Spare Tire Major League

Vol 2 Chapter 2119: Huiyin head mallet

Compared with the Fujiwara girl red of the thick cloth shoes that I saw yesterday, Shang Baize Huiyin's dress looks much more delicate. Although it is not luxurious, but the dark blue long skirt and polished leather boots are also regarded as Xiaojiabiyuzhi sense.

The girl red who goes out to hunt or work in the city every day is not really clinking. She spends her big head on Huiyin, but she responds to the sentence that I am responsible for making money and raising your family. You are responsible for the beautiful and beautiful words.

Of course, Huiyin is not unwilling to give Meihong some good clothes, but Meihong always feels that she is either rushing around in the forest or carrying things in a dirty environment every day. Good clothes are unavoidable to wear on herself. It was a mess, so Huiyin gave her more pocket money to buy cigarettes secretly.

"Anyway, anyway, you worked hard last night to take care of my sister's red, she was not honest at night, you have not been disturbed?" Huiyin said very politely.

However, Shang Baize Huiyin's words made Mei Hong inevitably look at Zaomiao nervously, her eyes full of cravings.

Zao Miao was very uncomfortable by Mei Hong, so she had to panic with conscience: "Then, Mei Hong is sleeping in the guest room."

"Really, then I'm relieved." Huiyin nodded with a smile and turned to stare at Fujiwara Meihong.

"Hui, Huiyin?" Shang Baize Huiyin's gaze made Meihong's cold hair stand, and Qiang Yan said with a smile, "What do you look at me for?"

When she came out of the kitchen, Huiyin had paid attention to the clothes she wore. She was very slim and handsome, but this is not the point!

Where did the old lady knit the clothes for you!

"Meihong, you have changed your clothes." Huiyin smiled slightly, but Meihong could not feel a little temperature.

At present, Meihong can always treat Huiyin as a blind man, so he has to bite the bullet and say, "Yeah."

"What about the one you wore before?" Huiyin continued to ask with a smile.

"I was thrown away by Zaomiao when I was taking a bath, so..." Meihong replied subconsciously, waiting for her to realize that something was wrong, but it was too late.

I saw that the hat on Huiyin's head was directly flew out of the horns that grew out, the clothes on his body also turned green and grabbed Meihong's hands with a thunderbolt, and gave her a head with a hard head. : "I'm lying again, and still lie to me with people!"

Boom, Rao, who is physically strong, was also smashed under the attack of Hakusawa Hyein’s head and turned directly to the street. He had never seen the rumor that Wen Wanxian’s Huiyin’s violent state was frightened. Then, he got up and retreated to the edge of the door, carefully supporting the door frame, preparing to run away in a bad situation.

Meihong said that leaking her mouth had already allowed smart Huiyin to guess what she did, and she seemed not so glorious.

"I was voluntarily..." Zao Miao wanted to explain, but was embarrassed to say it.

Huiyin, who turned around like a beast, stared at Zao Miao, her eyes slowly softened from being fierce, and soon recovered Wen Wanxianhui's appearance: "Ah, sorry Zao Miao, let you see Jokes, I blame me for not being strict."

"No, nothing." Zao Miao grinned reluctantly.

"Why did Zaomiao stand at the gate, sit down and prepare for a meal." Huiyin showed Zaomiao a smile of expectation and turned back to the kitchen.

After Huiyin's figure disappeared in the middle living room, Zao Miao hurriedly squatted down next to Meihong and looked at her, her eyes turned like mosquito coils, and she couldn't help but ask, "Sister Red, are you okay?"

Meihong struggled to stretch out a hand to the sky, murmured vaguely in her mouth: "Help, help me up, me, I can still..."

There was no sofa in the room. Zao Miao had to drag Mei Hong to the wall and lean on it. For a long time, Mei Hong slowed down and looked at Zao Miao: "I'm so stupid, really. I just know not to tell Huiyin last night I slept with Zaomiao, but didn't know that I had changed my clothes..."

"Hello, Meihong, are you okay?" Zao Miao stretched out her palms and shook in front of Meihong's eyes. She suspected that Meihong was really stupid by the head of the hammer, otherwise how could suddenly Xianglin's wife be possessed.

"Huh?" Meihong calmed down and continued to look at Zaomiao, "Ah, Zaomiao, you're fine, then I'm relieved."

"It's like this. You still care about me." Miao Miao whited her sister red, but she was warm in her heart, and then carefully leaned in her sister's ear and said, "I didn't expect Huiyin to be like that. The terrible side."

Mei Hong changed her face quickly, and quickly covered Zaomiao's small mouth, saying: "You can speak quietly, what Huiyin may hear will not treat you, but I will be miserable."

Zaomiao Rao sat interestedly next to Meihong: "It looks like you are really afraid of Huiyin. I used to think that only the students in the temple house would be afraid of her."

"It's not afraid, it's like it!" Meihong said dissatisfiedly, "as long as she doesn't make Huiyin angry, she is still gentle, and the housework is done by her, and she never complains about being messed up. Me, I let her."

Zaomiao was also unconvinced: "I will also do housework, so why didn't you just me?"

"Don't make trouble, I'm going to carry you over, Huiyin has to lift the roof." Mei Hong opened her eyes and whistled guilty.

"You are still scared." Zao Miao turned to Meihong in front of her and pointed at her.

"I took the steel whip to beat you, I should not regret it, and drunk Zheng Xiandi..." Mei Hong sang the dragon and tiger fight.

There is no entertainment in the ancient time and space where history and time are located. Meihong has learned a lot of dramas when listening to people singing. Of course, Yue Zhong sings a lot. Sometimes this sentence will also be sung by Meihong: "Slay you stupid eight."

Considering that Zaomiao's hair color is green, Meihong didn't dare to sing like this.

"Dinner." The voice of Huiyin in the kitchen interrupted Zao Miao's focus on listening to dramas. The ancient drama in the earth age has long since fallen. Sing well.

The dinner at Meihong's family is not rich but it is very delicious. Unlike the crude tea and light rice imagined by Zao Miao, there are two meat dishes and plenty of weight.

"There is nothing good at home, and I don't know that Zao Miao is coming today, so I didn't prepare, but don't dislike it." Since knowing the things about Meihong and Zao Miao last night, Huiyin's eyes looked a bit wrong with Zao Miao.

Therefore, Miao Miao was somewhat uncomfortable sitting at the dining table, but this strange feeling soon became indifferent with the food entrance.

"It won't be delicious, it's much better than the food I cook." Zao Miao complimented Huiyin's craftsmanship, but he was thinking about who was better at cooking and Huiyin.

"Then I'm relieved." Huiyin skillfully pinned Meihong with two chopsticks, and looked at Meihong as if she was still angry. "I don't know what to do, but don't hurry to eat."

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