearing the words, Meihong's instant resurrection on the spot generally restored her spirit, and she was very attentive to help Zaomiao start to pack things.

Girls go out like boys, they seem to have endless things to clean up. Just a pile of clothes will have to be picked out and left for a long time, and Miao Miao loves to clean, so I cleaned up the bed. Dry and dry.

The last two had to eat a meal at home before leaving.

Zaomiao walked empty-handed in front with her hands, the wind blowing her emerald green hair fluttering like a willow, the white dress flying still had a youthful and beautiful vitality, and the girl-red behind dragged a heavy box and carried a large backpack on her back. Shiao followed Zao Miao.

It is really strange to do this kind of thing in Meihong's current image, which attracted passersby to look sideways.

Everyone knew Zao Miao, but no one from Meihong recognized it as the tomboy who often went to the city to sell prey and sometimes worked as a coolie on the pier. This situation continued until the two of them walked out after entering the men's clothing store.

Sister Red, dressed in a handsome white suit, combed her hair into a long ponytail, and asked Zao Miao to ask for some money to buy the only cigarette of her own and stuffed it into her backpack. She continued to accompany Zao Miao to sweep the commercial street.

Relying on the wall to light a cigarette, and looking at the streets with people's sullen eyes, Meihong is still very eye-catching, but now everyone no longer wonders her dress, but feels extremely handsome and chic.

Even if she dragged her suitcase and carried her backpack and walked again, Sister Red also attracted passers-by and girls to flirt. When Miao Miao was tired, she was very considerate to wipe her Scream.

Miao Miao was not angry when she met this situation. Instead, she walked a little arrogantly, turning back and forth and said two sentences with Mei Hong as if she was proclaiming sovereignty.

Did you see that handsome little brother, he didn't lose it, I just let you see.

Zao Miao didn't know why she had such a mentality. Maybe she wanted to have a handsome and caring boyfriend in her heart. The boyfriend power of Sister Red at this time is simply MAX, which is excellent for viewing or practical use. select.

The two who had been sweeping for a long time still left the city before the city gate closed. Without the envious gaze of the passers-by, Miao felt a loss because they were about to see Huiyin soon. Oneself is much more important.

Therefore, I am afraid that my current treatment will soon be split by Huiyin. How can Zaomiao's mood get better?

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